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Fryderyk Nietzsche w swoich dziełach odnosi się do osób mu współczesnych a także do postaci i zdarzeń z przeszłości. Jednym z twórców, którzy cieszyli się jego zainteresowaniem był Sokrates. W artykule opisano zarzuty wytaczane przez Nietzschego Sokratesowi dotyczące krytyki jego poglądów na temat wartości życia.
In Nietzsche's view, Socrates promoted an ascetic philosophy which was hostile to life and contributed to the downfall of Man and Culture. The cult of reason and knowledge he promotedleft its mark on European philosophy and became the unwritten dogma of a modern culture immersed in crisis. Even if this criticism is justified, Nietzsche's counterphilosophy (an apology for robust life in its biological sense, for instinct and myth over reason and knowledge, for Dionysian culture over Alexandrian culture) is also disputable. For these ideals are as one-sided as those proselytised by Socrates. Other solutions, therefore, need to be sought; solutions that extend beyond the boundaries marked out by Socrates and Nietzsche. Attempts in this direction have been made, among others, by Heidegger, Jaspers, Scheler and Plessner. (original abstract)
Autor omawia wpływ i przenikanie filozofii niemieckiej do Rosji w XIX w. Przedstawiono życie i poglądy rosyjskiego filozofa A. Bakunina oraz jego związki z filozofią Hegla.
M. Bakunin (1814-1876), a famous Russian revolutionary, was regarded in his youth as one of the most distinguished propagators of Hegel's philosophy in Russia. This article covers the history of reception of the philosophy of German idealism in Russia and on this ground presents Bakunin's intepretation of Hegel. (original abstract)
nr nr 804
Artykuł jest kontynuacją rozważań dotyczących życia i poglądów M. Bakunina, rosyjskiego filozofa oraz jego powiązania z filozofią Hegla. Pierwsza część artykułu znajduje się w Pracach Naukowych AE Wrocław nr 752.
Continuation of work on relations of young Bakunin with the philosophy of Hegel (years 1840-1842). (original abstract)
nr nr 804
W artykule omówiono dwa spotkania rosyjskiego filozofa M. Bakunina z Lelewelem w 1844 roku i w 1847/48. Przedstawiono wpływ Lelewela na późniejsze poglądy M. Bakunina.
The article describes the two meetings between M. Bakunin and J. Lelewel in 1844 and 1847/48 and treats of the influence of Lelewel's ideas on Bakunin philosophy. (original abstract)
Content available Inny Bóg, inne dobro i zło
Content available remote Leon Chwistek - in Memoriam
Przedstawiono analizę podstawowych egzystencjalnych odniesień bytu ludzkiego do transcendencji, które prezentuje K. Jaspers: autonomiczność buntu i oddania; wzlot i upadek; "prawo dnia" i "ciemność nocy" oraz Jedno.
The philosophy of existence was first formulated by Karl Jaspers. When analysing a fragment of his deliberations it becomes evident that the mere understanding of existence, according to his philosophy, necessitates the extension of the existential thought by adding some metaphysical reflections on transcendence. The present paper is an analysis of the basic existential references to the transcendential being which Jaspers presents as antinomies of revolt and devotion, flight and fall, "the law of the day" and "the passion of the night", and the One and the multitude. Following that analysis a man is portrayed as being free and conscious of his imperfection, bent on getting rooted in the absolute being on the infinite way which is at the same time his way to himself. It leads to the conclusion that the contemporary philosophy of existence can clarify those ways unless it impoverishes the portrait of man as a result of making his existence absolute, i.e. if it is at the same time the philosophy of transcendence. (original abstract)
Scharakteryzowano Nietzscheańską teorię wartości na podstawie dzieł poprzedzających "Zaratustrę".
The Nietzschean theory of value can be understood as an attempt to reconcile objectivism with subjectivism. There is some objective value rooted in life and this is power. Other values are subjective in character and are exclusively the products of man. The absolute value sanctions the systems of value which are steps leading to its realization and validates the criticism of those which do not serve it. The dignified morality is an example of a system of values that is based on accurate recognition of the highest value and everything that serves it. The slavish morality lacks that value. (original abstract)
Wśród wielu pojęć analizowanych przez Sartre'a w "L'etre et le néant" istnieje kategoria "My". Wywodzi się ono z dwóch pojęć, które są najczęściej wykorzystywane przez Sartre'a i które opisują relacje międzyludzkie: wolność i konflikt. Istnieją dwa znaczenia "My":"my patrzymy na nich" ("le nous-sujet") i "mu jesteśmy oglądani przez innych" ("nous le-objet"). Pierwsze odsyła do panu subiektywnego, natomiast drugie do planu planu obiektywnego.
Among many notions analysed by Sartre in "L'être et le néant" there is also a category of "We". It originates from two notions, the ones that are most often used by Sartre and which describe human relations: freedom and conflict. "We" breaks into two structures: "le nous-objet" and "le nous-sujet". Both of them refer to the Third notion which looks at "us" or which "we" look at. Thus, the deliberations on the "We" category bring us back to the scheme of the objectifying approach according to which one's transcendence is always destroyed by somebody. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono istotę paradoksu i jego funkcje w filozofii.
The article is a fragment of the paper which is an attempt at grasping the essence of a paradox and its functions in philosophy. The history of its application is an irrefutable argument that a paradox has become an anthropological category. Basing on contrast or contradiction it goes far beyond the sphere of logic and thereby the category of truth and falseness. Thus, it belongs to the irrational means of cognition. (original abstract)
Najpierw zostanie krótko scharakteryzowana koncepcja poznania u D. Hume'a, a następnie koncepcja moralności, a w końcu ich porównanie z punktu widzenia tej pracy. (fragment tekstu)
The paper gives an account of the analysis of David Hume s writings. Owing to that analysis it was possible to reveal the common base of human cognition and morality. After a short characterization of Hume's views on the sphere of cognition concerning facts, and then, after the presentation of his main theses on morality it became evident that the main category explaining the genesis of cognition and moral phenomena is the notion of instinct, or habit. First, instinct makes it possible to set in order facts, to make predictions, to formulate principles and rules. Without that neither natural science nor human everyday activities would be possible. Secondly, instinct enables us to make moral decisions, which is very important for social unity. In both cases, instinct seems to express social adaptation of mankind to the environment. (original abstract)
Ostatnio w teorii poznania pojawiła się nowa metoda poznania rzeczywistości zwana metodą idealizacji. W skład metody idealizacji wchodzi idealizacja teoretyczna i praktyczna. W pracy tej omówione są niektóre zagadnienia izolacji układu eksperymentalnego, czyli sposobów integracji człowieka w przyrodę, co jest centralnym zagadnieniem praktycznej idealizacji. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Isolation of the experimental space takes place in, almost every expedient in which we try to isolate the influence of certain quantities from the quantities under examination. It is also a frequent problem of many technical domains not veil-developed. The first- part of the article is the .analysis of some ideas of practical idealization. Only basing on this conception one may sensibly raise the problem of the isolation of an experimental system. Idealization, new methodological conception, separates the reality into the substantial one which forms a phenomenon and the side one which is eliminated from the experimental space, i.e. isolation. Moreover, the article presents some consequentions of the so-understood isolation and namely these concerning the properties of time and space ox the experimental area. Time and space take interesting, characteristic properties which cannot be explained otherwise. (original abstract)
Omówiono problematykę śmierci i jej postrzegania. Zwrócono uwagę na zmianę jej charakteru z publicznego na intymny.
The intimate death, if it means an intimate sensation of the person at the death's door, results of the total enlargement of the sphere of the privacy in the 19th century. At the same time the intimate death is the consequence of the culture pressure to lead to the exception from the social experience the death's events and attending them sensorial symptoms. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono proces kształtowania się poglądów filozoficznych Mikołaja Bierdiajewa, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wpływu obrządku prawosławnego i marksizmu.
The author of the article presents the process of forming philosophical views by Nicolai Berdyaev, with particular respect to the influence of Marxism and Orthodox Rite. The philosopher paid more attention to the religious character of Marxism - that marked the beginning of his creative career - than to its social appeal. Also the Russian religious - philosophical renaissance of the turn of the XIXth and XXth centuries, that with the course of time took on a religious and Orthodox character, influenced his views. Though, Berdyaev's views are not fully consistent with the Orthodox thought. Tt is also not possible to consider him to be an Orthodox philosopher. Nevertheless, the most important ideas of his philosophy such as: Godly Man, Godly Humanity, sobornost', eschatology, were formed in the spirit of the Orthodox persuasion. (original abstract)
Wyjaśniono pojęcie awangardy i kreacji oraz zwrócono uwagę relację pomiędzy nimi w kontekście poglądów Nietzschego, Husserla i Wittgensteina.
The paper constitutes an attempt to relation between creation and vanguard. Creation and vanguard are a deep and meaningful notions. It is the role of philosophy to formulate these issues into problems. The author of the text attempts to match the task by illustrating important moments of the postCartesian philosophy (Nietzsche, Htisserl, Wittgenstein). (original abstract)
Przedstawiono historię i aktualny stan sporu między filozofią i nauką.
The article outlines the history and the present state of a dispute lasting for ages a relation between science and philosophy. The article also presents attempts to make philosophy more scientific. There is another dispute (mixed with the first one) concerning the substance and character of philosophy enunciation and the position of philosophy among another products of human intellect. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono religijno-filozoficzne poglądy Paula Tillicha. Filozof często poruszał problem wymiaru głębi. Pojęcia to stanowi dla niego metaforę przestrzenną, w której zawiera sie pytanie o sens życia człowieka i jego religijność.
W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono miejsce antropologii pragmatycznej w systemie filozofii Kanta. W dalszej części pracy przedmiotem badań jest człowiek, istota rozumna i samodoskonaląca się. Tematem ostatniej części artykułu jest osoba jako przedmiot moralności.
In the opinion of the author of Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, man differentiates himself from other living beings in his ability to perfect himself. This ability is played out on the basis of inborn qualities and dispositions (technical talents, pragmatic tendencies, moral endowments). The objective of this process is the "perfect rational being," i.e., a being that always and everywhere, without any compulsion, is guided by reason. This is the ideal to which a human in his or her earthly life can approach only to a limited degree. The crucial moment in the process of human development is the emergence of the reflexive consciousness, thanks to which one becomes a person. This special internal value also nas a moral dimension. It is only as a person that a human is subject to moral law. In his anthropology, Kant continues the tradition of the essentialist interpretation of man and comes out on the side of sensibility, consciousness, liberty and communion. This selection means both the avoidance of historical factors that extend beyond the sphere of unconscious reason, which may be treated as evidence of the one-sidedness of his concept. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono interpretacje Berkeleya dotyczącą istnienia i myślenia w ujęciu ontologicznym. Poprzez analizę dzieł i filozofii Berkeleya autor próbował odpowiedzieć na pytania z zakresu poznania.
The paper presents consequences of famous Berkeley's interpretation of being and thinking and their ontological connection. At the same time it constitutes an attempt to find an answer to one of the most important ontological questions about immediateness of our knowledge. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono system hinduskiego treningu duchowego Sahaj Marg opracowany z myślą o harmonijnym uregulowaniu wszystkich funkcji ludzkich.
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