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Artykuł podejmuje problematykę płodności imigrantek oraz nie-imigrantek w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Przedstawione analizy dowodzą, że imigrantki charakteryzują się wyższą płodnością w stosunku do kobiet urodzonych w USA. Wynika to z faktu, iż imigrantki pochodzą w zdecydowanej większości z krajów o wyższym poziomie płodności. Poza tym, zwiększona płodność może być wynikiem kompensacji urodzeń oraz zawierania małżeństw odłożonych w czasie, na skutek planowanej emigracji. Szczególne znaczenie w kształtowaniu struktury etnicznej populacji Stanów Zjednoczonych mają imigrantki pochodzenia latynoskiego, a wśród nich kobiety pochodzące z regionu Centralnej i Środkowej Ameryki. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The presented paper focuses on the fertility of immigrants and US-born women. The analyses show that immigrants are described by higher fertility compared to the fertility of US-born women. This is because immigrants come from countries where the level of fertility is significantly higher that observed in the USA. Moreover, postponing of births and/or delaying marriages due to immigration could determine that level of fertility. The immigrants from the Central and South America play an important role in patterning the shape of structure of the USA population by origin. (original abstract)
Content available remote Konwergencja płodności krajów europejskich
W pracy podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytania, czy spadkowi dzietności obserwowanemu od lat 60. XX wieku towarzyszyła konwergencja płodności krajów europejskich oraz jak zróżnicowane ścieżki przemian płodności wyodrębnionych grup państw Europy wpływały na badany proces. (fragment tekstu)
This paper seeks to investigate if fertility levels in European countries between years 1960-2004 were becoming similar. This period is characterized by significant changes in fertility that ultimately have led to the lack of generations replacement in Europe. Explaining the reasons of fertility decline within the second demographic transition, researchers suggest to separate two pathways (e.g. Frejka, Sobotka, Hoem, Toulemon 2008) which result from different economic, social and cultural considerations in European countries. This division refers to countries from Western Europe and from Central and Eastern Europe. Taking this division into consideration, a convergence analysis has been performed for all European countries and for separated groups of countries. Total fertility rate was employed as a measure of fertility. In order to assess its convergence, sigma and beta convergences have been applied (e.g. Dorius 2008), which were adopted by demographers from research on convergence in economic growth models. Also, to evaluate the dynamics of the convergence process in European countries, an analysis of intermediate periods between 1960 and 2004 has been carried out. A global depiction of demographic processes convergence has been proposed by Wilson (2011). On the basis of a fertility change analysis conducted for the world population divided into three regions (with European countries as a one group among them) a long term convergence has been proved. With respect to long term fertility changes, the results achieved by this study accord with Wilson's findings. (original abstract)
Artykuł przedstawia analizę płodności i rodności kobiet w wybranych miastach województwa Śląskiego (Bielsko-Biała, Chorzów i Katowice) w latach 1990-2001. Z badań wynika, iż kobiety mieszkające w Bielsku-Białej urodziły więcej dzieci niż kobiety z innych miast Górnośląskiego Okręgu Przemysłowego. Najwyższy wskaźnik zgonów niemowląt zaobserwowano w Chorzowie.
The article presents analyses of female fertility and fertility rate in selected cities of the Śląskie voivodship (Bielsko-Biała, Chorzów and Katowice) in the period of 1990-2001. Female inhabitants of Bielsko-Biała taking into consideration a female fertility and fertility rate gave birth to a child more often than woman inhabited in cities of Upper-Silesia Industry Region. The highest rate of death births was observed in Chorzów.
Content available remote Płodność a feminizm
Zadaniem pracy będzie próba odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy - a jeśli tak, to jaki - jest wpływ feminizmu (jako ideologii i ruchu społecznego) na sferę płodności? W części pierwszej zostanie przedstawiona koncepcja nowego paradygmatu płci oraz analiza feministycznej redefinicji płci w wymiarze jednostkowym, rodzinnym i społecznym. W drugiej części odwołam się do polskich realiów - jak feministyczny paradygmat płci kulturowej jest urzeczywistniany w sferze społeczno-politycznej. (fragment tekstu)
The paper presents the gender paradigm and influence of the feminist theory on the new concept sex-gender differences. Feminist research endorsed the sex/gender distinction. The main feminist motivation for making this distinction was to counter biological determinism. From the individual perspective it means that to be a woman or man depends not only on biological features, but also on social factors. The gender identity is a dynamic project in which everyone defines their own gender and parental roles. The consequence of a gender paradigm is a woman's right to self-determination and reproductive freedom and from a family perspective, the feminist demand to change the traditional concept of gender roles and to promote equality ("new gender contract" between women and men), as well as variety in family life. The new gender paradigm implies transforming the social structure. EU Gender equality policies entail structural and behavioral changes and adapting the organization of society towards a fairer share-out of roles. The gender equality is also a response to low fertility in European countries. The second part of the paper presents the influence of the feminist paradigm on the Polish society, where feminist actions have been conditioned by cultural and political factors. The cultural conflict in particular concerns reproductive rights (abortion law, contraception, sex education) and gender equity in the political agenda. Political changes and ideological conflict between the left-wing and the right-wing resulted in a dichotomy: gender equality policies versus family policy. Recently Polish feminists called for family policy to have a gender perspective.(original abstract)
Content available remote Życie i płodność. Moralne aspekty naturalnych metod planowania rodziny
Fertility is an inalienable feature of a human being, a fundamental function of sexuality, an attribute of maturity and an element that belongs to the essence of life. Fertility as an attribute of spousal love describes the field of many mutual achievements of a couple. Life processes are thus wisely regulated by nature itself in its biological rhythm. The knowledge of corporality and the rhythms of fertility is a prerequisite for responsible parenthood. Thus, responsible parenthood is an important matter for every married couple and the knowledge of nature is of much help in this area. To get to know nature better one must refer to the natural methods of conception, accepted and recommended by the Church. The aim of this publication is to present the natural methods of planning a family as an alternative to other methods widespread in the modern world which pose a danger to human life, marital bond and human dignity. Despite many publications which raise this issue, the subject of giving life in harmony with nature still remains open and inexhaustible.
Polska, podobnie jak cała Europa, doświadcza kryzysu demograficznego. Rozmiary, natężenie i rozmieszczenie zjawisk depopulacyjnych jest przestrzennie zróżnicowane, zarówno pomiędzy poszczególnymi krajami europejskimi, jak i wewnątrz poszczególnych państw. W Polsce obszarem o najgorszych warunkach wzrostu liczby ludności jest województwo opolskie, zwłaszcza w zakresie dzietności kobiet i skali migracji zewnętrznych. Splot tych zjawisk (a także uniwersalny proces starzenia się populacji) prowadzi wprost do zapaści demograficznej. Świadomość tego zagrożenia spowodowała opracowanie specjalnego programu „naprawczego” wkomponowanego w Regionalny Program Operacyjny na lata 2014-2020, z instytucjonalnym i finansowym wsparciem niezbędnych działań.
Poland, likewise the whole Europe, is experiencing demographical crisis. Size, intensity and placement of depopulational phenomenas are spatially differentiated, as well as among particular European states, but also inside particular countries. Opole Province is the region with the worst growth conditions for population in Poland – especially in women fertility and outside migration scale scope. Confluence of those events (together with universal process of population’s aging) leads straight to demographical deprivation. Awareness of this threat caused that the special “repairing” program was developed, which was incorporated in Regional Operational Program for the period 2014-2020, with institutional and financial support of essential actions.
Content available remote Procesy reprodukcji ludności w Europie
W pierwszej części pracy analizie poddano wskaźniki dotyczące przyrostu rzeczywistego ludności i jego składowych (przyrostu naturalnego i wędrówkowego). W drugiej części analiza skupia się na najczęściej przyjmowanej mierze reprodukcji - współczynniku dzietności ogólnej i jego powiązaniach z innymi zmiennymi demograficznymi i społeczno-ekonomicznymi. Na zakończenie wskazano na często podkreślaną rolę imigrantów w przyczynianiu się do wzrostu liczebnego populacji krajów europejskich. (fragment tekstu)
Demographic forecast for the upcoming decades foresee an increase of population size on almost all continents. Europe is the only one where the number of inhabitants is going to grow modestly or to decrease (depending mostly on the trends with respect to migrations). At the same time Europe has had the lowest dynamics of population growth for many years. The aim of the article is to demonstrate which of the European countries contribute the most, and which the least to the European population growth by analyzing population reproduction in these countries. The most frequently used measure of reproduction was applied - the total fertility rate and its relations with a number of social and demographic variables. The article concludes with an outline of prospective changes, allowing for migration processes and their possible implications for the observed pattern of reproduction. (original abstract)
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba kwantyfikacji wpływu uwarunkowań społeczno-ekonomicznych i demograficznych na zagregowaną płodność, wyrażoną za pomocą współczynnika dzietności teoretycznej (total fertility rate, TFR) w Polsce w latach 1970-2005, przy użyciu modelu ekonometrycznego, a docelowo wykorzystanie takiego modelu do prognozowania liczby urodzeń dla Polski (...). (fragment tekstu)
In the paper, an attempt to quantify interrelationships between the period total fertility rate in Poland in the years 1970-2005 and socio-economic determinants has been undertaken. In that respect, several possible explanatory variables suggested in various theoretical explanations of the fertility decline have been referred to. The overview of the theories resulted in the list of potential variables to be included into a linear model with the TFR as a dependent variable. Data availability defines the final set of 20 potential explanatory variables to be used in the model. Due to the presence of strong multicollinearity, a stepwise regression was applied. That method was supplemented by economic monitoring to ensure a sound interpretability of outcomes. Consequently, the final model included only four variables that influenced on the total fertility rate in Poland over the period under study: inertia in fertility, real wages, one variable related to social inequality and one linked to the pension system (i.e. to the replacement rate and the coverage rate ). The final model exhibits desirable statistical and economic features, and has been used for some projection exercises. (original abstract)
The observed decline in fertility in developed countries raises the question about the possibility of implementing a pronatalist government policy. In particular, possible policies involve modification of: income taxes, consumption taxes and the introduction of subsidies on children. The effectiveness of the listed fiscal policy instruments is debatable and it can be considered from theoretical or empirical point of view. The present work mainly focuses on the first approach, making a synthesis of existing economic theory in terms of the postulated effects of the fiscal instruments used to stimulate the number of children in families. The survey pinpoints two prevalent classes of models: the life cycle with taxpayer having children and multi-period overlapping generation models. The predictions of the models have been criticized, especially in the context of several simplifying assumptions undermining the practical utility of the results. Based on the literature review it can be seen that regardless of the context of redistribution of wealth, the fiscal instruments should affect the number of children in households. Additionally the effective pronatalist policy is not unique and in most cases, it should cover more than one fiscal policy instrument stimulating increase of birth rate.
Content available remote Multiple Classification Analysis : Theory and Application to Demography
Model analizy klasyfikacji wielokrotnej (MCA) jest addytywnym modelem mającym szersze możliwości zastosowania niż. np. modele regresji liniowej. Przede wszystkim ze względu na to, gdyż zmienne w modelu MCA mogą pochodzić ze skal np. przedziałowej czy nominalnej. Poza tym. możliwe jest określenie stopnia wpływu zmiennych niezależnych zarówno przed jak i po uwzględnieniu zmiennych kontrolnych. Wreszcie, nie jest wymagane spełnienie założenia liniowej zależności pomiędzy rozważanymi zmiennymi. Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie modelu MCA w analizie wpływu poziomu dochodu na planowaną płodność Amerykanek. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Multiple classification analysis (MCA) is an additive model having a wider spectrum of application than, e.g. linear regression models. The variables in MCA model could represent any scale, like interval or nominal scale. Moreover, an influence of independent variable on dependent one could be estimated in the light of control variables. Finally, a linearity assumption between variables is relaxed. The presented paper is devoted to the application of MCA model to measure an influence of income on fertility of women in the United States. The theoretical characteristics of MCA model is described as well. (original abstract)
Streszczenie Obserwowane od lat zmiany w natężeniu dzietności oraz wzorca płodności w Polsce nie przebiegają podobnie według województw. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie tych przekształceń oraz określenie czynników je determinujących. Zakładamy, że w regionach charakteryzujących się wyższym zagrożeniem bezrobocia oraz "nowoczesnym" stylem życia będziemy mogli zaobserwować niższą płodność oraz wyższe zaawansowanie wzorca płodności. W przypadku zmiennych określających stabilność zatrudnienia oraz lepszą dostępność do instytucjonalnej opieki nad małym dzieckiem sytuacja będzie kształtować się odwrotnie. (abstrakt oryginalny
Observed for years, changes in the intensity of the fertility and pattern of fertility in Poland does not proceed similarly by provinces. Purpose of the article is a demonstration of these transformations and to identify the factors which determine them. We assume that in regions with a higher risk of unemployment and the "modern" style of life we will be able to observe lower fertility and higher performing pattern of fertility. In the case of variables determining the stability of employment and a better accessibility to institutional care for small children, the situation will develop. (original abstract)
The aim of this article is to analyse long-term trends in nuptiality, fertility and reproduction in Poland in the years 1948-94, and to assess the situation in the mid-1990s. The period under consideration depends on the availability of comparable data. This article has made use of information elaborated and published by Kedelski (1995) covering the time period in question. This kind of information is rather unusual since traditionally fertility and reproduction refer only to the female population. Using Kedelski's data, we are able to describe these processes separately for both males and females. With this aim in mind, the following characteristics by age and gender have been taken into account: - nuptiality: first marriage patterns, total nuptiality rates, - fertility and reproduction: marital and general fertility patterns, marital fertility rates, gross and net reproduction rates. Referring to an intrinsic rate of natural increase, this article is able to demonstrate the consequences of fertility decline. (fragment of original text)
Content available remote Cohort and period fertility of Polish women, 1945-2008
In the article, changes in the reproductive behaviour in Poland, especially after 1989, are discussed in terms of both cohort and period measures of fertility. The article consists of two complementary parts. The first part essentially replicates cohort analyses published by Holzer and Holzer-Zelazewska (1997) with an extension to women's cohorts born in 1946-1990, who themselves gave birth in the years 1961-2008. The new data used in the analysis comes from the registration of births for the years 1985-2008, provided by the Central Statistical Office in Warsaw. The analysis includes age-specific cohort fertility rates (for cohorts born in 1946-1985), as well as the total cohort fertility rates. The second part of the paper adds a period perspective to the analysis of fertility changes in Poland after 1989. Here, focus is on the period total fertility rate, fertility rates by parity, and age-specific fertility rates. Moreover, using the Bongaarts-Feeney adjustment (Bongaarts and Feeney, 1998), attempt is made to account for changes in the TFR related to quantum and tempo effects. Profound changes, both in cohort and period fertility rates after 1989, were found to be mostly resulting from the decrease in the quantum (reduction of higher order births), and to a smaller extent were affected by the tempo, which was manifested by a slow, but persistent increase in the age at birth of the first child. Recent upward changes, both in cohort and period fertility, result from the recuperation effect shown by an increased intensity of births among large cohorts born from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s. Yet, it is still improbable that contemporary cohorts will attain completed fertility, high enough to guarantee the replacement of generations. (original abstract)
Artykuł dotyczy zróżnicowania płodności według województw opisywanego przez współczynnik dzietności teoretycznej oraz wzorzec płodności. Wśród wielu determinant wpływających na przestrzenną odmienność zachowań prokreacyjnych wymienia się sytuację na rynku pracy. Wykorzystując liniowy model regresji wielorakiej, zbadamy regionalne współwystępowanie tych procesów oraz określimy te charakterystyki bezrobocia i zatrudnienia, które istotnie przyczyniają się do wojewódzkiego zróżnicowania płodności.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The article is devoted to the analysis of fertility by voivodeships described by theoretical fertility rate and fertility pattern. Among many determinants influencing spatial diversity of reproductive behavior there is among others the situation on the labour market.. Using a linear regression model, we can study regional co-occurrence of these processes and specify the characteristics of unemployment and employment which significantly contribute to voivodeship's fertility differences.(original abstract)
Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie zachowań prokreacyjnych Polek poprzez identyfikację czynników je determinujących z wykorzystaniem metod bayesowskich. W pracy zastosowano bayesowski model regresji Poissona. Wybrany model umożliwił określenie kierunku i skali wpływu wybranych czynników na liczbę dzieci posiadanych przez kobiety. Natomiast podejście bayesowskie dało możliwość włączenia do modelu informacji a priori oraz lepsze oszacowanie parametrów modelu. W estymacji wykorzystano metody Monte Carlo oparte na łańcuchach Markowa, a w szczególności próbnik Gibbsa. Badanie przeprowadzono na podstawie danych indywidualnych pochodzących z polskiego badania retrospektywnego "Przemiany rodziny i wzorce dzietności w Polsce" (1991). W analizie płodności kobiet uwzględniono następujące czynniki: miejsce zamieszkania, wykształcenie, fakt pozostawania w związku małżeńskim, zatrudnienie oraz wyznanie. Otrzymane rezultaty porównano z dotychczasowymi wynikami badań dla Polski i innych krajów. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The primary objective of the work is to use Bayesian methods to investigate women fertility in Poland and identify key factors influencing it. Bayesian Poisson regression model has been used in the analysis. The model allows determining factors that have a significant impact on the number of children born. Moreover Bayesian approach makes it possible to incorporate a priori knowledge and improve the estimation of model parameters. The model has been estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo method with Gibbs sampling. The work has been based on the Polish study "Family changes and Fertility Patterns in Poland" (1991). The following attributes have been considered in the analysis of women fertility: place of living, education, marital status, employment and religion. The results have been compared with the results of related research for Poland and other countries. (original abstract)
Content available remote Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie płodności w Polsce
nr nr 2(160)
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie przestrzennego zróżnicowania płodności i jego zmian w czasie w Polsce w latach 1990-2009 w mieście i na wsi w ujęciu wojewódzkim. Oprócz wskazania terytorialnych różnic dotyczących kierunku i skali tych przeobrażeń, zostaną wyodrębnione grupy województw o podobnym ich przebiegu. Opis ten pozwoli na weryfikację następujących hipotez badawczych: województwa charakteryzujące się podobną płodnością tworzą zwarte przestrzennie obszary oraz ten przestrzenny obraz płodności nie uległ zmianie w czasie. Ponadto grupy województw charakteryzujących się podobną płodnością dotyczą tych samych jednostek administracyjnych w mieście i na wsi. (fragment tekstu)
The article describes the variation of fertility in Poland by voivodships in the period 1990-2009, separately for urban and rural areas. The analysis is based on the total fertility rate, the age-specific fertility rates (fertility patterns), and a median age of childbearing and their change over time. These variables are used to identify groups of similar voivodships. The underlying changes, whereby the peak in the age-specific fertility is shifted towards older age groups, demonstrate patterns of fertility transformation, which can be observed in several areas of Poland. It has been shown that the changes in fertility by voivodships were not homogeneous as to the intensity, but similar to the direction. A similar trend has been observed for changes in the total fertility rate. However, these considerations do not allow to believe that in all voivodships timing of fertility was a decisive factor of observed changes. In some voivodships the quantum effects were more important. This suggests that the transformation of fertility in different areas of Poland was not driven by the same determinants. (original abstract)
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie przemian demograficznych Polski w świetle koncepcji drugiego przejścia demograficznego od lat 80. Ubiegłego wieku (czyli od zapoczątkowania trwałego spadku dzietności) poprzez okres transformacji gospodarczej lat 90. i początek XXI wieku oraz ukazanie ich zróżnicowania przestrzennego na różnym szczeblu podziału administracyjnego, w zależności od dostępności danych statystycznych, których źródłem jest GUS. (fragment tekstu)
The aim of the paper is to show demographic changes in association with second demographic transition theory including total fertility rates, age specific fertility rates, mean age at childbearing as well as the level of marriages and divorces. All the changes will be presented by districts (powiaty) in urban and rural dimension at the turn of 20th and 21st century. An attempt will be taken to answer the question how modern population changes in Poland are varied spatially and what is their direction (e. g. from the core cities to suburban zones within the suburbanisation process as well as from the west to the east resulted from the opening of borders and the enlargement of the European Union.(original abstract)
Content available remote Posiadanie własnego mieszkania a rodzicielstwo w Polsce
nr nr 1(159)
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę związku pomiędzy zamieszkiwaniem we własnym mieszkaniu a przejściem do rodzicielstwa przez Polki urodzone w latach 1971-1981. Podjęto próbę weryfikacji hipotezy mówiącej o tym, że zamieszkiwanie we własnym mieszkaniu stanowi ważny warunek decyzji o zostaniu rodzicem.
Having a home of one's own was enumerated by Hobcraft and Kieman (1995) as one of the five pre-conditions for the entry to parenthood in industrialised economies. The importance of home ownership for the decision to become a parent has not been investigated for Poland, however. This article aims at filling partly this gap through examining the relationship between home ownership and first birth among Polish women born 1971-1981. This research issue is considered to be important due to a decline in the number of dwellings completed each year as well as the enormous increase in housing prices that were observed in Poland after 1989. Our empirical findings point out a strong and positive relationship between home ownership and entry to motherhood. More in-depth analyses show that this result is mostly to be attributed to the fact that parents-to-be condition the realisation of their childbearing plan made in the past on becoming a home owner. It is to be noted, that rental accommodation is a far less attractive option for persons planning a child, as is the residence at parents' dwelling. These results are largely consistent with empirical findings of other researchers investigating this issue in other industrialised economies and suggest that difficulties with a home purchase are one of the reasons for fertility postponement in Poland. (original abstract)
The paper validates data from the Fertility Survey 2002 in order to establish their comparability with selected variables from the National Census and cohort fertility trends calculated with use of the birth register database. In the first part of the analysis, we compare distributions of residence, age and educational level from the Fertility Survey and the National Census in order to measure the sampling bias. The second part of the analysis compares cohort fertility rates based on the Fertility Survey and registration of births. In this part, both weighted and non-weighted Fertility Survey data were used in order to account for biases from the cohort fertility based on registration data. We conclude that the distribution of selected variables obtained from the Fertility Survey sample significantly deviates from the respective distribution from the National Census. This bias influences cohort fertility rates calculated using Fertility Survey data, which tend to overestimate cohort fertility rates observed in the population. Application of inverse probability weights removes the bias in the sample structure but does not entirely remove overestimation of cohort fertility rates. We also conclude that the remaining difference in cohort fertility results from other sources of bias which we cannot control for. However, the magnitude of bias should not have an impact on the results of statistical modeling with use of Fertility Survey data. (original abstract)
nr nr 7
W opracowaniu podjęta została próba rozpoznania dynamiki urodzeń w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim w trzech wymiarach: zmiany w wielkości urodzin, zmiany w strukturze urodzeń żywych według kolejności urodzenia dziecka, zmiany w strukturze wieku rozrodczego kobiet. Zakres czasowy opracowania obejmuje okres od utworzenia nowego podziału administracyjnego. Materiałem źródłowym, który posłużył do przeprowadzenia analizy wielkości i struktury rodności w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim, były dane statystyki masowej zawarte w rocznikach demograficznych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. (fragment tekstu)
The main aim of the study was identification of birth rate in Kuyavia-Pomerania Province according to demographic features and changes. The scope of analysis included the years 1999-2006. The Central Statistical Office from 2000 to 2007 provided birth data which were the basic source of information. The results revealed the following phenomena: - decrease in the rate of birth, - changes in the structure of births. Taking birth sequence into account it was observed that there was an increase in giving birth for the first and second time and a decrease in giving birth for the fourth time and more, - age diversity of women giving birth. An increase in the rate of women giving birth in 25-29, 30-34 and 35-39 age group and a decrease of birth rate for women aged under 19 and 20-24 were observed during the analysed period. (original abstract)
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