Customers knowledge is an attractive and effective source of ideas for proposals innovative products (services) as well as changes in existing products (services). Contemporary firms recognize the need to co-create product (services) with the participation of customers. The aim of this article is to define customer knowledge, value co-creation and customer co-creation concepts. The activities of IKEA were used to illustrate the issues presented in the article.
W obiekcie dystrybucyjnym IKEA zastosowano do celów grzewczych pompy ciepła korzystające z odwiertów wykonanych dla potrzeb instalacji p.poż. Dzięki temu wyeliminowano emisję spalin do atmosfery oraz zmniejszono koszty eksploatacji systemu grzewczego.
IKEA otwarła w styczniu br. nowe Centrum Dystrybucji do Klienta (CDC) w Jarostach koło Piotrkowa Trybunalskiego, które zapewni realizację zamówień składanych przez internet i wysyłanych bezpośrednio do klientów.
The article aims to analyse a sonic turn in IKEA marketing practices that can be observed since 2017. The selection of advertisements that are presented in the paper is studied from two perspectives. Firstly, as a capitalist strategy of producing a demand for a certain product allowing to reperform acoustic harmony that is inherently connected to the notion of a home in western culture. Secondly, in quite the opposite way, as a possible aesthetic impulse capable of changing the consumers’ perception of indoor soundscapes. The frame for this research is mainly Brandon LaBelle’s sound studies theory and Chantal Mouffe’s political theory.