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Research background: Financial cycles are behind many deep financial crises and it closely connects them with the business cycles, showing long memory properties and effects. Being closely connected with the business cycles, we must first explore the true nature of the financial cycles to understand the nature of the business cycles. Financial cycles are real, they have long memory properties and long-lasting effects on the economy.Purpose of the article: This study investigates the use of (SSA) in tracking and monitoring financial cycles focusing on ten (10) transitional economies 2005-2018.Methods: Singular spectrum analysis isolate significant oscillatory patterns (cycles) on housing markets with an average 4-years length. We isolate credit cycles just for Bulgaria, implying long memory properties of the cycles since this study investigated medium term (2-5 years) oscillations.Findings & Value added: The results prove the importance and advantages of using (SSA) in the study of financial cycles attempting to reveal the true nature of financial cycles as the principal component behind business cycles. Financial cycles show longer oscillations in the credit and property price series, which can explain 37.7%-49.9% of the variance of the total financial cycle fluctuations. Study results are of practical importance, particularly to policy-makers and practitioners in former transitional economies being vulnerable to adverse shocks on the financial markets. The results should assist policy-makers and financial practitioners in building and maintaining a sound financial policy needed to avoid future financial "bubbles". (original abstract)
Content available remote Credit Volatility and Productivity Growth
tom 13
nr nr 2
Research background: The issues of finance-growth nexus and financial instability have attracted considerable attention, but have been studied in isolation. This paper aims at filling this gap by providing insights into the implications of financial instability for long term productivity growth.Purpose of the article: This paper sheds light on the relationship between credit-to-GDP ratio volatility and the total factor productivity (TFP) growth rate. The impact of systemic banking crises and financial depth on productivity growth is also studied.Methods: The System GMM estimation of panel data for over 100 countries and spanning the period of 1970-2009 is used. The decomposition of credit-to-GDP ratio into trend and cyclical component is performed using the Hodrick-Prescott filter and a regression analysis with country-specific intercepts and slopes. The data on TFP comes from the Penn World Tables database.Findings & Value added: TFP growth is negatively affected by credit volatility, mainly in less technologically advanced countries, while financial depth exerts a negative influence on TFP growth in economies with superior technology. Systemic banking crises and the concomitant credit crunches have a negative impact on productivity growth, regardless of the level of technological development. Moreover, the level of human capital, patents and globalization fuel productivity growth. Macroeconomic instability, measured by the rate of inflation, hampers TFP growth. (original abstract)
In this paper, we wish to address the issue of financial crises. We focus on the causes and implications for the world economy and financial stability. For this reason, we attempt to identify the relative phenomena that encourage the emergence of financial crises. The amplification of the financial sector at the international level and the high degree of financial integration render the debate of financial crises solemnly significant. The world economy has become unstable and vulnerable to the emer- gence of unanticipated financial events. Such events are not simply limited to a large bank default but also to the inability of a multinational firm or an agent to validate their debts. Thus, we mainly emphasize the insights of Hyman Minsky into the global financial crisis, who suggested that the flaws of the current dominant financial status would eventually entail instability and probably lead to crises with contagion effects at the international level. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to indi- cate that the perils of financial crises for the global economy must be perceptible and considerable ex ante in order to be successfully confronted.(original abstract)
The paper presents the results of exploring the characteristics of trust cycle in the financial sector of the economy in general and across its main components (trust in banking and non-bank financial and credit systems) illustrated by the economy in transition - Ukraine - for the period 1st quarter 2009 - 1st quarter 2018. Determinants of nonlinear dynamics of public trust in the financial sector of the economy were also identified. For this purpose, an algorithm has been developed that enables studying the cyclical nature of public trust in the financial sector and testing the hypotheses about the determinants of its nonlinear dynamics. To highlight the cyclical component of the time series, harmonic analysis via Fourier transformations was used. In order to analyze public trust in the financial sector and its main components the following indicators were used: absolute volatility, relative volatility (in relation to financial and business cycles), the persistence of actual values and cyclic components, correlation with financial and business cycles. Our main result is that trust in the banking system has a greater cyclical amplitude than the national economy, the financial sector of the economy, and psychological dimensions of economic agents (a propensity to save and financial savings). High volatility of trust in the banking system indicates that any news or an event could lead to destabilization processes, ignoring of which may lead to a banking crisis. (original abstract)
Research background: The globalization trend has inevitably enhanced the connectivity of global financial markets, making the cyclicality of financial activities and the spread of market imbalances have received widespread attention, especially after the global financial crisis. Purpose of the article: To reduce the negative effects of the contagiousness of the financial cycles, it is necessary to study the persistence of financial cycles and carve out the total connectedness, spillover paths, and sources of risks on a global scale. In addition, understanding the relationship between the financial cycle and economic development is an important way to prevent financial crises. Methods: This paper adopts the nonlinear smoothing transition autoregressive (STAR) model to extract cyclical and phase characteristics of financial cycles based on 24 countries during 1971Q1?2015Q4, covering developed and developing countries, the Americas, Europe, and Asia regions. In addition, the frequency connectedness approach is used to measure the connectedness of financial cycles and the relationship between the global financial cycle and the global economy. Findings & value added: The analysis reveals that aggregate financial cycles persist for 13.3 years for smoothed and 8.7 years for unsmoothed on average. The national financial cycles are asynchronous and exhibit more prolonged expansions and faster contractions. The connectedness of financial cycles is highly correlated with systemic crises and contributes to the persistence and harmfulness of shocks. It is mainly driven by short-term components and exhibits more pronounced interconnectedness within regions than across regions. During the financial crisis, the global financial cycle movements precede and are longer than the business fluctuations. Based on the study, some policy implications are presented. This paper emphasizes the impact of systemic crises on the persistence of financial cycles and their connectedness, which contributes to refining research related to the coping mechanisms of financial crises.(original abstract)
tom 9
nr nr 2
The article starts with a brief description of Mises monetary theory, with emphasis on the Misesian differentiation of two kinds of credit: commodity and circulation credit, and with the description of the impact of circulation credit expansion on the business cycle. Further on it is described how Mises insights constituted the kernel of Austrian Business Cycle Theory, and how the same observations on the nature of credit constituted the kernel of the Chicago Plan (though Mises views on the nature of credit led him to different conculsions than it led the authors of the Chicago Plan), and how this plan is being rediscovered now. The following sections deal with observations of one of the preeminent current macroeconomic researches, Mr. Claudio Borio, on the elasticity of credit as the source of the current crisis, and on the importance of the financial cycle in analysing the current economic crisis. The author of this text demonstrates that Austrian Business Cycle Theory gave the same answer regarding the sources of economic crises that now modern macroeconomic theory seems to be approaching, and that the postulates for successful financial cycle modeling are already included in the ABCT. Finally, some observations on the current crisis, as well as proposals of avenues of further research are proposed. (original abstract)
Celem badań jest ocena synchronizacji cykli gospodarczych i finansowych w krajach UE z uwzględnieniem podziału na "starych" i "nowych" członków tego ugrupowania oraz oddziaływania zjawisk kryzysowych z lat 2020-2022 na to zjawisko. W badaniu wykorzystano kwartalne szeregi czasowe reprezentujące dynamikę realnego PKB, kredytu dla prywatnego sektora niefinansowego i głównych indeksów giełdowych, które poddano procedurze dekompozycji. Zbieżność cykli została zbadana za pomocą analizy spektralnej oraz korelacji rekursywnej. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań zaobserwowano, że kraje UE charakteryzują się zróżnicowaniem pod względem stopnia oddziaływania zmiennych finansowych na cykl gospodarczy. Grupa "nowych" i "starych" krajów UE różni się od siebie w sposób istotny statystycznie pod względem średniego poziomu synchronizacji cyklu gospodarczego i giełdowego. Zjawiska kryzysowe z lat 2020-2022 miały niejednakowy wpływ na stopień synchronizacji cykli. Nie zaobserwowano wyraźnie odmiennej reakcji poziomu zbieżności w krajach zbliżonych pod względem geograficznym do konfliktu zbrojnego w Ukrainie, z wyjątkiem Polski. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of the research is to assess the synchronization of business and financial cycles in EU countries, taking into account the division into "old" and "new" members of this group and the impact of the crisis phenomena of 2020-2022. The study used quarterly time series representing the dynamics of real GDP, credit to the private non-financial sector and main stock indices, which were subjected to a decomposition procedure. Cycle convergence was examined using spectral analysis and recursive correlation. As a result of the research, it was observed that EU countries differ in terms of the degree of impact of financial variables on the economic cycle. The group of "new" and "old" EU countries differs statistically significantly in terms of the average level of synchronization of the economic and stock market cycles. The crisis phenomena of 2020-2022 had a different impact on the degree of cycle synchronization. No clearly different reaction of the level of convergence was observed in countries geographically close to the armed conflict in Ukraine, with the exception of Poland. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu była analiza synchronizacji cykli finansowych w krajach europejskich i ocena możliwości zidentyfikowania jednego europejskiego cyklu finansowego. Zastosowana metoda badawcza opiera się na wskaźniku synchronizacji Hardinga i Pagana [2002]. Ponadto, aby móc określić zasadność identyfikacji europejskiego cyklu finansowego, w niniejszym artykule zastosowano metodę umożliwiającą segregację najbardziej zbliżonych do siebie cykli finansowych w klastry. Wyniki sugerują, że zmiany poziomu synchronizacji cykli obserwuje się w okresie dwóch głównych wydarzeń, tj. powstania strefy euro oraz kryzysu subprime. Zidentyfikowano również wspólny cykl finansowy kształtowany przez 14 z 20 badanych krajów europejskich. Jednak analiza głównych składowych wykazała, że cykl ten w niewystarczający sposób wyjaśnia zmienność cykli finansowych poszczególnych krajów europejskich i jego przebieg jest istotnie różny od cyklu finansowego największej gospodarki UE, tj. Niemiec. Zatem ograniczona synchronizacja cykli finansowych: (1) uzasadnia konieczność pozostawienia pewnego zakresu autonomii krajowym organom makroostrożnościowym oraz (2) oznacza różny stopień procykliczności polityki pieniężnej względem cyklu finansowego w krajach strefy euro.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The goal of the article was to analyze the synchronization of financial cycles in European countries and to assess the possibility of identifying one European financial cycle. The research method applied here is based on the Harding and Pagan (2002) concordance index. In order to identify a European financial cycle, the article uses a method that allows the segregation of the most closely related financial cycles into clusters. The results suggest that changes in the level of cycle synchronization are observed during the two main events, i.e., the creation of the Eurozone and the subprime crisis. A joint financial cycle shaped by 14 out of 20 surveyed European countries was also identified; however, the analysis of the main components showed that this cycle insufficiently explains the volatility of the financial cycles of individual European countries and its course is significantly different from the financial cycle of the largest EU economy, i.e. Germany. Thus, the limited synchronization of the financial cycles: (1) justifies the necessity of leaving some scope of autonomy to the national macroprudential authorities and (2) reveals a different degree of procyclicality of the monetary policy with respect to the financial cycle in eurozone countries.(original abstract)
This article aims to analyse the implications of time dimension of systemic risk (procyclicality) on the conduct of macroprudential policy. A multitude of procyclicality factors imply the need for multiple anticyclical tools addressing particular factors. The analysis shows that macroprudential authority should take a proactive stance and analyse financial stability within a longer time horizon, so as not to experience the paradox of financial instability or be subject to inaction bias. Macroprudential supervision should act both during boom (limiting the build-up of systemic risk) and recession (mitigating its materialisation) and, regardless of the financial cycle phase, seek to strengthen resilience of the financial system to shocks. The key to its effectiveness is development of an operational framework and ways to effectively implement its tools, taking into account different attitudes towards procyclicality of the institutions responsible for conducting macroprudential policy.(original abstract)
We discuss the notion of the financial cycle making a clear indication that the thorough study of its empirical properties in case of developing economies is still missing. We focus on the observed series of credit and equity and make formal statistical inference about the properties of the cycles in case of Polish economy. The non-standard subsampling procedure and discrete spectral characteristics of almost periodically correlated time series are applied to make formal statistical inference about the cycle. We compare the results with those obtained for UK and USA. We extract the cyclical component and confront empirical properties of the financial cycle for small open economy with those established so far in case of developed economies.(original abstract)
Poprzedzające ostatni kryzys finansowy uwarunkowania makroekonomiczne cechowały: bardzo niska inflacja, stabilny wzrost gospodarczy oraz niskie stopy procentowe. W okresie tym występował jednak bardzo silny wzrost aktywności kredytowej banków i wzrost cen na rynkach aktywów, tj. np. na rynku nieruchomości. Stosowane standardowo w polityce pieniężnej modele cyklu koniunkturalnego nie wyjaśniają przyczyn współwystępowania takich zjawisk. W literaturze przedmiotu zwraca się uwagę na endogeniczne determinanty nadmiernej ekspansji kredytowej banków. Celem artykułu jest próba nakreślenia roli regulacji kapitałowych w procesie transmisji impulsów polityki pieniężnej oraz określenie wpływu polityki pieniężnej na postrzeganie ryzyka i reakcję na ryzyko przez banki. W analizie wpływu regulacji kapitałowych na mechanizm transmisji impulsów polityki pieniężnej podstawowego znaczenia nabiera tzw. kanał kapitałowy polityki pieniężnej, którego oddziaływanie na intensywność aktywności kredytowej banków jest zróżnicowane. W artykule zidentyfikowano determinanty tego zróżnicowania. Regulacje kapitałowe kształtują proces zarządzania ryzykiem przez banki. Na ten proces wpływa jednak również polityka pieniężna, poprzez tzw. kanał ryzyka polityki pieniężnej. Z analizy badań empirycznych wynika, że kanał ten był istotną determinantą boomu kredytowego w USA. Przeprowadzona w artykule analiza skłania do wniosku, że rola banku centralnego nie może ograniczać się jedynie do dbania o stabilność cen, ale również o stabilność systemu finansowego. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The credit boom prevailing in the period preceding the last financial crisis was prolonged and associated with neither particularly strong output growth nor rising inflation in economies in which it occurred. This type of credit cycle and financial cycle is hard to reconcile with existing economic theory applied in monetary policy. In this paper we point out to endogenous factors behind this phenomenon. We aim to identify what is the role of bank capital regulation and bank risktaking in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The transmission of monetary policy impulses through capital channel is a diversified process, and depends on bank specific, background macroeconomics's specific and other factors. Bank capital standards affect the banks' perception, management and pricing of risks. In this area, monetary policy is also of great importance, with prominent role of the so called risk-taking channel in which central banks actions have an impact on bank risk attitudes. Consequently monetary policy is not fully neutral from a financial stability perspective. Stable level of inflation does not guarantee the stability of financial system. Therefore central banks in their conduct of monetary policy should constrain the build-up of financial imbalances. (original abstract)
W artykule potraktowano sektor finansowy jako istotny czynnik napędowy fluktuacji koniunkturalnych. Powszechnie przyjęte wyjaśnienie procykliczności systemu finansowego wyrasta z asymetrii informacji między pożyczkobiorcami i pożyczkodawcami. Minsky zaproponował teorię wiążącą kruchość rynku finansowego w toku normalnego funkcjonowania gospodarki z narastaniem baniek spekulacyjnych endogenicznych w stosunku do rynków finansowych. Jednym z wyjaśnień cykli ekonomicznych i finansowych jest także akcelerator finansowy. Stwarza on teoretyczne ramy, w których bilans pożyczkobiorców i wartość oferowanego przez nich zastawu są źródłami fluktuacji w sferze realnej. Dodatkowym materialnym źródłem procykliczności sektora finansowego jest nieadekwatna reakcja uczestników rynku finansowego na zmiany ryzyka w czasie. Zachowanie instytucji finansowych w cyklu koniunkturalnym zależy od postrzegania przez nie ryzyka. W ożywieniu nadmierny optymizm banków odnośnie do perspektyw dłużników, w połączeniu z poprawą bilansów banków w warunkach zaostrzającej się konkurencji, prowadzą do liberalnej polityki kredytowej, powodującej obniżenie standardów kredytowych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In the article the financial system is viewed as an important driver of business cycle fluctuations. A common explanation for the procyclicality of the financial system has its roots in information asymmetries between borrowers and lenders. Minsky proposed theories linking financial market fragility, in the normal life-cycle of an economy, with speculative investment bubbles endogenous to financial markets. One of the explanation of economic and financial cycles is often known as the 'financial accelerator'. It creates theoretical framework in which the state of borrowers' balance sheets and collateral value was a source of real output fluctuations. An additional material source of financial procyclicality is inappropriate responses by financial market participants to changes in risk over time. The behaviour of lending institutions during business cycles depends on their perceptions of risk. During upturns banks' overoptimism about borrowers' future prospects, coupled with strong balance sheets and increasing competition, brings about more liberal credit policies with lower credit standards. (original abstract)
We consider the efficiency of a mechanism for incentivising publication in academic journals where a research supervisory body awards points for papers that appear in quality publications. Building on the principal-agent literature with hidden types, we assume that such a body wants to maximise the expected prestige of academic disciplines. It sets up a reward system so that researchers who are aiming to maximise their own rewards also maximise the objective function of the research supervisory body, through their submission decisions. The model is calibrated to the reward scheme introduced within the Polish higher education reform in 2018, for which a series of policy recommendations is given. (original abstract)
Podjęte w opracowaniu zagadnienie cykliczności w systemie finansowym jest nową odsłoną klasycznych, bo rozważanych od ponad 160-ciu lat, badań nad cykliczną naturą zjawisk w ekonomii. Celem badań było wypracowanie metod wnioskowania statystycznego w celu określenia cech cyklu finansowego i w szczególności kredytowego. W pracy zaproponowano nieparametryczny test, umożliwiający wnioskowanie o statystycznie istotnych częstościach dyskretnego spektrum procesu opisującego cykliczne fluktuacje. Uzyskane rezultaty empiryczne pozwalają stwierdzić, że cechy cyklu kredytowego dla Polski mają charakter swoisty i znacznie różnią się od tych otrzymanych dla rozwiniętych gospodarek. Cykl kredytowy trwa w przypadku Polski około dekady i jest podobny do cyklu uzyskanego w przypadku Czech, trwającego 12 lat. (abstrakt oryginalny)
We discuss the notion of the financial cycle indicating its novelty within the research project of analysing the cyclical nature of fluctuations of economic systems. We focus on the observed series of credit and make formal statistical inference about the properties of the cycles in case of five countries, namely Czech Republic, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland and USA. The non-standard subsampling procedure and discrete spectral characteristics of almost periodically correlated time series are applied to make formal statistical inference about the cycle. We extract the cyclical component and confront empirical properties of the financial cycle for small open economy with those established so far in case of developed economies. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono wyjaśnienia zjawiska procykliczności działalności depozytowo-kredytowej na gruncie teorii zawodności mechanizmu rynkowego oraz na gruncie finansów behawioralnych. Wskazano, że wśród takich głównych zakłóceń znajdują się: efekty zewnętrzne związane ze strategicznymi komplementarnościami, z masową sprzedażą aktywów oraz z powiązaniami (i prowadzące do zjawiska zarażania). Zakłócenia mechanizmu rynkowego zakorzenione w teorii ekonomii klasycznej nie dają pełnego obrazu procykliczności działalności depozytowo-kredytowej. Aby ją lepiej zrozumieć, należy odwołać się do osiągnięć finansów behawioralnych. Analizie poddano również podstawowe antycykliczne instrumenty polityki makroostrożnościowej oraz mechanizm transmisji tych instrumentów w obszarze oddziaływania na cykl kredytowy i odporność sektora finansowego oraz określono również czynniki, które mogą ograniczać skuteczność i efektywność tych instrumentów. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This article presents explanations of the procyclicality phenonomenon with the application of the theory of market failures and behavioral finance. This analysis shows that the most important failures include: externalities of strategic complementarities (the classical herding phenomenon), fire sale externalities (i.e. asset prices spirals); network externalities (i.e. contagion risk). The theory of market failures does not say the whole story about the procyclicality phenomenon. To get a fuller picture of procyclicality one has to resort to behavioral finance, i.e. availability heuristics and threshold heuristics. The analysis also focuses on macroprudential instruments in their potential to affect financial cycle and soundness of financial sector. The article aims also to identify basic limitation of macroprudential policy instruments. (original abstract)
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