The deployment of Fiber To The Home (FTTH) in Denmark has accelerated over the previous years, and made Denmark one of the countries in Europe with the highest FTTH deployment rate. This development has been largely driven by the consumer-owned utilities and with almost no interference from government institutions and the incumbent operator, which makes the Danish FTTH evolution quite unique. In this paper we analyze the Danish FTTH deployment, and highlight some of the main drivers and challenges. A main conclusion is that FTTH can actually be deployed, even in rural areas. On the other hand the fast development in Denmark would probably not have happened without the special organization of electricity companies, and the traditions of these. In addition to technical challenges, ranging from system integration problems to handling of the physical fibers, it has been a significant challenge to actually attract customers: The development of speed and availability of xDSL solutions has increased the need for "killer" applications which take full advantage of the speeds offered by FTTH. The main contribution of this short paper is the analysis of the Danish FTTH experiences, which is valuable when developing technologies and services for FTTH, or when taking initiatives for supporting FTTH deployment in other countries.
Fiber To The Home (FTTH) to najbardziej nowoczesna technologia wśród światłowodowych sieci dostępowych. Podstawowymi wyzwaniami w procesie budowy sieci FTTH są wysoka cena urządzeń i koszt instalacji kabli. Cena urządzeń optycznych wprawdzie stale się obniża, jednak położenie kabla optycznego nadal generuje bardzo duże koszty. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono problem optymalizacji kosztów instalacji kabla optycznego. Jego rozwiązanie będzie miało praktyczne zastosowanie w projektowaniu sieci FTTH. Ponieważ prezentowany problem jest NP-trudny (Non-deterministic Polynomial-time hard), w celu jego rozwiązania posłużono się algorytmem aproksymacyjnym. Algorytm został zaimplementowany w celu analizy wydajności, która wykazała zadowalającą jakość wyników działania algorytmu z dopuszczalną czasochłonnością. W związku z tym autor proponuje zastosowanie algorytmu w narzędziach do projektowania sieci FTTH.
FTTH (Fiber To The Home) is the most ambitious among optical technologies applied in the access segment of telecommunications networks. The main issues of deploying FTTH are the device price and the installation cost. Whilst the costs of optical devices are gradually decreasing, the cost of optical cable installation remains challenging. In this paper, the problem of optimization that has practical application for FTTH networks is presented. Because the problem is NP-hard, the author proposed an approximation algorithm to solve it. The analysis confirms that the algorithm gains near-optimal results with acceptable time consumption.
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