The author of the article investigates Shin Takamatsu’s works in search of narration studied on the basis of the architect’s buildings along with his own descriptions and texts interpreting his work – with particular reference to Felix Guattari’s analysis. The use of metaphors and other devices of architectural poetics, such as architectural quotations, natural and mechanical inspirations, abstract and iconographic signs and cultural symbols in Takamatsu’s structures equates them with literary works, which has been reflected in the architect’s statements. The artist turns them into a coherent language with a particular narrative.
Autor artykułu poszukuje narracji prac Shina Takamatsu, przeanalizowanej na podstawie jego budynków, wraz z autorskimi opisami, oraz tekstów interpretujących twórczość architekta, ze szczególnym wskazaniem analizy Felixa Guattariego. Metaforyka struktur Takamatsu, zastosowanie środków „poetyki architektonicznej”, takich jak cytaty z architektury, inspiracje formami naturalnymi i mechanistycznymi, wykorzystane abstrakcyjne i ikonograficznie znaki oraz symbole kulturowe, przybliża je do dzieł literackich, co potwierdzają słowa architekta. Tworzy z nich spójny język z określoną narracją.
The text presents the theory of the unconscious that can be found in the worksof the philosophico-psychoanalytical pair of French thinkers: Gilles Deleuzeand Felix Guattari. Their theory was conceived in opposition to the classicalfreudian psychoanalysis as well as a certain interpretation of lacanism. It consistsof three main parts: the analysis of desire as the “content” of the unconscious; de-siring machines that form its “infrastructure”; and the authors’ proposal on how to“read” the unconscious. The authors ofAnti-Oedipusoppose to a theory of desirethat links it with lack, the signifier and Law, to describe it as positive, productive,real and non-signifying. They describe the unconscious as multiplicity of moleculardesiring machines that always function in the social realm. Deleuze and Guattaripropose a manner of “reading” the unconscious that opposes both the Freudianmethod of deciphering it as well as the “structuralist” psychoanalysis’ method ofsearching for the Signifier, and instead focuses on examining the work of desiringmachines.
The article proposes a reconstruction of the basic assumptions of the concept of movement introduced by Deleuze and Guattari in A Thousand plateaus. The reconstruction, based on the strategy of a close reading, distinguishes three basic elements describing the absolute movement of war machine: a contingent change of direction dictated by a factual necessity, free action and a creative act. The context of reflection on the movement of a war machine is the question of its role in developing urbanity. The article puts forward the thesis that the city and its culture is the effect of a productive tension between the smooth and striated space, the duration of which depends on maintaining difference which divide them.
Qe aim of the essay is to present Deleuzeand Guattari’s concept of life as production as a prom-ising – a^rmative – perspective on biopolitics. It stressesdirectly social and political dimension of life conceivedas production and focuses on the role of becoming--minoritarian as a mode of non-essentializing resistanceto capitalist oppression.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wprowadzonej przez Deleuze’a i Guattariego kategorii życia jako produkcji; stanowi ona a"rmatywne i dzięki temu otwierające nowe perspektywy ujęcie problematyki biopolitycznej. Nacisk zostaje położony na bezpośrednio społeczny i polityczny charakter życia jako produkcji; omówione zostaje też stawanie się mniejszościowym jako strategia oporu wobec kapitalizmu.
This article could be read as a multi-voice, dynamic and being-in-progress model of relations that connect (could be linked to) a choreographic clip of the Taiwanese dance group Huang Yi Studio +, the establishment of a new Daimler AG factory in Sindelfingen and a sudden acceleration of work on Comprehensive Agreement on Investment between China and the EU at the end of 2020. Considering all of these events, I ask the question: What is the cultural identity of Taiwanese in the era of post-media, cyber-physical industrial culture and technological wars, and what role does artistic activity play in its production.
Artykuł należy traktować jako wielogłosowy, dynamiczny i nieskończony (in progress) model relacji, które łączą̨ (mogłyby łączyć́) choreograficzny klip tajwańskiej grupy tanecznej Huang Yi Studio +, powstanie nowej fabryki Daimlera w Sindelfingen i nagłe przyspieszenie prac nad umową inwestycyjną między Chinami i Unią Europejską pod koniec 2020 roku. Zawieszonemu w sieci innych zdarzeń, ponad trzyminutowemu nagraniu autorstwa studio Huang Yi zadaję pytanie: Czym jest tożsamość kulturowa Tajwańczyków w epoce postmediów, cyber-fizycznej kultury przemysłowej oraz wojen technologicznych oraz jaką rolę odgrywa działalność artystyczna w jej wytwarzaniu.
Celem tekstu jest rekonstrukcja podstaw ontologicznych, epistemologicznych oraz etycznych projektu posthumanistycznego (zwanego też teorią lub narzędziem posthumanistycznym) na podstawie analizy propozycji teoretycznych Karen Barad, Gillesa Deleuze'a i Felixa Guattari'ego oraz Donny Haraway. Tylko dzięki tak precyzyjnemu zdefiniowaniu narzędzia teoretycznego, możliwe będzie zadanie pytania o wspólnotę postludzką oraz posthumanistyczną politykę.
This paper is aimed at reconstruction of the basic ontological, epistemological and ethical premises of the posthumanist project (called also the posthumanist theory or the posthumanist tool), while analysing the theoretical propositions of Karen Barad, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari as well as Donna Haraway. It is only by such meticulous definition of theoretical tool that one may be able to pose the question of the posthuman collective and posthumanist politics.
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The present paper concentrates on the gradual transformation of phenomenology in the work of Martin Heidegger and attempts to show in what way this transformation leads Heidegger to abandon the phenomenology itself. We attempt to confront the theoretical position of late Heidegger with the thought of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, pointing out the anti-transcendental and non-dialectical elements in Heidegger’s conception of four-dimensional temporality and identity of thought and being. The notion of Ereignis is understood as a becoming of being on the position of „thought“: in this perspective, if it may precisely be confronted with Deleuze’s and Guattari’s thought. Our principle aim, on the basis of this confrontation, is to rethink the relationship between humanity and animality and between the human and the animal body.
It is, as Deleuze and Guattari observed, “an ordinary sight in those days,” an indispensable part of full modernity, an image that is always within the range of sight. “A horse falls down in the street!,” “a horse is going to die.” From the Auguries ... of William Blake, from Hogarth's second stage of cruelty, through laments of Dostoyevski, up to the madness of Nietzsche and Little Hans’ phobia—the image is always there. It becomes “a hieroglyph that condenses all fears, from unnamable to namable.” Taking famous Freudian Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy as a starting point, we shall try to revise it as well as its famous Lacanian and Deleuzian reinterpretations. We shall invoke Agamben’s concept of “bare life” to reconsider an animal life that is tormented and eventually destroyed
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