W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie bezpieczeństwa związanego z eksploatowanymi w Siłach Powietrznych RP samolotów wielozadaniowych F-16. Autorzy zwrócili uwagę na kwestię wykorzystywanego paliwa do systemu awaryjnego zasilania tych statków powietrznych. W tym miejscu podkreślono fakt, iż samoloty te wymagają specjalnego paliwa o oznaczaniu H-70, który jest wodnym roztworem toksycznej hydrazynę. Z tego też względu służby ratownicze polskich baz lotnictwa wojskowego, w których stacjonują F-16 musiały zostać odpowiednio dostosowane. Nie mniej zwrócono uwagę, że w przypadku wystąpienia konieczności awaryjnego lądowania tego statku powietrznego na innych lotniskach mogą pojawić się trudności związane z ewentualnym wyciekiem hydrazyny, czy jej neutralizacji z uwagi na brak wyspecjalizowanych zespołów HRT (ang. Hydrazine Response Team), będących częścią Grupy Ratownictwa Lotniskowego (ang. Aircraft rescue and firefighting).
The article presents the safety issue bonded to the Polish Air Force F-16 multirole aircraft. The authors pointed out the issue of fuel used for emergency supply system of these aircrafts. The paper emphasized the fact that these aircrafts require special fuel with designation H-70, which is 70% aqueous solution of toxic hydrazine. For this reason, the rescue services of Polish Air Force bases where Polish F-16 are stationed had to be adjusted accordingly. Just as importantly authors noticed that in the event of an emergency landing of this aircraft at different airports can receive difficulties associated with the possible leakage of hydrazine, or its neutralization in the absence of specialized Hydrazine Response Team, which are part of the Rescue Group (Aircraft rescue and firefighting – ARFF).
W artykule przedstawiony został system awaryjnego zasilania samolotu wielozadaniowego będącego na wyposażeniu Sił Zbrojnych RP. Artykuł prezentuje również rozwiązania awaryjnych źródeł zasilania stosowane na innych typach statków powietrznych wykorzystywanych w lotnictwie skupiając się jednak na podstawowych elementach, zasadzie działania i przeznaczeniu układu znajdującego się na wyposażeniu samolotu F-16.
Paper discussed the Emergency Power System. The article describes the emergency power supply system of the multi-role aircraft which is presently owned by the Polish Air Force. The article also presents the emergency power supply system used in other types of aircraft in aviation focusing on basic elements, the operations and purpose of the F-16 system.
The main goal of the paper is to analyze the current state of the combat aircraft in the Polish Air Forces, and on that account draw a conclusion regarding the potential need of purchasing a new multirole fighter in order to increase the national air defense capability. The first section of the article is dedicated to a thorough description of the aircraft that constitute today the Polish Air Forces, i.e. the SU-22 “Fitter”, MiG-29 “Fulcrum”, and F-16 “Fighting Falcon”. Advantages and disadvantages of each aircraft are presented and discussed. The article is concluded with the statement that for the sake of the Polish airspace and overall security the country has to invest and acquire a new modern multi-purpose aircraft capable of performing a full range of combat missions.
The multirole F-16 is the most advanced aircraft in the Polish Air Forces. It has been equipped with the very modern, sophisticated and advanced turbofan engine F100-PW-229. Due to the fact, that there is only one engine, its reliability, durability, efficiency and performance are the crucial factors for the safety reasons. In the article author researched maintenance system of the F100 turbofan engines, to describe Engine Monitoring System features. Engine Monitoring System (EMS) is the key element in the engine prognostic and health monitoring. The EMS provides engine fault indicators to the pilots and technicians and with the engine performance trending affects the F-16 flight safety risk and enhanced engine maintenance management concept. The main goal of this article was to provide information on the F-16 Engine Monitoring System and its impact on the aircraft airworthiness and F-16 fleet readiness resulting from the engine reliability. It is also an introduction to the F-16 Engine Health Management concept.
The article presents analysis of the F-16 purchase for the Polish Armed Forces. The aim of this paper is to present that defence offset is a very difficult problem not only in our country. In this work is shown an important role not only of the financial value of the offset but also of the several another factors. Those factors can be recognized analysing the following research questions: Have the industry got new work?, Have the obtained offsets included advanced technologies?, Were the companies been prepared to fulfil offset obligations?, Have the offsets provided profits for the polish defence industry? The research showed that there is no satisfied answer for mentioned questions. A the same time was shown how important is the substantive and practical preparation of the defence industry to take offset obligations.
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F-16 is the most advanced aircraft in the Polish Air Forces. It has been equipped with the very modem, sophisticated and advanced turbofan engine F100-PW-229. Due to the fact, that there is only one engine, its reliability, durability, efficiency and performance are the crucial factors for the safety reasons. First time in the history of the Polish Air Forces 31st Tactical Air Force Base Poznań-Krzesiny received capabilities to perform engine and engine components repairs at the base level. Military technicians responsible for this task must be aware of the hazards concerned with the engine maintenance processes. In the article authors researched maintenance system of the FI00 turbofan engines. For the study purposes authors of this article created maintenance risk model for the maintenance activities on the turbofan jet engine. On the example of one maintenance task authors presented risk management process comprising hazards identification, hazards formulation, risk assessment and risk mitigation. As a result of the risk assessment authors proposed risk mitigating factors. The main goal of this article was to provide clues and guidelines for the maintenance key personnel how to assess and manage risk during engine repairs and overhauls processes.
W pracy obszarem rozważań autorów jest system utrzymania silników turbinowych F100 samolotów wielozadaniowych F-16. Zbudowano model systemu utrzymania silników turbinowych oraz procesów w nim realizowanych. Dla przyjętej domeny analiz, dla wybranego przykładowego zadania realizowanego w ramach systemu utrzymania silników FI00, zaprezentowano procedury: przygotowywania narzędzi do rozpoznawania źródeł zagrożeń, rozpoznawania źródeł zagrożeń, grupowania źródeł zagrożeń i formułowania zagrożeń. Podano końcowe efekty procesu identyfikacji zagrożeń w postaci ich charakterystyk, na które składają się: grupa źródeł zagrożenia, sformułowanie zagrożenia, przewidywane straty / szkody będące wynikiem aktywizacji zagrożenia. W rezultacie przeprowadzonego procesu szacowania ryzyka zaproponowano działania zmierzające do złagodzenia ryzyka zagrożeń. Głównym celem artykułu było przedstawienie wskazówek oraz metodyki postępowania dla personelu zarządzającego systemem utrzymania silników samolotów F-16 w zakresie zarządzania ryzykiem w trakcie wykonywania napraw i remontów silników.
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