Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie zasad, którymi powinno kierować się przy określaniu opłat za usługę zbiorowego oczyszczania ścieków, która jest podstawowym sposobem zapewnienia nie tylko właściwego poziomu sanitarnego życia ludności, ale przede wszystkim ochrony wód przed ich nadmiernym zanieczyszczeniem. (fragment tekstu)
The concept of sustainable development was emerged in the Rio Declaration. In the declaration the principles of sustainable development were formulated. Among these principles few can be applied to water protection. In Poland, municipal and industrial wastewater treatment is usually carried out by the water and sewerage companies. To ensure their proper functioning it is needed to determine the appropriate prices for water and wastewater. From this point of view it is important to eliminate the so-called cross-subsidization. The purpose of this article is to present the principles which should be followed while determining the fees for the service of collective waste water treatment, which is the fundamental way to ensure not only the appropriate level of sanitary living of the population, but also the protection of waters against their excessive pollution. (original abstract)
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