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The objective of this study was to indicate the actions undertaken by the authorities of the Gorce National Park to boost the development of tourism and recreation, highlight fields for cooperation with local government bodies, and evaluate this cooperation as well as identifying problems, and to develop a strategy for developing tourism and recreation in the study area.The result of the survey indicated that both local government officials and the national park authorities generally view positively, the joint actions undertaken. The majority of gmina and poviat representatives work, together with park employees, on the implementation of tasks aimed at developing tourism and recreational activities. In the survey, numerous advantages of having a national park in the given local government area were listed, including the increased attractiveness of the area to tourists. The disadvantages mentioned included, primarily, restrictions on investments. In the Gorce National Park hiking, biking, equestrian, and ski tourism are promoted. In the surrounding areas the model of tourism should be developed in line with the principle of sustainable development, taking into account the opinions and needs of local residents. A regional partnership for tourism and creation of tourist products should be formed, centred on the national park. To date, an integrated offer to tourists and joint promotion activities of the gminas situated around the Gorce National Park are lacking. Also necessary are investments in recreational facilities in the nearby villages.
Results of research on the process of spontaneous overgrowth of subalpine forest glades in the Gorce National Park are presented in the paper. Research was carried out in 2006-2008. The condition and directions of changes of glades undergoing conservation efforts of different intensity were examined.
Przekształcenia powierzchni szlaków turystycznych zachodzą na skutek współdziałania pomiędzy czynnikami wywołanymi działalnością człowieka oraz czynnikami naturalnymi. Skala zmiany rzeźby szlaków jest stosunkowo niewielka i wymaga zastosowania metod dostarczających i umoSliwiających obróbkę precyzyjnych danych wysokościowych. W dotychczasowych pracach ocena dynamiki zmian powierzchni ścieSek turystycznych polegała najczęściej na pomiarach w profilach, w określonych interwałach przy wykorzystaniu linijki, wyskalowanej żyłki bądź taśmy mierniczej. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie moSliwości wykorzystania cyfrowych modeli mikroform terenu do analizy przekształcenia rzeźby szlaków turystycznych, co jest podejściem nowatorskim. Do zebrania precyzyjnych danych wysokościowych wykorzystano tachimetr elektroniczny firmy Topcon wraz z minipryzmatem dalmierczym. Badania przeprowadzone zostały na wybranych polach testowych na terenie Gorczańskiego Parku Narodowego (GPN) oraz Popradzkiego Parku Krajobrazowego (PPK). Pomiary dokonywano w postaci nieregularnych pikiet wysokościowych, starając się uwzględnić wszystkie istotne elementy rzeźby terenu. Ponadto przeprowadzono odczyty w stałych liniach profilowych. Dla kaSdego obszaru wykonano równieS 30 pomiarów kontrolnych, któ- re posłuży do weryfikacji utworzonych później modeli. Przeciętna gęstość punktów pomiarowych wynosiła 70 pikiet na m2. Na podstawie zebranych danych wysokościowych wygenerowano cyfrowe modele wysokości (DEM) o rozmiarze komórki 5 x 5 cm oraz 1 x 1 cm. W wyniku odjęcia od siebie kolejnych modeli obliczono ilość materiału jaka została przemieszczona w obrębie pól testowych.
Transformations of the tourist trail surfaces happen due to combined effect of human-related factors and natural factors. Scale of the changes is relatively small. Hence, specific methods capable of delivering and processing precise elevation data are required. Former studies for assessment of changes in tourist trail surfaces have usually based on measurements along profiles at defined space intervals with the use of measurement tape or calibrated line. The aim of this study is to present of an innovative method comprising application of the digital models of microforms to analysis the transformation of tourist trail relief. Electronic Topcon Total Station was used for elevation data gathering. Researches have been done in selected test fields in the Gorce National Park (GPN) and the Popradzki Landscape Park (PLP). Irregular elevation points were surveying taking into account essential elements of the terrain surface. Average density of survey points was 70 per m2 . Moreover, additional surveys along fixed profile lines were carried out. Measurements in 30 control points were gathered for each test field, creating the base data set for verification of digital elevation models. Based on gathered elevation data, the digital elevation models (DEM) with spatial resolution 5 x 5 cm and 1 x 1 cm were generated. Subtraction of models made in subsequent time periods allowed to calculate amount of material which has been transported within the test fields.
Subject and purpose of work: The Gorce National Park (GNP) represents the object of the study. The purpose of the article is to present the GNP in the category of an area and in the category of an active managing unit. Materials and methods: Empirical research was conducted (2008-2014) based on the data collected from the GNP financial and accounting records and the Central Statistical Office. The degree of tourism function, carried out by the territorial municipalities connected with the GNP, was studied (Baretje and Defert index and Charvat index were calculated) and also the analysis of the GNP activities was conducted. Both the relevant literature query and the analysis of development strategies prepared by the territorial municipalities connected with the GNP were conducted. Results: It was found that the tourist function constitutes an important, however, not the primary function for the analysed municipalities, whereas the initiated activities (both on the part of municipalities and the GNP) indicate the desire for its intensification. The GNP has assets exceeding the value of PLN 17 million, offers jobs for the team whose total annual remuneration is almost PLN 2,5 million and the total annual costs for the last audited year amount to PLN 7,5 million. Conclusions: The described protected area constitutes the example of proper coexistence of human economic activity and nature. The GNP remains a significant entity of the local economic life scene which increases tourist attractiveness of the Gorce Mountains.
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Przedmiotem badań jest Gorczański Park Narodowy (GPN). Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie GPN w kategorii obszaru i w kategorii aktywnej jednostki gospodarującej. Materiały i metody: Badania empiryczne (okres 2008-2014) przeprowadzono w oparciu o dane pochodzące z ewidencji finansowo-księgowej GPN oraz Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Zbadano stopień pełnienia funkcji turystycznej przez gminy terytorialnie z GPN powiązane (obliczono wskaźniki Baretje’a i Deferta oraz Charvata) oraz dokonano analizy działalności GPN. Wykonano stosowną kwerendę biblioteczną i analizę strategii rozwoju gmin terytorialnie powiązanych z GPN. Wyniki: Ustalono, że funkcja turystyczna stanowi ważną, lecz nie wiodącą funkcję dla badanych gmin, a podejmowane działania (zarówno ze strony gmin jak i GPN) wskazują na chęć jej intensyfikacji. GPN posiada majątek przekraczający wartość 17 mln zł, stanowi miejsce pracy dla zespołu, którego suma wynagrodzeń rocznych zbliża się do kwoty 2,5 mln zł, a suma rocznych kosztów za ostatni badany rok opiewa na kwotę 7,5 mln zł. Wnioski: Opisywany teren chroniony stanowi przykład właściwej koegzystencji aktywności gospodarczej człowieka i przyrody. GPN jest znaczącym podmiotem lokalnej sceny życia gospodarczego podnoszącym atrakcyjność turystyczną Gorców.
The paper presents information on 5 species of social wasps of the family Vespidae (Hymenoptera) from the Gorce National Park in Southern Poland. The research was carried out during the years 2006-2007. The specimens were collected in 4 main plant communities with the use of Moericke traps.
W wyniku kartowania krenologicznego w zlewniach Olszowego Potoku i Turbacza udokumentowano przestrzenną dywersyfikację właściwości fizycznych i chemicznych wód podziemnych oraz ich składu chemicznego, które są efektem zróżnicowania głębokości krążenia wód podziemnych, odmiennej litologii skał podłoża, rzędnej wypływu, a także sezonu poboru próbek. Wyodrębniono trzy typy hydrochemiczne wód podziemnych, które prawdopodobnie można wiązać z występowaniem różnych reżimów hydrogeologicznych.
The spatial diversification of the chemical and physical properties of groundwater and their chemical composition was documented in the studied catchments as a result of spring investigation. This is due to the depth of groundwater circulation, different bedrock lithology, spring elevation, and a season of sampling. Three types of groundwater were distinguished which probably are associated with the occurence of different hydrogeological regimes.
W pracy przeprodzono analizy zmian min.: zasobności, składu gatunkowego, budowy oraz struktury, jakie zaszły w latach 1981-1991 w trzech dolnoreglowych drzewostanach. Należą one do jednych z najzasobniejszych (614-742 m³/ha) pralasów w Karpatach Zachodnich. Stwierdzone zmiany składu gatunkowego wskazują na zwiększenie się udziału buka a zmniejszenie jodły i świerka.
In 1981 in the area of the Łopuszna nature reserve (Gorce Mountain National Park) 3 permanent sample plots were established in the stands of the lower montane forest zone (Table 1, figs 1,2 ). 10 years later, in 1991, control measurements were carried out there in order to estimate the occurring processes desisive for the dynamics and street u re of the stands. The obtained results were compared with the data recorder both in Łopuszna in 1981 [5] and in other Carpathian primitive forests. This chiefly concerns the stand volume. The volume was calculated using 3 methods differing by the determination of the tree height. In method f the equaled curve was calculated according to Michajlov's function [10] Tor each of 3 layers of the stand, determined on basis of IUFRO classification for each species separately (from the thickness of 6 cm). In method II determination of stand volume was based on (he total volume of single trees This was possible since the height of all the trees was measured. In the case method III the height of trees was determined on the basis оf one equated curve of height of all the measured trees for each species separately. The Łopuszna I stand was characterized by the constitution and structure characteristic for (he final stages of the maturation stage and the phase of selection cutting. During the decade the stand showed an increase in volume (method I) from 586 m³/ha to 614 m³/ha (Table 2). Although the two remaining stands represented an optimum stage with the phases of ageing and regeneration, they showed a different tendency in the development of the growing stock. In the Łopuszna III stand a decrease in the volume from 752 m³/ha to 742 m³/ha was typical for the stage and phase mentioned above. In the Łopuszna II stand the volume increased from 677 m3/ha to 694 m³/ha (Table 2) (cf also Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6). In the investigated forests spruce found the best conditions of growth expressed by the index of stand quality classification (index I-II/III), followed by fir (I/II-III), while beech found the poorest conditions (III) (Table 1). The share of beech rose in the all the sample plots, this concerning both the number of trees and their volume. With respect to voluminal share the Łopuszna I and II stands became beech forests (the share of beech amunting to 82 and 79%) with an admixture of fir (8,1% and 12%) and spruce (10% and 9%) (Table 2). In the Łopuszna II plot a fir-beech-spruce stand developed (Table 2) with the voluminal share of fir and spruce diminishing (Table 2). The Łopuszna I stand developed the distribution of diameters at breast height with a modal value at the beginning of the system and a type I(J) Pearsons's curve (fig. 3, Table 7). In Pearson's aspect the same structure of the distribution of diameters but with two modal values developed in the Łopuszna III plot (fig. 8, Table 7). The natural stand reconstruction occurring in the Łopuszna 11 plot, associated with the intense invasion of beech, was manifested by a characteristic distribution of diameters which was a combination of the normal distribution (an overmature stand of basically one-storied constitution) with an addition of a generation of the invading ingrowth chiefly composed of beech (Table 7, fig. 7) (cf also figs 4, 5, and 6). The greatest differentiation on tree height expressed by the variability coefficients (Table 8) was found in the Łopuszna I stand (0.41) and a slightly smaller ones in the alike stands of Łopuszna II (0-35) and Łopuszna III (0.33) (cf also figs 9-15, Tables 10, 11, and 12). Analysis of deadwood (Table 9) carried out in 1991 showed that in this respect fir dominated in the Łopuszna If plot (69.6% of the total volume of standing deadwood), beech in Łopuszna I (42.6%), and spruce in Łopuszna III (44.8%) (Table 10) (also cf Tables 11 and 12). The estimate of tree quality showed a considerable part of usable assortment corresponding to sawmill timber (categories A + R + C) (Table 13). Trees of these categories constituted 63.2%, 82.6%, and 76. 3% of the total number of trees in the given layer on plots I, II, and III, respectively. Spruce showed the best quality on plots 1 and II and fir on plot 111 (Table 13). In respect of this trait beech was found inferior as compared with the above two species. In the upper layer of the stand the quality of beech trunks (categories A + B) depends upon the density of the forest (number of trees, with the share of beech prevailing) on two sample plots (Table 13). Data concerning the regeneration are given in Tables 14 and 15. A very small share of younger and older fir upgrowth (from the height оf 0.5 m to D В H. of 5.9 em) and a sporadic occurrence of higher upgrowth (d1.3 6.0-7.9 em) in the stand is striking. The results of investigation permitted to formulate the following conclusions: Besides the a stands of the Mount Babia Góra region, the investigated forests are among the Carpathian forests of virgin character where the greatest growing stock is encountered. The optimum conditions of growth of the Carpathian beech community were found in the Gorce rang. Analysis of stand volume, deadwood volume, lying trees, regeneration, and the dynamics of these traits suggest changes occurring in the Species composition, i.e. an increase in the share of beech and the diminishing percentage of fir and spruce. This observation was also made in a different part оf the Carpathians. The losses in fir populations associated with its decline and with the grazing on its new growth and upgrowth may result in the disappearance of this species from the Carpathian lower mountain forest zone. The method used in the work of determining the stand quality classification on the basis of upper height, is an objective measure of the growth potential of the investigated tree species.
The composition of cone- and seed entomofauna of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) Karst. of the Gorce National Park was determined between 1998 and 2000. Cones collected from trees at different altitudes and a variable cone crop abundance. Rearing and analysis of 3,600 cones yielded 17,803 insect specimens from 5 orders. Some of the data were analyzed statistically using tests at the significance level a = 0.05. There was a significant correlation between the mean number of these insects and the intensity of cone production. Elevation a.s.l. had not a significant influence on the number of these insects.
A study of the insects inhabiting of cones of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) Karst. in the Gorce National Park was conducted during 1998-2000. As a result of breeding and analyses of the cones from 180 trees at various altitudes above sea level, 17,803 specimens of cono- and seminiphagous insects and their parasitoids were collected. The insects belonging to 34 species from 5 orders. Coenotic groups of insects were distinguished, which were characterized with use of ecological indicators. Damage to cones and the losses of spruce seeds caused by pests were measured, with regard both to a variable cone crop abundance and to different altitudes above sea level.
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