The aim of presented research is a system that can monitor human posture. The project is based on scaled platform and polymer ForceSensitive Resistor (FSR) to detect pressure on predetermined points of examined person’s feet and to measure change of Center of Pressure COP. The data is collected by an Arduino UNO and sent to PC via UART for further analysis and results display (stabilogram and histogram of COP) using Python. The system can be used to support the diagnosis of locomotor and balance system.
Celem prezentowanych badań jest system posturograficzny bazujący na sensorach polimerowych. System bazuje na wyskalowanej platformie z rozlokowanymi sensorami rezystancyjnymi FSR. Sensory wykrywają zmianę nacisku w określonych punktach stóp badanej osoby co umożliwia pomiar Center of Pressure COP. Akwizycja danych odbywa się za pomocą Arduino. Wizualizacja wyników którym są stabilogram i histogram trajektorii COP, przedstawiana jest w autorskiej aplikacji napisanej przy użyciu języka Python. System może być wykorzystany do wspomagania diagnostyki układu ruchowego i równowagi.
The manufacturing and characterization of polymer nanocomposites is an active research trend nowadays. Nonetheless, statistical studies of polymer nanocomposites are not an easy task since they require several factors to consider, such as: large amount of samples manufactured from a standardized procedure and specialized equipment to address characterization tests in a repeatable fashion. In this manuscript, the experimental characterization of sensitivity, hysteresis error and drift error was carried out at multiple input voltages (𝑈𝑠) for the following commercial brands of FSRs (force sensing resistors): Interlink FSR402 and Peratech SP200-10 sensors. The quotient between the mean and the standard deviation was used to determine dispersion in the aforementioned metrics. It was found that a low mean value in an error metric is typically accompanied by a comparatively larger dispersion, and similarly, a large mean value for a given metric resulted in lower dispersion; this observation was held for both sensor brands under the entire range of input voltages. In regard to sensitivity, both sensors showed similar dispersion in sensitivity for the whole range of input voltages. Sensors’ characterization was carried out in a tailored test bench capable of handling up to 16 sensors simultaneously; this let us speed up the characterization process.
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