Concentrations of the elements N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, S, Fe, Mn, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were measured in the leaves of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and the soil in which it grew. Concentration of total phenolics in bilberry leaves was also determined. Soil and leaves were sampled at polluted site situated 10–13 km northeast of copper smelter at Głogów (SW Poland) and at a relatively clean site. Soil at the vicinity of the Cu-smelter contained significantly more Cu, Pb, Cd, S, and significantly less Mn, Zn, Fe, Co, Ni than the non-polluted soil. Bilberry leaves from polluted site contained significantly higher concentrations of Cu, Pb, Cd, S, Fe and Cr and significantly lower concentrations of Mn and Zn. Furthermore, they had significantly higher level of total phenolics as compared with bilberry leaves from non-polluted site. Stepwise regression analysis enabled the identification of the leaf variables that best explain the variance pattern of the total foliar phenolics. This method indicated that the level of total phenolics in bilberry leaves increased with increasing concentrations of Cu, Pb, Cd and S, and decreasing level of Mn and Zn in leaves. Total foliar phenolics in bilberry in the investigated area might be a suitable indicator of stress caused by environmental pollution of heavy metal and sulfur.
Do oceny i porównania zwyczajów żywieniowych i częstości spożycia produktów spożywczych przez 124 uczniów z Lubina i 112 z Głogowa zastosowano metodę historii żywienia.
Food intake of 112 secondary-school male students in Lubin and 124 in Głogów was assessed by the 24-h recall method. The frequency of intake of raw, vegetables fruit, and wholemeal bread was found to be low. The dinners were usually one-dish, the first and second breakfast and supper were often omitted. The intake of soft margarines was considerably higher than the intake of butter and hard margarines.
Metodę historii żywienia zastosowano do oceny i porównania zwyczajów żywieniowych i częstości spożycia produktów spożywczych przez 130 dziewcząt z Głogowa i 122 dziewcząt z Lubina.
Dietary habits and frequency of intake of individual food products were assessed by the recall method in 130 adolescents from a secondary school in Głogów and in 122 girls from a secondary school in Lubin. Low intake of raw vegetables, fruit, and wholemeal bread was the main defect of the diet. In most cases, the dinners were one-dish, and the first and second breakfast and supper were often omitted. The intake of soft margarines was considerably higher than the intake of butter and hard margarines.
Metodą wywiadu żywieniowego z ostatnich 24 godz. przed badaniem oceniono sposób Żywienia 122 dziewcząt z Lubina i 130 z Głogowa. W całodziennych posiłkach wykazano niedobory wielu składników odżywczych z wyjątkiem zawartości tłuszczu, fosforu, witamin A i E.
Food intake of 122 female secondary school students from Lubin and 130 from Głogów was assessed by the 24-h recall method. Numerous nutritional faults were detected. The average diets of the girls were deficient in many nutrients with the exception of fats, phosphorus, and vitamins A and E. The proportion of energy obtained from fats ranged from 36.2% to 37.3%, far in excess of the recommended optimum. The proportion of energy obtained from carbohydrates was insufficient. The girls consumed insufficient amounts of total proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and vitamins B1, B2, B3. The food rations of the Głogów students were additionally deficient in dietary fibre, magnesium, and vitamins B6 and C.
Metodą wywiadu żywieniowego z ostatnich 24 godz. poprzedzających badanie oceniono sposób żywienia 112 chłopców z Głogowa i 124 z Lubina. Całodzienne racje pokarmowe uczniów zawierały większość składników pokarmowych w ilościach przekraczających zalecenia. Nadmiar tłuszczów wpłynął na wartość energetyczną. Za mało było wapnia, jednonienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych i skrobi. Udział energii z poszczególnych składników odżywczych, będący ogólną miarą prawidłowości żywienia, odbiegał od zalecanej. W dietach za dużo energii pochodziło z tłuszczu, a za mało z węglowodanów.
Food intake of 112 male secondary-school students from Lubin and 124 from Głogów was assessed by the 24-h recall method. Excessive quantity of fat in the food rations, causing that the amount of fat in the ratio had been higher than the recommended optimum, and that the correct proportion between the individual energy-supplying products had been disturbed was the most serious nutritional fault. The daily food rations of the boys comprised insufficient amounts of calcium, monounsaturated fatty acids and starch.
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