Celem artykułu była ocena wpływ czasu koncentracji i charakterystyk opadu na kształtowanie się hydrogramu odpływu w małej zlewni niekontrolowanej. Analizę przeprowadzono dla zlewni rzeki Sidzinka. Jej zlewnia w większości znajduje się na terenie gminy miejskiej Kraków. Czas koncentracji obliczono dwoma metodami: Kerby’ego-Kirpicha oraz procedurą TR-55. Wielkość opadu efektywnego obliczono za pomocą metody SCS-CN. Wartości parametru CN określono na podstawie bazy Corine Land Cover 2003 oraz przy wykorzystaniu ortofotomap. W trakcie obliczeń wykorzystano cztery rozkłady natężenia deszczu dla czasów trwania równych czasom koncentracji. Założono rozkład blokowy oraz rozkład o maksymalnym natężeniu występującym na początku, w środku i na końcu epizodu opadowego. Obliczenia przeprowadzono za pomocą programu HEC-HMS 4.0. Wyniki obliczeń wykazują zróżnicowanie warto- ści zarówno przepływów w kulminacji, jak i wysokości oraz objętości odpływu w zależności od wykorzystanego wzoru na czas koncentracji. Mimo iż różnica pomiędzy wartościami parametru CN wyniosła tylko 6%, znacznie wpłynęło to na wartości przepływów w kulminacji.
The aim of this paper is to estimate the effect of time of concentration and rainfall characteristics on runoff hydrograph in small ungauged catchment. The analysis were carried out for the catchment of Sidzinka river. This catchment is mostly located in the area of municipalities of Kraków. Time of concentration was calculated by two methods: Kerby-Kirpich and TR-55 procedure. The amount of effective rainfall was calculated by SCS-CN method. The value of CN parameter was estimated by analyzing the Corine Land Cover 2003 base and orthophotomaps. There were assumed four rainfall distribution: block rainfall, front-loaded hyetograph, center-loaded hyetograph and back-loaded hyetograph. All calculations were made with use of HEC-HMS 4.0 program. The obtained results show the diversity in values of peak flows, amount and volume of runoff, depending on the method to calculate Tc. Although the difference between the CN parameter’s values was only 6%, it considerably affected the peak flow values.
This study presents a flood estimation model for wadi Ressoul in El Berda watershed, north east of Algeria. To ensure the overall consistency of simulated results, it is necessary to develop a validation process, particularly in regions where data are scarce or limited and unreliable. To this we must calibrate and validate the model over the hydrograph as measured at the output. Calibration and validation processes were carried out using different sets of data (CN, SCS Lag and Muskingum K). Evaluation on the performance of the developed flood model derived using HEC-HMS (hydrologic modelling system) yield a correlation coefficient R2 close to 1 and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency. We limit ourselves to modelling flood of short duration for which the process of evapotranspiration is negligible. Several events have been tested, including two to calibrate and one to validate the model. So it can be said that using the HEC-HMS model had the highest efficiency in with the values of these parameters calibrated, based on objective functions (percent error in peaks), with 8.8 percent difference between of observed and simulated discharges with R2 value is 0.87 and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency value is 0.99.
W publikacji przedstawiono model oceny powodzi opracowany dla rzeki Rassoul w zlewni El Berda w północno-wschodniej Algierii. Aby zapewnić spójność wyników symulacji, należy przeprowadzić proces sprawdzenia modelu, szczególnie w odniesieniu do regionów, w których dane są skąpe lub ograniczone i mało wiarygodne. W tym celu należało kalibrować model i dokonać jego potwierdzenia na podstawie danych hydrograficznych. Procesy kalibracji i testowania przeprowadzono z użyciem różnych zestawów danych (CN, SCS Lag i Muskingum K). W wyniku oceny zachowania skonstruowanego modelu HEC-HMS uzyskano współczynnik determinacji R2 bliski 1 i dobry współczynnik efektywności Nasha–Sutcliffa. Autorzy ograniczyli się do modelowania powodzi o krótkim czasie trwania, gdy można pominąć ewapotranspirację. Testowano kilka zdarzeń, w tym dwa w celu kalibracji i jedno w celu potwierdzenia modelu. Można stwierdzić, że model HEC-HMS ma najwyższą wydajność opartą na obiektywnych funkcjach (procent błędu w szczytach fali) wyrażoną 8,8-procentową różnicą między obserwowanym i symulowanym odpływem, gdy R2 = 0,87 i wartość współczynnika efektywności Nasha–Sutcliffa wynosi 0,99.
Praca dotyczy doboru rozkładu czasowego opadu wykorzystanego do procesu modelowania typu opad-odpływ. Jako obszar badawczy wykorzystano zlewnię Bystrzycy, będącej lewostronnym dopływem Nysy Kłodzkiej. Dla realizacji założeń konieczne było stworzenie kilku wariantów możliwego rozkładu czasowego deszczu, w tym jednego wykorzystującego szeroko stosowaną metodę opartą na zaleceniach Niemieckiego Związku Gospodarki Wodnej i Melioracji DVWK. Do weryfikacji i kalibracji wyników modelowania wykorzystano dane opadowe oraz pomierzone wartości przepływów pozyskane z zasobów IMGW-PIB. Dane związane z zagospodarowaniem terenu oraz rozkładem gleb na terenie zlewni, które zostały wykorzystane w procesie modelowania, wymagały analizy przy użyciu narzędzi pozwalających na przetwarzanie informacji przestrzennej w środowisku GIS. Proces modelowania został przeprowadzony w programie HEC-HMS 4.2 za pomocą zaimplementowanego w nim modelu NRCS-UH (dawniej SCS-CN) opracowanego przez Amerykańską Służbę Ochrony Gleb (Soil Conservation Service SCS). Celem modelowania było sprawdzenie, który z przyjętych rozkładów czasowej zmienności opadu wygeneruję falę hipotetyczną najbardziej zbliżoną do fali rzeczywistej z 13.06.2015 roku. Jako niezależne miary dopasowania hydrogramu symulowanego względem obserwowanego wykorzystano statystyki w postaci: współczynnika efektywności modelu Nash-Sutcliffe (NS), średniego błędu bezwzględny MAE oraz pierwiastka błędu średniokwadratowego RMSE. Na podstawie kalibracji modelu przeprowadzonego na podstawie wezbrania z 2015 roku wskazano na wariant z rozkładem czasowym opadu, w którym kulminacja przypada na 12 godzinę opadu.
The paper concerns the selection of precipitation time distribution used in the process of development rainfall-runoff model. The Bystrzyca catchment area, which is a left-bank tributary of the Nysa Kłodzka River, was used as a research area. In order to achieve the assumptions, it was necessary to create several variants of possible rainfall time distribution, including one using a widely used method based on the recommendations of the German Association for Water Management and Land Melioration DVWK. To verify and calibrate the modeling results, rainfall data and measured values of flow obtained from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute resources were used. Data related to land use and soil arrangement in the catchment area, which were used in the modelling process, required analysis with the use of tools enabling the processing of spatial information in the GIS environment. The modelling process was carried out in HEC-HMS 4. 2 using the NRCS-UH model (formerly SCS-CN) implemented by the American Soil Conservation Service (SCS). The aim of the modeling process was to check which of the assumed distributions of time variation of precipitation will generate the hypothetical wave closest to the actual wave of 13. 06. 2015. Independent measures of the simulated hydrogramme’s adjustment to the observed one, included statistics in the form of: Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) coefficient of performance, mean absolute error of the MAE, and the root mean square error of the RMSE model. On the basis of the calibration of the model carried out on the basis of the increase of the rainfall in 2015, a variant with the precipitation time distribution was indicated, in which the culmination falls on the 12th hour of precipitation.
Hydrological models are widely used for runoff simulation throughout the world. The objective of this study is to check the performance of the HEC-HMS model for continuous runoff simulation of Gilgel Gibe watershed. It includes sensitivity analysis, calibration, and validation. The model calibration was conducted with data from the year 1991 to 2002 and validated for the year 2003 to 2013 period using daily observed stream flow near the outlet of the watershed. To check the consistency of the model, both the calibration and validation periods were divided into two phases. The sensitivity analysis of parameters showed that curve number (CN) and wave travel time (K) were the most sensitive, whereas channel storage coefficient (x) and lag time (tlag) were moderately sensitive. The model performance measured using Nash–Sutcliff Efficiency (NSE), Percentage of Bias (PBIAS), correlation coefficient (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), and Percentage Error in Peak (PEP). The respective values were 0.795, 8.225%, 0.916, 27.105 m3∙s–1 and 7.789% during calibration, and 0.795, 23.015%, 0.916, 29.548 m3∙s–1 and –19.698% during validation. The result indicates that the HEC-HMS model well estimated the daily runoff and peak discharge of Gilgel Gibe watershed. Hence, the model is recommended for continuous runoff simulation of Gilgel Gibe watershed. The study will be helpful for efficient water resources and watershed management for Gilgel Gibe watershed. It can also be used as a reference or an input for any future hydrological investigations in the nearby un-gauged or poorly gauged watershed.
Advancements in computer techniques with a geographic information system (GIS) interface have greatly contributed to simulating river basins with a reasonable level of accuracy. It becomes possible to analyze and model various aspects of a river basin, such as water flow, land use, and hydrological processes. Water is essential for sustaining life. Previous studies revealed that effective watershed management requires an understanding of the impact of rainfall in the catchment area, but due to poorly gauged river basin, it becomes difficult to predict the hydrological response. In this context, hydrologic engineering centre – hydrologic modeling system (HEC-HMS) model is used to simulate surface runoff in different watersheds. The study simulated the Wainganga river basin, geographically located between longitude 78°0’–80°45’ E and latitudes 19°41’–22°50’ N. The model utilizes eighteen year data for rainfall extracted from Indian Meteorological Department with 0.25×0.25 grid. Similarly, evapotranspiration and observed discharge were extracted from India water resource information system. Shuttle radar topography mission dataset with digital elevation model of 30×30 m spatial resolution, extracted from United States of Geological Survey was an input to HEC-HMS 4.10. Different approaches with changing parameters were implemented for suitable simulation. SCS curve number method with Muskingum routing was implemented for study. The purpose of study was to compare the calculated and observed discharge as well as test model performance. Nash efficiency coefficients (NSE) were used for testing performance. The results show a satisfactory performance with NSE above 0.7 for basin. The description outlines, model can be used for assessing the behavior of large river basin.
In Morocco, the mountainous areas are often exposed to bulky and vicious flows of water and sediment. This process is exacerbated by the decrease in vegetation cover and the disruption in rainfall-runoff conditions that frequently cause significant flooding. By exploring the main hydrologic elements of these processes, it is possible to understand the behavior and hydrological response of watersheds and thus plan accordingly. In this study, the authors focused on determining the morphometric characteristics of the upper Oum Er-Rbia River basin (UOERRB by assessing/ evaluating the land use and land cover changes for a period of 32 years (1984-2016). Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) was applied to simulate four daily hydrological events. The concentration time was 7.7 hours. The four storm events examined to calibrate and validate the simulated outflow at the outlet indicated a good agreement between the hydrographs of the measured and simulated flows, with an average Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) value ranging from 0.63 to 0.76. Between 2002 and 2016, an average 6.21 percent increase in vegetation cover of with annual rainfall increasing from 690 to 714.1 mm/year was observed. These results can contribute to a better understanding of the hydrologic processes and better estimation of the return flows and thus guiding management decisions and developments in the UOERRB.
Ain Sefra is one of the Algerian cities that had been experienced several devastating floods during the past 100 years. The purpose of this study is to simulate runoff in the semi-arid region of Ain Sefra watershed through the employing of the Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modelling System (HEC-HMS). In this paper, the frequency storm is used for the meteorological model, the Soil Conservation Service – curve number (SCS-CN) is selected to calculate the loss rate and Soil Conservation Service unit hydrograph method have been applied to simulate the runoff rate. After calibration and validation, the simulated peak discharges were very close with observed values. The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient was 0.95, indicates that the hydrological modeling results are satisfactory and accepted for simulation of rainfall-runoff. The peak discharges obtained for the 10, 50, 100 and 1000 year storms are respectively 425.8, 750.5, 904.3 and 1328.3 m3∙s–1.
Ain Sefra jest jednym z algierskich miast, które doświadczyły kilku niszczących powodzi w ciągu minionych 100 lat. Celem badań prezentowanych w pracy było symulowanie odpływu w regionie o klimacie półsuchym w zlewni Ain Sefra z wykorzystaniem systemu modelowania hydrologicznego HEC-HMS. W pracy użyto częstotliwości opadów nawalnych do konstruowania modelu meteorologicznego, liczbę krzywych Służby Ochrony Gleb USA – ang. Soil Consevation Service (SCS-CN) wybrano do obliczenia tempa strat, a metodę jednostkowego hydrogramu Służby Ochrony Gleb USA użyto do symulowania szybkości odpływu. Po przeprowadzeniu kalibracji i walidacji modelu symulowane maksymalne odpływy były bardzo bliskie wartościom obserwowanym. Współczynnik wydajności Nasha–Sutcliffa równy 0,95 wskazuje, że wyniki modelowania hydrologicznego są zadowalające i mogą być przyjęte do symulowania relacji opad–odpływ. Uzyskane maksymalne odpływy dla 10-, 50-, 100- i 1000-letnich opadów nawalnych wynoszą odpowiednio 425,8, 750,5, 904,3 i 1328,3 m3∙s–1.
This study aimed to develop a hydrologic model for the central region (central catchments) located between Dokan and Al-Dibis dams in the Lesser Zab River (LZR) watershed, in Iraq. The hydrologic structure of the study area was prepared based on the DEM layer with 12.5 m spatial resolution by using the GIS environment, and then the HEC-HMS software was used for simulating the main hydrological processes like the infiltration losses, transformation, channel routing, and the baseflow contribution by using the SCS-CN, SCS-UH, Muskingum, and the Recession methods respectively. The corrections of the CN parameter due to the effects of the slope and initial abstraction were used and the resulting CN values for the entire LZR watershed were ranging from 56 to 100. This study concluded the effectivity of using the GIS environment and HEC-HMS software in the continuous rainfall-runoff modelling and achieved very good performance with R2 and NSE criteria of 0.9115 and 0.9 under the calibration phase, while 0.925 and 0.91 values were achieved for the same criteria under the validation phase respectively, also the CN was the most sensitive parameter in the proposed hydrologic model.
This research aimed to prepare for spatial hydrological modeling using the Hydrologic Modeling System (HECHMS) by integrating different spatial technologies to study the Beht catchment area, which covers 4560 km2 and also has a perimeter of 414 km. Firstly, the approach was to extract automatically the sub-basins and the drainage network. Then, these data were edited using the HEC-GEO-HMS extension, whereas the land use and land cover data were prepared for the generation of a Curve Number (CN) map of Beht watershed; lastly, the basin model was imported into the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) to simulate the surface runoff. The findings indicated a good match between the calculated and measured values and revealed also that the model is valid, good and performed well in terms of assessment criterion, with average values of Relative Error in peak: REP = 9.6%, Relative Error in volume: REV = 1.69%, Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency: NSE = 0.63, coefficient of determination: R2 = 0.870, and Ratio of standard deviation of observations to root mean square error: RSR = 0.36.
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