At the time of the death of Augustus III, the Commonwealth witnessed a confrontation of two political groups: the 'Familia', i.e. the party supporting the princes Czartoryski, and the Saxon-republican camp composed of the former royal court camp and the conservative magnate opposition. Both sides were determined to assume power in the state so as to hold an election according to its own plans. The presented article discusses the events associated with the dietines, whose tasks entailed electing deputies to the convocation Seym intent on defining the principles of choosing the new monarch. Many of the deitines split, thus resulting in the election of a double number of deputies, and testifying to the immense rise in tension and the fervour of the waged political struggle. The most important postulates and the ills of the society of the gentry were reflected in the instructions written for the deputies; their contents are also studied by the author of the article.
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The intention of the article is to present the motives of the 'anti–clericalism' of the Polish gentry, as a rule reduced to the so-called amortisation statues and 'compositio inter status'. Upon the basis of a record of a parliamentary discussion on the 'composition' between the secular and ecclesiastical estates in 1632-1635, found in an anonymous gentry silva, and an anti-dissident squib from 1639, the authoress analysed the accusations formulated by both sides and the manner of their argumentation. She concluded that the conflict raging between the gentry and the clergy was not limited to a controversy about tithes, and involving landowners and the rural clergy, but was of an ideological nature and pertained to a fundamental systemic principle of the Commonwealth: the subordination of all citizens to universal law. The 'anticlericalism' of the gentry was directed not only against the parish priests but primarily against the clerical aristocracy - the abbots, the episcopate, and the Jesuits. The division into the supporters and opponents of the 'compositio' did not coincide with religious criteria but with social ones: the lay and ecclesiastical magnates were against the 'composition', while its advocates included the lay gentry, the majority of the gentry of both creeds (Catholic and Protestant), and the parish clergy (naturally for quite different reasons). In 1632-1635 the inimical attitude of the middle-ranking Catholic clergy to a compromise solution of the 'composition' leads to the ultimate postulate of studying the charges made by the parish clergy against the gentry, conceived as an indispensable supplement of research into 'gentry anticlericalism'.
The article is devoted to testaments of gentry from Great Poland. The last will is analysed as a legal document – a mortis causa deed, since its basic function is to dispose one’s property in the case of death. Nevertheless, in Old Poland there was no opportunity to bequeath all one’s property to a sole beneficiary; in particular the limitations concerned the bequest of immovable property. The article advances the hypothesis a major characteristics of gentry testaments was disposing property by legacies to many legatees. The analysis of sources distinguished vindication and damnation legacies. In the case of vindication legacies, which were more common, the legatee was entitled to claim the object of legacy from the heir as its owner by rei vindicatio. Such legacies resulted in transferring property rights and were the best way to secure the bequest of valuables. In the case of damnation legacies the heir was obliged to act in a specified way towards the legatee. Such legacies did not change property rights, but effected the heir’s liability to the legatee. Through a damnation legacy it was possible to bequeath an object that was to be created in the future. Legacies were often supplemented with particular instructions or conditions. Legatees were often clergymen and Church institutions (especially parishes and monasteries). Objects of legacy were usually livestock, garments and various utensils. It is pointed out in the article that it was not customary in Old Polish testaments to specify all the property of the testator. Therefore, last wills cannot be the sole basis for researching the financial position of gentry and should be supplemented with inventory sources. Finally, the article also signals problems connected with the execution of testaments.
The purpose of the article is to present associations between gentry from the Southern part of the Great Poland province and gentry from the Northern part of Silesian province in the early modern time on example of Kotwicz Górczynski family from Fraustadt (Wschowa) land and related with them von Kottwitz family from the Duchy of Glogau (Glogów). There were some natural phenomena among gentry of this borderland as arranging of marriages between both sides, buying properties across the border and even moving to the other land. There were no problems with these activities in 16th century. However, at the beginning of the 17th century foreign gentry was accused in Poland of buying land and settling there without the recognition of their legal status as noblemen. Von Kottwitz family from Silesian Köben (Chobienia) and Kontopp (Konotop) experienced such accusations. It is possible that this was the reason that Silesian barons von Kottwitz falsified their genealogy and tried to prove that they were patrilineal descendants of the Polish noble family Kotwicz what allowed them to inherit legally Górczyn property near Fraustadt.
In a quantitative study, the promotion of officials in seven counties of the Kingdom of Hungary is investigated. In the 18th century, some noble office-holders of humbler origins seem to have met difficulties being elected to the office of ordinarius judex nobilium, the lowest of the really important positions, while the most elevated gentry families did not even bother to serve in the county administration – or if so, then only for that of the ordinarius vicecomes, the leading office-holder. We can even get a glimpse of signs of professionalization among the county officials. An important fact is that the gate was open for some of the leading officials the counties to be appointed by the king to offices with nationwide authority, what testifies for an important link of the central royal bureaucracy and the county administration, the two rival elites of the age.
Elections were a stable part of Hungarian political culture even before the eventful year of 1848. As such they were reflected in individual national literatures written in Hungary – especially in the Hungarian and Slovak ones. The novel by Ján Kalinčiak (1822 – 1871) Reštavrácia ([County elections], 1860) was thus not the only literary text that portrayed these events. In 1842, the popular Hungarian playwright Ignác Nagy (1810 – 1854) published a comedy under the same title. The novel by Ján Kalinčiak, despite the fact that it was published later, is much less political in its nature than Nagy’s play which in the context of county elections addressed such issues as the emancipation of women, the rights of Jews and the elimination of the political monopoly and tax advantages enjoyed by the gentry. Kalinčiak was primarily concerned with portraying a familial dispute between two gentry families in a fictitious county in northern Hungary. The dispute was resolved harmoniously and the national issues were addressed only marginally. Nevertheless, the novel and the play still have a lot in common. Besides the described social environment and the character of the main plot, these concern the frequent use of Latin expressions and dated language in general, the relatively realistic description of the events, frequent humorous motives, and the fact that the ending bears features of Biedermeier style.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań nad tym, jak szlacheckointeligencki punkt widzenia przejawia się w definicjach, klasyfikacjach i ocenach emigracji, tworzonych na łamach paryskiej „Kultury” (1947–2000). Na początku zrekonstruowano na podstawie literatury historycznej i socjologicznej szlachecko-inteligencki punkt widzenia przejawiający się w stawianiu wartości duchowych ponad materialne, poczuciu misji, postrzeganiu siebie jako odmiennej grupy w ramach szerszego społeczeństwa. Następnie przedstawiono wybrane elementy szlachecko-inteligenckiego punktu widzenia na emigrację w tekstach o migracji opublikowanych w paryskiej „Kulturze”. Jest to między innymi: określanie przynależności do emigracji za pomocą wybranych kategorii pokrewieństwa, uznaniowość włączenia / wyłączenia pewnych grup na emigracji, postrzeganie emigracji właściwej (szlachecko-inteligenckiej) jako reprezentantki całej emigracji (całego narodu), podkreślanie misji i wysokiego kapitału kulturowego jako wyznaczników przynależności do emigracji właściwej, a także postrzegania wartości materialnych jako przyziemnych i bogacenia się jako nagannego. W końcowej części artykułu, odwołując się do wyników badań nad dyskursem migracyjnym prowadzonych przez innych analityków, pokazano, na ile punkt widzenia inteligencko-szlachecki jest wciąż obecny w dyskursie publicznym o polskiej migracji.
The article presents the results of the research on how the gentry/intelligentsia viewpoint manifests itself in the definitions, classifications and evaluations of emigration that appeared in one of the major Polish emigration journals “Kultura” (published in Paris in 1947–2000). First the gentry/intelligentsia viewpoint is reconstructed on the basis of historical and sociological literature. Both viewpoints share several defining features such as holding spiritual values in higher esteem than material ones, a sense that these groups have to fulfill a mission, and the feeling of distinction between them and the rest of the society, to name a few. In the following part of the article the selected elements of the gentry/ intelligentsia viewpoint on emigration in the texts about emigration published in “Kultura” are presented. These include: the frequent use of a particular type of kinship categories, the arbitrariness of excluding/including certain groups from/in Polish diaspora, the perception of a selected part of the diaspora as rightful representatives of all emigrants (and the whole nation), the emphasis placed on a mission and high cultural capital as the indicators of proper diaspora, as well as perception of material values as vulgar and of getting rich as immoral. In the final part of the article, referring to the research results of other scholars who studied migration discourse, it is demonstrated that the gentry/intelligentsia viewpoint has still a significant presence in the public discourse on Polish migration.
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In the second part of the study the author continues the analysis of monastery assets by analyzing informatik related to several yeoman families in the surroundings and by gathering as much information as possible about the parish network between Kolín and Libice. Along with results of previous analyses, he uses this information as the baseline for contemplation about the function of this territory before the Hussite movement and also for thinking about the importance of individual elements in this area and their mutual relationships.
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The author contemplates about the power structure of a fairly small territory delimited with Libice in the north, Kolin in the south, Pňov in the west and Ohař in the east during the pre-Hussite era using almost all available sources. The first volume of a large study focuses on monastýry demesnes, not only their scope and changes, but namely their role within the power network in the region in interaction with the town of Kolin, with the gentry and serfs. The fact that the research covered a period from the 10th till the early 15th centuries made it possible to see certain dynamics in the formation of this region in spite of the lack of sources.
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