Autor przedstawił islamistyczne ujęcie ekologii wychodząc od muzułmańskiego obrazu świata, poprzez zadania człowieka na ziemi - w szczególności odnoszące się do kwestii zachowania (ochrony) środowiska.
Opracowanie ma na celu syntetyczne przedstawienie problematyki związanej z możliwością wprowadzenia do tradycyjnych obszarów miejskich kultury zachodniej stref prawa szarijatu, tzw. sharia zones. W celu zobrazowania problemu przywołano aktualne statystyki i prognozy dotyczące liczby ludności muzułmańskiej zamieszkującej obszar Unii Europejskiej oraz szeroko komentowane w mediach przykłady proponowanych regulacji sharia zones w wybranych miastach europejskich. Problematyka opracowania jest aktualna w największych krajach Unii Europejskiej i ciekawa zarówno z socjologicznego, jak i prawnego punktu widzenia. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The study presents issues related to the possibility of introducing into traditional urban areas of the European Union (to western culture) special zones regulated by Shariah law (sharia zones). It draws on recent statistics and forecasts on the number of the Muslim population living in the European Union. These are widely reported in the media. The author also provides examples of proposed regulations of sharia zones in selected European cities. This is a current issue in the largest countries in the European Union and interesting from the point of view of both sociology and law. (original abstract)
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In the last 60 years, the number of Muslims in the Netherlands has increased considerably from 300 to more than 827,000. Immigration, in particular from Turkey and Morocco, was the main cause. In the same time period, Dutch society was secularising to a large extent. About 60% of the Dutch population is no longer affiliated with a religion. This paper focus on two questions. Is the Muslim population secularising as well? Is a Muslim religious identity hindering integration in, or identification with, (secular or Christian) Dutch society? To answer these questions, the results of recent surveys, both on the national and on the local (Amsterdam) level, have been analysed after considering existing theories on secularisation and immigrant integration. The results show that after initial indications of secularisation, there is no secularisation among Muslims of Turkish and Moroccan origin in the last decade ; mosque attendance by the second generation has actually increased. Existing theories on secularisation, such as the classical secularisation paradigm and market theories can not explain these developments, perhaps with the exception of the theory of existential security. Also assimilation theories do not prove to be valid. It appears that there is a continuing religious vitality among these immigrant groups as a consequence of socialisation in immigrant families and communities with relatively strong intra-group ties. Also the possibility of a kind of "reactive religiosity" in confrontation with an increasing public hostility towards Islam cannot be excluded. Concerning the second research question, there proved to be a positive correlation between religious identification (with Islam) and ethno-national identification (with the country of origin), which could hinder integration in, and identification with, Dutch national society. However, it does not hinder identification with the local (Amsterdam) society, which is relatively strong and functions as a "bridging identity" with the national society. (original abstract)
Celem postanowionym w niniejszym artykule jest zbadanie wpływu szwajcarskiego systemu politycznego na integrację mniejszości muzułmańskiej oraz analiza uzależnienia statusu religijnego tej mniejszości od elementów demokracji bezpośredniej w Szwajcarii. Szwajcarski system polityczny różni się od innych znanych systemów demokratycznych krajów europejskich. Poprzez ustawodawstwo konstytucyjne i specyficzne instrumenty, jakimi są referendum i inicjatywa ludowa, naród stał się prawdziwym suwerenem mającym głos w każdej ważnej sprawie wie: od rozstrzygnięć na poziomie gminy po wypowiedzenie się na temat zmian konstytucji na poziomie federacji. Kolektywny system władzy oraz duży wpływ grup interesów, elit politycznych i obywateli nie znajdują odpowiednika w żadnym innym państwie. Dlatego wnikliwa analiza funkcjonowania mniejszości narodowych w państwie szwajcarskim możliwa jest jedynie za pośrednictwem zbadania specyfiki funkcjonowania systemu politycznego republiki alpejskiej, który determinuje egzystencję tych mniejszości. Funkcjonowanie wskazanego systemu zostanie przedstawione w pierwszej części niniejszego artykułu. (fragment tekstu)
Analysing the role of the Muslim minority in Switzerland is important to specify the role of Swiss direct democracy, which determines the status of religious minorities in this country. The Swiss political system is blocking the rights of Muslim religious minority and its full integration in Switzerland and in the Swiss society. In Switzerland exists the negative impact of direct democracy on the integration of Muslim religious minority. Limitation of full rights for the minority confirms the phenomenon of dysfunctionality in the Swiss direct democracy system. The analysis of this unexplored or wrongly interpreted problem is the subject of this article.(original abstract)
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The purpose of this contribution is to shed some light on the inter-relationships between ethics and economics in Islamic religion, and mainly to assert that ethics constitute endogenous phenomena in Islamic economics. In Islam, economic behaviours and transactions cannot be separated from ethics and values. The Islamic principles are intended to govern, direct and control human beings' behaviours in their daily economic lives. They are aimed at helping people to distinguish between good and bad things while they do any economic activity. It is worth noting that the moral values in Islamic economics are derived from the main sources of Islam namely: the Quran (the holy book of Islamic religion) and Sunnah (the teachings and behaviours of the prophet of Islam: Muhammad PBUH 570-632 AD). Both of them represent the principal pillars of Shariah (Islamic laws and guidelines), which is seen by Muslims as the proper way to happiness, not only in economic life but in all aspects of life. (original abstract)
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Ubezpieczenie wzajemnej gwarancji ("takaful") nie jest bardzo popularne na europejskim rynku. Pierwszy ubezpieczyciel Takaful w Europie powstał w Luxemburgu w roku 1983. Wywodzące się z kultury islamskiej umowy mogą wydawać się bardzo egzotyczne i niedostosowane do europejskich realiów rynkowych. Jednak tego rodzaju systemy ubezpieczeń mają wiele interesujących cech, z których najciekawszą wydaje się możliwość uzyskania częściowej wypłaty świadczenia pieniężnego przez ubezpieczonego w przypadku, gdy w okresie ubezpieczenia nie zaistniało żadne zdarzenie ubezpieczeniowe. Takie, niestandardowe podejście do cywilno-prawnego stosunku ubezpieczenia jest warte uwagi, gdyż szacuje się, iż składka globalna zebrana w 2015 r. z tych właśnie umów ubezpieczenia wyniesie ponad 11 mld dolarów. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Takaful insurance is not popular on the European market. In Europe first Takaful insurer was established in Luxembourg in 1983. Takaful is called an "Islamic insurance" and regarded as insurance for the Muslims and may seem exotic and unadaptable to the European market expectations. However, such insurance systems may be interesting to many as it permits the policyholder to receive money from the insurance company also in case no insured event had occurred. Such a non-standard solution of an insurance contract is worth recognizing as it is presumed that to the year 2015 the volume of insurance premium in the global Takaful market could reach about USD 11,0 billion. (original abstract)
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Islam as both religion and socioeconomic system is based on five main pillars, that is - five basic acts considered mandatory by Muslims, summarized in the hadith of Gabriel. One of them is zakāt (almsgiving), i.e. giving 2.5% of one's wealth to the poor and needy. In contrary to Christian religion, where question of charity is rather of a voluntary matter, the role of zakāt in Islam is much more rigidly described. Almsgiving is considered as a duty of a pious Muslim towards the poor. Thus in Islamic economy, strongly based on Islam principles given by Allah to Muhammad, zakat is imposed by law and is not considered a charity but duty rather. The notion of zakāt is mentioned in Qur-an over a 100 times, solely or in conjunction with other commandments. On a basis that zakāt is to be paid as a part of total wealth exceeding given minimum wealth (nisab) it is then justifiable to say that zakāt is principally a tax. A role of this essay is to shed some light on a utilisation and role of zakāt in Islamic economies in socioeconomic context, with an example of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, where in 1980 the Zakāt Ordinance was imposed. The concept of zakāt is present in many Islamic countries, but its nature varies, being dependent from the interpretation of religious law in a given country. Everywhere though, its social role as an important tool maintaining social justice is strongly expressed. Of course zakāt system also has its drawbacks and is subjected to much criticism. The article aims to present both advantages and negative aspects of zakāt. (original abstract)
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