This article deals with the co-operation among the Lvov historians studying education system and upbringing within the ministry’s Board for Studies on the History of Upbringing and Education in Poland, operating between 1919 and 1929. Its management was seated in Cracow and it was led by the president of the Polish Academy of Learning, Kazimierz Morawski. As far as the co-operation between the Lvov division and the Cracow headquarters is concerned, the publishing, personal and organizational issues were of the main importance. The first ones were the source of tension connected with far greater expectations for publishing works by the members of the division than it was possible considering the existing Board funds. The leading project undertaken by the Lvov historians, i.e. the history of Galician education system, was not realized, although works had been initiated. The issue of this ambitious endeavour influenced the management’s attitude towards the members of the Lvov division. It was impossible to become more effective due to lack of funds and personal conflicts. In Lvov there were not many fully professional researchers dealing with the history of education and upbringing, thus delays in approving candidates by the headquarters were treated as an obstacle to the works of the division. Its members did not compare their organization to the newly founded divisions in Poznan, Lublin and Vilnius but they referred their potential to Cracow and Warsaw, stating that their efforts were underestimated. The first president of the Lvov division, Kazimierz Twardowski gave up his post after less than two years. His successor, Ferdinand Bostel resigned even faster. Establishing a federation of equal divisions with more representative management was proposed along with the possibility to have an independent publishing and personal policy. Issuing new publishing series (source materials and school monographs) was suggested. Co-operation in this matter between the Cracow headquarters and the ministry of education completely paralyzed the efforts of the Lvov-Warsaw fronde. However, the Lvov historians succeeded in organizing the 150th anniversary of the National Education Board and the death of Stanislaw Konarski celebrated in 1923 and commemorated with publishing a memorial book. After that there was a year-and-a-half break in the work of the division caused by the withdrawal of the most active members. The division was revived but Stanislaw Lempicki’s efforts aiming at enlivening works in the second half of the 1920s did not bring satisfactory results. The horrible situation of the Board deprived of the ministry’s grants and the possibility to print publications meant mere vegetation of the divisions. All this indicated a still relatively weak integration of the circles of Polish education and upbringing historians.
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The article is not an exhaustive paper on the condition of contemporary history education in Poland’s higher education institutions, but merely an introduction to the much needed discussion on the condition of contemporary history education in Poland.
Artykuł omawia ideały wychowawcze w szkołach Komisji Edukacji Narodowej (KEN) w dobie oświecenia na tle europejskim. Wykorzystuje metody historii kultury intelektualnej (intellectual history), które umożliwiają poszerzenie tradycyjnej historii oświaty i wychowania o wymiar społeczno-kulturowy. Działania Komisji, podobnie jak poprzedzające ją reformy przeprowadzone w Rzeczypospolitej na gruncie szkolnictwa kościelnego w połowie XVIII wieku, wpisują się w analogiczne zmiany na gruncie ogólnoeuropejskim. Podobny był ich duch, godzący nowożytny utylitaryzm – odpowiedni do potrzeb absolutystycznych państw, które przejmowały troskę o oświatę od grup wyznaniowych – z integralną wizją szkoły, w której elementem fundamentalnym jest wychowanie moralne zespolone z religijnym. Mimo przejawów pewnego racjonalizmu i naturalizmu w duchu epoki religia pozostała fundamentem moralności, a ta podstawą ładu społecznego. Artykuł potwierdza ideę tzw. długiego trwania (longue durée), ukazując ciągłość wychowawczą w szkole nowożytnej, mimo odmiennych deklaracji ideowych.
This paper discusses the ideals of education present in the schools of the Commission of National Education (Pol. KEN) in the period of the Enlightenment against the backdrop of Europe. It applies the methods of intellectual history which permit to expand the traditional history of education and formation by the social and cultural dimensions. The activities of the Commission, like the preceding reforms in the mid-eighteenth century Polish Republic (based on church education), are part and parcel of the European reforms. They were similar in terms of their spirit that combined a critical approach to modern utilitarianism—appropriate to the needs of the absolutist states that were concerned about education in the manner of religious groups— with an integral vision of school whose fundamental element was moral formation in combination with religious formation. Despite certain manifestations of rationalism and naturalism in line with the spirit of the epoch, religion remained the foundation of morality, and the latter in turn was the foundation of social order. This paper confirms the idea of the so-called long duration (longue durée), and shows that in spite of different ideological declarations we observe educational continuity in the modern school.
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