The aim of this article is to address the issue of vowel length in the northern varieties of the Welsh language. The approach used to perform the formal analysis was the theory of Government Phonology. This model was chosen because of its non-arbitrary assumptions concerning the syllabic structure. The data were collected from various academic works dealing with the pronunciation of Welsh and subsequently categorised so that it could be clearly presented and analysed. Further, the paper summarises previous analyses of Welsh vowel length giving a critical overview of different approaches. Their strong and weak points help formulate new hypotheses. The analysis proposed in this article assumes that Welsh long vowels obtain their structure as a result of lengthening. The structure of such a vowel is composed of two independent nuclei separated with an empty onset, which is induced by stress. The melody of the vowel is a result of spreading to an empty position which has to be licensed.
Artykuł podejmuje problematyki związaną z długością samogłosek w północnej odmianie języka walijskiego. Narzędziem formalnym, jakie zostało wykorzystane do przeprowadzenia analizy fonologicznej, był model fonologii rządu. Model ten został wybrany z uwagi na jego niearbitralne ujęcie struktury sylabicznej. Przedstawione dane zostały zebrane z szeregu dostępnych publikacji na temat wymowy języka walijskiego oraz skategoryzowane w sposób umożliwiający klarowną analizę. Następnym krokiem było podsumowanie analiz długich samogłosek w języku walijskim wykonanych w różnych modelach teoretycznych w odniesieniu do ostatniego ćwierćwiecza. Zarówno mocne, jak i słabe punkty tych analiz posłużyły do sformułowania nowych hipotez prezentowanych w proponowanej analizie. Analiza proponowana w tym artykule zakłada, że długie samogłoski nie stanowią takiej struktury sylabicznej przez całą derywację, ale są efektem wzdłużenia. Struktura takiej samogłoski składa się z dwóch odrębnych ośrodków sylaby, z czego jeden jest wtrącony przez akcentowanie, oddzielonych od siebie pustym nagłosem. Melodia długiej samogłoski jest efektem rozprzestrzenienia się struktury segmentu na pustą pozycję, która musi być licencjonowana.
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The classical generative analysis of modern Slavic vowel-zero alternations crucially relies on so-called abstract vowels, the yers. Yers and the mechanism that controls their vocalization, Lower, have been introduced in order to reduce the disjunction in closed syllables and in open syllables if the following vowel alternates with zero to a non-disjunctive phonological reality. I refer to this disjunction as the yer context. In this article, I show that the distribution and function of the abstract vowels in question is identical with that of empty nuclei in Government Phonology. A prominent feature of this theory is the extensive use of empty nuclei. My goal is to show that certain generative phonologists used the same concept long before Government Phonology came into being, and for entirely independent reasons, yet without giving any theoretical status to the abstract vowels in question. Government Phonology in turn ignored the Slavic evidence and its analysis when proposing empty nuclei. If this turns out to be true, the idea that syllable structure bears a sizeable number of empty nuclei will be strengthened in a corresponding manner.
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This paper analyzes Czech double diminutives ending in -eček created by the recursive application of the suffix -ek whose initial vowel alternates with zero. Diachronically speaking, these diminutives display both patterns of V-zero alternations found in Slavic languages: in OCz they follow the Havlík pattern, where alternants are in complementary distribution (domøček), while in MoCz they follow the Lower pattern, where strong alternants (i.e. vowels) are always preceded by strong alternants (domeček). The analysis of the Havlík-to-Lower change presented follows Rubach’s (1984) classical analysis where the Lower pattern is derived from the cyclic application of the Lower rule which means that only the Lower pattern has internal phase structure. I argue that in the Lower pattern, all floating vowels in a row (except the final one) vocalize, because each is immediately followed by an empty nucleus which stands at the phase boundary. Furthermore, phasehood is a lexical property, i.e. a property of a particular lexical item, namely the diminutive suffix -ek. From this perspective, the Havlík-to-Lower change consists in a change in the properties of the lexicon: only in MoCz is the suffix -ek lexically specified as a phase-trigger, in OCz it did not trigger any phase.
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