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w słowach kluczowych:  Huta im.Tadeusza Sendzimira
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The purpose of the study was to find out whether and to what degree environment-friendly activities of the T. Sendzimir Steelworks, particularly intensive in recent years, reduced the accumulation of heavy metals in arable soils affected by its activity. The evaluation was based on an analysis of the cadmium, lead, zinc and iron in soil samples taken at the distance of 1-18 km from the borders of the Steelworks in the years 1987, 1989 and 1994. It was noted that the Steelworks’ activity contributed significantly to the increase in the content of zinc and cadmium in the surface layer (0-20 cm) of soils affected by the Steelworks’ activity. The increased lead content in this soil layer was also caused by emission sources of this metal other than the Steelworks. The zone of evident pollution of arable soils with heavy metals covers an area of 3-6 km from the Steelworks’ borders. Despite a marked reduction of dust pollution by the Steelworks in recent years, heavy metals are slowly accumulating in the surface soils affected by the Steelworks’ emission sources.
Celem badań było stwierdzenie czy i w jakim stopniu prowadzone, szczególnie intensywnie w ostatnich latach, proekologiczne działania Huty im. T. Sendzimira wpłynęły na ograniczenie kumulacji metali ciężkich w glebach uprawnych rejonu jej oddziaływania. Oceny dokonano w oparciu o analizę zawartości kadmu, ołowiu, cynku i żelaza w próbkach gleb pobranych w rejonie 1-18 km od granic Huty w latach 1987, 1989 i 1994. Stwierdzono, że działalność Huty przyczyniła się do znacznego podwyższenia zawartości cynku i kadmu w wierzchniej warstwie (0-20 cm) gleb położonych w zasięgu jej oddziaływania. Zwiększona zawartość ołowiu w tej warstwie gleby spowodowana została również przez inne, poza Hutą, źródła emisji tego metalu. Strefa wyraźnego skażenia gleb uprawnych metalami ciężkimi obejmuje obszar 3-6 km od granic Huty. Pomimo znacznego ograniczenia przez Hutę emisji zanieczyszczeń pyłowych w ostatnich latach, następuje dalsze powolne ich nagromadzanie w wierzchniej warstwie gleb, w rejonie wpływu emitorów HTS.
Content available Degradacja srodowiska przez Hute im.T.Sendzimira
tom 418
nr 1
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące kumulacji metali ciężkich w glebie i w roślinach w sąsiedztwie HTS. W okresie trwających 12 lat badań (1983-1994) emisja pyłów z 72 800 ton w roku 1983 zmniejszyła się do 9 580 ton w 1994 roku. Spowodowało to zasadniczy spadek skażenia metalami ciężkimi nadziemnych części roślin (liście, źdźbła, łodygi, owoce, a szczególnie liście warzyw. Niestety w glebie mamy do czynienia ze wzrastającą kumulacją. Wzrasta też zanieczyszczenie spichrzowych korzeni warzyw. W najbliższym sąsiedztwie HTS należy zaprzestać uprawy wszelkich warzyw.
The paper presents the results of research concerning heavy metals cummulation in soil and plants around Tadeusz Sendzimir Steel Works. Research work has been carried out last 12 years (1983-1994). Its results show that dust emission is lower in 1994 than in 1983 (1983 - 72 800t, 1994 - 9 580t). It was the reason of lowering heavy metal pollution in overground portions of plants (leaves, stalks, haulm, fruit, and particularly vegetable leaves). Unfortunately there is growing cummulation of heavy metals in soil. Pollution of vegetable tap-roots is also growing. The author suggests there should be no-cultivation of vegetables in the immediate vicinity of the Steel Works.
nr 09
In June, the Cracow City Council put on its agenda the fate of the Sendzimir Steelworks and regeneration options for Nowa Huta. After the production profile had been changed, the steelworks and city faced urban, demographic, transport and economic problems. A team from The Technical University of Cracow developed a plan for developing these areas. Krystyna Bonenberg interviews Professor Stanisław Juchniewicz, the University Team Manager.
W czerwcu Rada Miasta Krakowa obradowała nad dalszym losem Huty im. Tadeusza Sendzimira i możliwościami ożywiania gospodarczego dzielnicy Nowa Huta. Po zmianie w profilu produkcji Huty pojawiły się przed zakładem i dzielnicą problemy urbanistyczne, demograficzne, komunikacyjne, ekonomiczne. Plan rozwoju tych obszarów opracował zespół z Politechniki Krakowskiej. Z jego kierownikiem, prof. Stanisław Juchniewiczem, rozmawia Krystyna Bonenberg.
Samples of soil and meadow sward were collected in the first half of June 1992 at 47 spots situated in various directions and distances from the Ironworks (fig. 1). The following directions were taken into consideration: north-west (N-W), north (N), north-east (N-E), east (E), south-east (S-E), south (S) and south-west (S-W). Depending on the direction, the longest distance from the source of emission was from 6 to 19 km. One sample of meadow sward and three samples of soil, one from each of the following horizons: 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 30-50 cm were collected. Contents of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were assessed in soil and plant samples. Apart from heavy metals also basic soil properties were assayed in soil samples. Estimation of heavy metals content points to processes of heavy metals cumulation in soil which are taking place in the area around the Ironworks. It concerns particularly zinc and, to a lesser extent, lead and cadmium (tables I and 3). The heaviest pollution of soil with zinc was observed in the areas adjoining the Ironworks from N-E direction, with cadmium from E direction and with lead from E and N directions (Fig 2-6). As regards the vertical distribution, two groups may be distinguished within the investigated heavy metals: one comprises copper and nickel which do not show a vertical variation, the second one includes cadmium, lead and zinc, and their content generally decreases markedly along with depth (tab. 1 and fig. 2-6). Only in case of nickel and zinc their content in soil is positively correlated with die content of heavy metals assessed in sward (tab. 5) Despite of a high content of some metals in the investigated soils — their content assayed in sward is within norm and does not disqualify the hay as fodder (tab. 4).
Próbki gleb i runi łąkowej pobrano w 49 punktach usytuowanych w różnych kierunkach i różnych odległościach od Huty. Oznaczono w nich zawartość Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn. Kierunek i odległość od Huty miały dość wyraźny wpływ na zawartość: Cd, Pb i Zn w glebie. Nic stwierdzono takiej zależności w odniesieniu do Cu i Ni. Oznaczona zawartość metali ciężkich runi łąkowej tylko w przypadku niklu i cynku jest dodatnio skorelowana z ich zawartością w glebie.
Racje pokarmowe mieszkańców strefy ochronnej Huty im. T. Sendzimira zawierały witaminę C w ilościach pozwalających na realizację normy na poziomie bezpiecznego spożycia jedynie w 56% jesienią i 51% wiosną. Pobranie witamin z grupy В pokrywało normy jesienią w zakresie od 66% (ryboflawina) do 72% (pirydoksyna), natomiast wiosną w zakresie od 72% (tiamina i ryboflawina) do 82% (pirydoksyna). Stwierdzono również pełną realizację norm na witaminy A i E wynoszącą jesienią odpowiednio 147% i 129% oraz wiosną 127% i 131%.
The studies were conducted in autumn 1996 and 1997 and in spring 1997 and 1998. They comprised determination of nutrition patterns in 10 families living in farms located in the protection zone around the T. Sendzimir Steelworks. The families participating in the study were mostly three-generation average-income farmer and farmer/worker families using crops, food products and processed food obtained, for the most part, from their own farms. The nutrition patterns were assessed by collecting daily food records, and the evaluation was based on 7-day data. A total of (1076) records were collected. The calculations were made using the FOOD-2 software. The contents of vitamin C in the food rations of the inhabitants of the T. Sendzimir Steelworks protection zone constituted only 56% (autumn) and 51% (spring) of the dose recommended as safe by the relevant standard. The intake of vitamin В components accounted for 72% (thiamine and riboflavin) to 82% (pyridoxine) of the recommended dose in spring, while the respective values for autumn were from 66% (riboflavin) to 72% (pyridoxine). Vitamin A and E intake satisfied the requirements of the standard, averaging 147% and 129% in autumn, 127% and 131% in spring, respectively.
nr 3
Pobranie ołowiu z racjami pokarmowymi przez mieszkańców strefy ochronnej Huty im. T. Sendzimira wynosiło 44% PTWI niezależnie od sezonu. Poziom kadmu w racjach pokarmowych pobieranych jesienią stanowił 143% wartości dopuszczalnej, a w pobieranych wiosną był istotnie niższy i wynosił 99%. Uzyskane współczynniki zmienności wynoszące ok. 65% zarówno dla ołowiu, jak i dla kadmu świadczą o bardzo dużym rozproszeniu powtórzeń wokół średnich wartości pobrania wymienionych metali.
The object of the study was to assess lead and cadmium intake of inhabitants of selected farms located in the area affected by the steelworks emission. Food rations (280 units) were collected during two successive years from autumn 1996 until spring 1998. The weight of the rations was determined taking into account the amount of waste; the ratios were then homogenized, frozen and lyophilised. The lyophilised food rations were dried, mineralised, and the mineralisate was dissolved in HNO3 solution (1/2 HNO3/H2O volume ratio). A Jobin Ivon ICP-AES JY-238 Ultrac Emission Spectrometer was used to determine the amount of cadmium and lead in the resultant solutions. At the same time, food records were kept and personal questionnaires were obtained for each family member participating in the experiment. The results were then recalculated into the weighted average food ration mass for each family, and the value of the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) was calculated vs. the weighted average body mass. The group of 62 people participating in the experiment comprised 14% girls and 10% boys aged 10-18 (24%), and 46% women and 30% men aged 19-84 (76%). The amount of lead in the food rations was around 44% PTWI, irrespective of the season of the year. The amount of cadmium in the analysed food rations was 143% PTWI in autumn and 99% PTWI in spring.
tom 32
nr 4
Zawartość azotanów i azotynów w analizowanych racjach pokarmowych wahała się w szerokich granicach, odpowiednio od 18,6 do 491,0 mg i od 1,0 do 19,98 mg. Średnie dzienne pobranie azotanów odpowiadało jesienią 41% ADI, a wiosną było nieistotnie wyższe i wynosiło 47% ADI. Natomiast pobranie azotynów wynosiło średnio 63% ADI jesienią wiosną było nieistotnie niższe przyjmując wartość 52% ADI.
The aim of this study was to evaluate dietary nitrate and nitrite intake by the population of the protective zone around the Sendzimir iron and steel works. Fresh daily rations collected during two consecutive years (autumn 1996 to spring 1998) were weighed and homogenized. Nitrates and nitrites were determined by the Griess colorimetry as modified by Romminger and Strauss. Simultaneously, daily food intakes and personel details were recorded for each member of every family participating in the experiment. The results were expressed as weighed mean food ration for a given family, and then the values of admissible daily intake (ADI) of nitrates and nitrites were calculated from weighed mean body weight. Despite a few cases where the limits had been exceeded, mean daily intake of nitrates was estimated at ave. 41% ADI in autumn and 47% ADI in spring, while the corresponding numbers for nitrites were 63% and 52% ADI, respectively. Significant differences between the autumn and spring intakes of the examined chemicals were not detected.
Mieszkańcy strefy ochronnej Huty im. T. Sendzimira pobierali żelazo, cynk, miedź oraz nikiel w ilościach odpowiednio 12,54, 12,55 i 1,00 mg oraz 132 µg, przy współczynnikach zmienności 59% dla niklu i -32% dla pozostałych metali. Wymienione wartości pobrania metali pozwoliły na pokrycie zalecanego spożycia odpowiednio w 96, 110 i 43% oraz pokrycie przypuszczalnego zapotrzebowania na nikiel w 130%.
The object of the study was to assess the intake of iron, zinc, copper and nickel in the inhabitants of selected farms situated within the area affected by steel works emission. Of the 62 people taking part in the study, girls and boys aged 10-18 accounted for 14% and 10%, respectively (24%), while men and women aged 19-84 constituted 46% and 30%, respectively (76%) of the participants. A seven-day food record and personal questionnaire including information on age, sex, job, physiological condition were kept and filled in for each of the farm inhabitants. Weighted average mass of the food rations and weighted average recommended intake values were calculated from those data. Food rations (280 units) were collected during two successive years from autumn 1996 to spring 1998. The individual rations were weighed and the amount of waste was determined. The rations were then homogenized, frozen and lyophilized. The lyophilized food rations were dry-mineralized, and the ash was dissolved in HNO3 solution (1/2 HNO3/H2O volume ratio). Iron, copper and zinc contents in the resultant solution were determined on a Philips PU 9100 Absorption Spectrophotometer. An ICP-AES Jobin Ivon JY-238 Ultrac Emission Spectrometer was used to determine the amount of nickel in the solution as recommended by the manufacturer. Iron, zinc, copper and nickel intakes of the inhabitants of the buffer zone were 12.54 mg, 12.55 mg, 1.00 mg, 132 µg, respectively, and the values of the coefficient of variation were 59% for nickel and ca. 32% for the remaining metals. Those values correspond to 96%, 110% and 53% of the recommended intake of iron, zinc and copper, respectively, and to 130% of the probable recommended intake of nickel.
tom 35
nr 1
Wapń, miedź, potas, magnez okazały się najbardziej deficytowymi składnikami mineralnymi w analizowanych racjach pokarmowych mieszkańców terenów ekologicznie zagrożonych, a realizacja normy jesienią i wiosną wynosiła odpowiednio 49 i 47%, 54 i 59%, 68 i 76%, 74 i 83%. Pobranie żelaza i cynku w okresie wiosny było na zadawalającym poziomie, jesienią natomiast pobranie wymienionych składników mineralnych było niższe i pokryło normy jedynie w 85 i 83%. Średnie wartości pobrania fosforu jesienią i wiosną stanowiły 142 i 157% normy. Ilości sodu w racjach aż czterokrotnie przekroczyły minimalną normę spożycia. Stwierdzono istotnie większą realizację norm na wszystkie analizowane składniki mineralne wiosną z wyjątkiem wapnia, fosforu i sodu, dla których procent realizacji norm wiosną i jesienią był zbliżony.
The studies were conducted in autumn 1996 and 1997 and in spring 1997 and 1998. They comprised determination of nutrition patterns in 10 families living in farms located in the protection zone around the T. Sendzimir Steelworks. The families participating in the study were mostly three-generation average- income farmer and farmer/worker families using crops, food products and processed food obtained, for the most part, from their own farms. The nutrition patterns were assessed by collecting daily food records, and the evaluation was based on 7-day data. A total of (1076) records were collected. The calculations were made using the FOOD-2 software. The highest deficiency in the intake of mineral components with the studied food rations of the inhabitants of the T. Sendzimir Steelworks protection zone was noted for calcium, copper, potassium and magnesium, and their intakes with the diet in autumn/spring accounted for 49/47, 54/59,68/76%, and 74/83% of the recommended values, respectively. Iron and zinc intake was satisfactory in spring, while in autumn it was only 85 and 83% of the recommended value, respectively. The average phosphorus intake was 142 and 157% of the recommended value in autumn and spring, respectively. Sodium content in the food rations fourfold exceeded the minimum value recommended by the nutrition standard. Intake of all minerals, except for the intake of calcium, phosphorus and sodium which was similar in spring and autumn, was shown to be significantly closer to the recommended values in spring than in autumn.
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