The Fighting Solidarity Organization (1982-1990) was a noticeable part of the Polish opposition (i.e. Solidarity) movement, which appeared during the martial law period (introduced on 13 December 1981). The goal of the article is to follow the process of forming the collective identity of Fighting Solidarity members and supporters. The author tries to present the ordinary members’ point of view. The source basis of this article is mainly the texts from the FS clandestine press written by the activists less exposed than the founders of the FS, like Kornel Morawiecki. The concept of collective identity used by the Italian sociologist Alberto Melucci and German sociologist Priska Daphi is an important factor of inspiration for this analysis. The author does not use in the article the research methods characteristic of sociology, recommended by Melucci for studying social movements, but the traditional method of historical analysis of written and recorded sources.
Jerzy Adamczyk’s narrative was recorded in the middle of the last decade in the form of an audio file (currently in the author’s possession) at the request of his family. However, it has been edited to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the death of this witness to history, who was one of the members of Fighting Solidarity and the co-founder of its “Feniks” Independent Workers’ Publishing House. From Adamczyk’s recollections, we can learn a lot about how the introduction of martial law in Wrocław was viewed from the perspective of the socalled intellectual worker; about how great a challenge creating a free trade union from scratch in a non-productive establishment was; and, finally, about how those days were at times ridiculous and other times dramatic. The bitter reflections of Jerzy Adamczyk on the political and economic situation of Poland at the beginning of the twenty-first century appear as a summation of his narrative.
Relacja Jerzego Adamczyka została zarejestrowana w formie pliku audio (będącego w posiadaniu autora) na potrzeby rodziny w połowie ubiegłej dekady, zaś opracowana w przypadającą w tym roku dziesiątą rocznicę śmierci świadka – jednego z członków Solidarności Walczącej i zarazem współzałożyciela działającego pod jej auspicjami Niezależnego Robotniczego Wydawnictwa „Feniks”. Ze wspomnień Adamczyka dowiedzieć się możemy wiele na temat tego, jak wyglądało wprowadzenie stanu wojennego we Wrocławiu z perspektywy tzw. pracownika umysłowego, jakim wyzwaniem było stworzenie od podstaw wolnego związku zawodowego w zakładzie o charakterze nieprodukcyjnym, czy wreszcie, jak czasem śmieszne, a innym razem dramatyczne były tamte dni. Podsumowaniem relacji jest gorzka refleksja Jerzego Adamczyka na temat sytuacji politycznej i gospodarczej w Polsce na początku XXI w.
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