The topic of this article is Florence as seen by Giorgio Manganelli, one of the most interesting 20th century Italian men of letters, who devoted a large part of his works to subjective accounts of numerous journeys. Florence viewed by Manganelli – particularly described in sketches from the collection: La favola pitagorica. Luoghi italiani (2005; texts about Florence come from 1982–1988), but also in other works, i.a. those in Emigrazioni oniriche (2023), the most recent collection of Manganelli’s writings dedicated to art – appears to be subjected to the precise and flexible rules of fairy-tale geometry dictated by the evil ruler of the Baptistery. Fairy-tale quality and oneiric geometrical disputes seem to organise the space of a spectral and unobvious Florence as seen by Manganelli. The author explores the most prominent Florentine churches: Santa Maria Novella, Santa Maria del Fiore, San Lorenzo, Santa Croce, and Santo Spirito in Oltrarno, but also tours galleries and exhibitions, being particularly interested in Galleria degli Uffizi. Owing to the disclosure of a network of conflicts within its architectural-fairy tale layout Florence manages to get rid of the false labels of a “beautiful city”, a “masterpiece”, which the author found so discouraging. The text also takes into consideration the recently published collection of reminiscences by Manganiello’s daughter, Lietta (Giorgio Manganelli. Aspettando che l’Inferno cominci a funzionare, 2022).
Tematem tekstu jest Florencja widziana oczami Giorgia Manganellego, jednego z najciekawszych dwudziestowiecznych pisarzy włoskich, który wiele miejsca w swej twórczości poświęcił subiektywnym relacjom z licznych podróży. Florencja Manganellego – opisana w szczególności w szkicach ze zbioru La favola pitagorica. Luoghi italiani (Baśń pitagorejska. Miejsca włoskie; 2005, szkice o Florencji pochodzą z lat 1982–1988), lecz także pojawiająca się w innych tekstach, zamieszczonych w najnowszym (2023) zbiorze pism Manganellego poświęconych sztuce Emigrazioni oniriche (Oniryczne emigracje) – to miejsce szczególne, podlegające ścisłym i giętkim regułom baśniowej geometrii, dyktowanym przez złego władcę Baptysterium. Baśniowość i oniryczne geometryczne spory zdają się organizować przestrzeń widmowej i nieoczywistej Florencji w ujęciu Manganellego. Pisarz ogarnia spojrzeniem najważniejsze florenckie świątynie: Santa Maria Novella, Santa Maria del Fiore, San Lorenzo, Santa Croce, Santo Spirito na Oltrarno, lecz także odwiedza wystawy i galerie, przede wszystkim interesuje go Galleria degli Uffizi. Na skutek ujawnienia sieci konfliktów rządzących jej architektoniczno-baśniowym planem Florencja pozbywa się fałszywych etykiet miasta „pięknego”, „arcydzieła”, tak bardzo zniechęcających wcześniej pisarza. W tekście uwzględniono także niedawno opublikowany zbiór wspomnień córki Manganellego Lietty (Giorgio Manganelli. Aspettando che l’Inferno cominci a funzionare, 2022).
W numerze 21/2007 „Wiadomości Konserwatorskich”- miałem okazję przedstawić Czytelnikom założenia konferencji wraz z relacją z przygotowań do niej. Konferencja zorganizowana w ramach obchodów 750-lecia lokacji Krakowa była inicjatywą naszych florenckich przyjaciół z prof. Emmą Mandelli z Uniwersytetu Florencji i Paolo Del Bianco, Prezydentem Fundacji Romualdo Del Bianco. Spotkała się ona nie tylko z wielkim poparciem ze strony Syndykatu miasta Florencji przy osobistym zaangażowaniu dr. Eugenio Gianni, asesora do spraw współpracy międzynarodowej i miast partnerskich, ale także znaczącym zainteresowaniem wielu licznych krakowskich i polskich instytucji. Patronat honorowy objęli: Tomasz Merta, Podsekretarz Stanu w Ministerstwie Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego RP i Generalny Konserwator Zabytków, Rada Miasta Krakowa, która w tej sprawie podjęła specjalna uchwałę, prof. Franciszek Ziejka, Przewodniczący Społecznego Komitetu Odnowy Zabytków Krakowa, profesor Politechniki Wrocławskiej i zarazem Prezes Stowarzyszenia Konserwatorów Zabytków Jerzy Jasieńko, oraz Rada Programowa Obchodów Jubileuszu 750-lecia Krakowa z jej Przewodniczącym prof. Czesławem Dźwigajem.
In issue 21/2007 " Messages Preservation "- I had the opportunity to present our readers about the Conference, together with the report of the preparations for it. The conference was organized in celebration of the 750th anniversary of Krakow was the initiative of our Florentine friend of prof. Emma Mandelli from the University of Florence and Paolo Del Bianco, President of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation . It was met not only with great support from the Syndicate of the city of Florence with the personal involvement of dr . Eugenio Gianni , the assessor for the international cooperation and partner cities , but also a significant interest in many many of Krakow and Polish institutions. Patronage : Tomasz Merta , Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the General Conservator, City Council, which in this case has a special resolution , prof. Francis Ziejka, Chairman of the Social Committee for the Restoration of Monuments of Krakow, Wroclaw University of Technology professor and also the President of the Association of Monument Conservators George Jasieńko and Program Council Jubilee Celebrations of the 750th anniversary of Krakow with its Chairman Prof. Czeslaw Dźwigaj.
The present article tries to make thematic the geographical plan of the present volume, by examining the major focal points of Contemporary Music in Central Italy which act as centres disseminating compositional trends through a long-established interest in recent music, as well as didactical structures and important teachers. Clearly, Rome is a more influential centre than Florence (where the endemic tendency of Florentine culture towards a sense of order, the settlement there of Dallapiccola, and the rise of a pioneering activity in the field of electronic music since the ‘60s are noteworthy); this is due to the teaching - through different generations - of Petrassi, Guaccero, Donatoni, Corghi and now Fedele, as well as the presence of many musical institutions, and the availability of artists and writers involved in exchanges and collaborations with composers. For this reason, many composers who were educated or active in Rome developed an outstanding - often prophetic - predilection for mix-media or theatrical works. After Bussotti, Guaccero, Macchi and Bertoncini, Giorgio Battistelli is a pivotal figure representing this trend in the next generation of composers; nonetheless an aptitude for it can be perceived also in other composers from both generations (Clementi, Pennisi and Renosto; Sbordoni, Lombardi, Rendine, D’Amico and De Rossi Re), including among the younger ones Silvia Colasanti, Roberta Vacca and Francesco Antonioni. In parallel, electronic music has been cultivated by Evangelisti and Branchi, as a way of renewing musical thought and language from their foundations: researches in the musical application of digital processing have been remarkable in Rome, along with experimentation in real time sound-generation and -transfoimation (Nottoli, Lupone, Di Scipio). On the whole, the generation born in the 1950s seems to tend (in aesthetics as well as in poetics) towards a change of thinking about musical form, integrating paradigmatic (structural) categories, typical of serial music, with syntagmatic (fictional) ones. Such an integration is perceivable as early as in the works of Donatoni, which have widely influenced many younger Italian composers, whether they have studied under him or not. The compositional horizon in Central Italy will be examined, with a special focus on that generation, with regard to two issues: 1) Has this change been determined (or helped) by post modernism? Before post-modernism became widespread during the 1980s, some composers from Rome had already elaborated a language which included heterogeneous sound materials and playing with musical codes, even if they did not deny the necessity of historical progress of musical language. Furthermore, postmodernism doesn’t suffice to explain the music of many composers, for whom the stratification of musical language and the sphericity of internal relationship inside a work is a result of the theory of complexity. 2) What is the aesthetical and poetical tendency in the youngest generation of composers, since a radicalization between a fictional and a visionary approach seems to have been established in their music?
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie edukacyjnej działalności bibliotek florenckich na przykładzie Biblioteki Narodowej oraz bibliotek Uniwersytetu we Florencji. Autorka opisała szczegółowo inicjatywy promujące zbiory specjalne, takie jak wystawy przygotowane przez poszczególne filie Biblioteki Uniwersytetu we Florencji. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę na zagadnienia związane z ochroną zbiorów bibliotecznych w przypadku klęsk żywiołowych.
The aim of this paper is to describe educational activities held at the University of Florence Library and at the National Library of Florence. The author draws attention to the special collections of old books and ways the information about them is spread out as well as the issues concerning the protection of rare books in case of natural disasters.
Florencja − kolebka renesansu, centrum nauki i sztuki, miasto Dantego, Michała Anioła, Donatella, Machiavellego i Leonarda da Vinci słynie także z niezwykłych bibliotek, które zachwycają nie tylko pięknymi zabytkowymi wnętrzami, ale też bogactwem zbiorów. W artykule przedstawiono genezę i współczesne oblicze bibliotek Florencji. Spośród najstarszych zaprezentowano: bibliotekę dominikanów z kościoła Santa Maria Novella, bibliotekę Michelozzo, Laurenzianę, Riccardianę, Marucellianę oraz Centralną Bibliotekę Narodową we Florencji.
Florence – the cradle of the Renaissance, the center of science and art, the city of Dante, Michelangelo, Donatello, Machiavelli and Leonardo da Vinci; famous for remarkable libraries, which impress not only with beautiful historic interiors, but also the richness of their collections. The article presents the origins and contemporary face of libraries in Florence. Among the oldest are: the library of the Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella, Michelozzo Library, Laurentian Library, Riccardi Library, Marucelli Library and the Central National Library of Florence.
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