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Przedstawiono analizę podstawowych egzystencjalnych odniesień bytu ludzkiego do transcendencji, które prezentuje K. Jaspers: autonomiczność buntu i oddania; wzlot i upadek; "prawo dnia" i "ciemność nocy" oraz Jedno.
The philosophy of existence was first formulated by Karl Jaspers. When analysing a fragment of his deliberations it becomes evident that the mere understanding of existence, according to his philosophy, necessitates the extension of the existential thought by adding some metaphysical reflections on transcendence. The present paper is an analysis of the basic existential references to the transcendential being which Jaspers presents as antinomies of revolt and devotion, flight and fall, "the law of the day" and "the passion of the night", and the One and the multitude. Following that analysis a man is portrayed as being free and conscious of his imperfection, bent on getting rooted in the absolute being on the infinite way which is at the same time his way to himself. It leads to the conclusion that the contemporary philosophy of existence can clarify those ways unless it impoverishes the portrait of man as a result of making his existence absolute, i.e. if it is at the same time the philosophy of transcendence. (original abstract)
Wśród wielu pojęć analizowanych przez Sartre'a w "L'etre et le néant" istnieje kategoria "My". Wywodzi się ono z dwóch pojęć, które są najczęściej wykorzystywane przez Sartre'a i które opisują relacje międzyludzkie: wolność i konflikt. Istnieją dwa znaczenia "My":"my patrzymy na nich" ("le nous-sujet") i "mu jesteśmy oglądani przez innych" ("nous le-objet"). Pierwsze odsyła do panu subiektywnego, natomiast drugie do planu planu obiektywnego.
Among many notions analysed by Sartre in "L'être et le néant" there is also a category of "We". It originates from two notions, the ones that are most often used by Sartre and which describe human relations: freedom and conflict. "We" breaks into two structures: "le nous-objet" and "le nous-sujet". Both of them refer to the Third notion which looks at "us" or which "we" look at. Thus, the deliberations on the "We" category bring us back to the scheme of the objectifying approach according to which one's transcendence is always destroyed by somebody. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono myśl filozoficzną Alberta Camusa, a w szczególności jego dwa ideały człowieka ("człowiek absurdalny" i "człowiek zbuntowany"). Autorka pokazuje, że te dwie postawy odzwierciedlają dwa zdecydowanie odmienne przekonania Camusa i zwrot w jego myśleniu od myślenia egzystencjalnego do myślenia społecznego.
Two categories are central in the philosophy of Camus: the category of absurd and category of revolt. Both are closely connected: the experience of absurdity generates the attitude of revolt. Two corresponding ideals of man emerge: "absurd man" and "rebellious man". In his essays and "Journals" the attitudes of absurdity and rebellion are sometimes interchangeable, and the difference between them becomes blurred on more than one occasion. In the author's opinion these two attitudes reflect Camus's two conflicting beliefs and indicate the transition in his philosophical development from the attitude adopted by the "absurd man" to the attitude of the ,Rebellious man". They reveal an evolution of his thought from existential thinking to social thinking crowned with Utopia of its own particular kind. (original abstract)
Marcelowska koncepcja rozporządzalności trafiła w oczekiwania przeciętnego człowieka. Jej podstawy tkwią w chrześcijańskiej wizji człowieka. Autor opisuje założenia filozoficzne G. Marcela zwracając uwagę na przesłania i intencje, podkreślając przy tym złe i dobre strony pojęcia rozporządzalności.
The Marcelian concept of disposability signifies a desire to place oneself entirely at the disposal of another human being. It is a form of love and is closely related to such human attitudes as unlimited trust in another, the hope for reciprocation, and the readiness to meet challenges. An individual who places himself at the disposal of another is exposed to many dangers and places his reputation at risk, for people ill-disposed towards that individual can exploit his attitude for their own ends. Despite this, it is through disposability that many people assert their faith in the possibility of partnership-based relations with those close to them. Disposability can also be based on a relationship with a personal Absolute. (original abstract)
The main character in the novel "Papa Sartre" (2001), written by an Iraqi writer ʻAli Bader, is ʻAbd al-Rahman, described as a philosopher famous in the intellectual circle of Baghdad in the 1950s and 1960s. ʻAbd al-Rahman gained popularity by familiarising the Baghdadian intellectuals with the existential thought of Jean-Paul Sartre. However, practicing of existentialism in his daily life seems to have more in common with moral nihilism. As for the Iraqi intellectuals shown in the novel, they appear as adopting fashionable philosophical and literary trends in a non-critical way. With reference to this literary fiction, the paper seeks an answer to the question whether ʻAbd al-Rahman’s understanding of existentialism was the only one among Arab intellectuals. The first part of the paper tracks circumstances of introducing the existential thought into the milieu of the Arabic poets after the World War II. However, in those days identification with national or social trends in Arabic literature was much stronger than with existentialism, which was perceived as socially harmful by many intellectuals. A brief outline of the psychological condition of the generation of Arab intellectuals after the World War II, with reference to the article ‘The Lost Generation’ published in the "Magazine Al-Adib" in 1950, as well as to the words of an Iraqi poet Buland al-Haydari, is also provided. The socio-political situation in Iraq which contributed to Buland al-Haydari’s social and existential alienation and alienation of other Iraqi intellectuals of the time (i.e. ʻAbd al-Wahhab al-Bayati and Nazik al-Malaʼika) is mentioned too. Finally, the article discuses the problem of reception of existential thought in the works of Buland al-Haydari ("Pulsation of Clay" 1947 and "Songs of the Dead City" 1951), Nazik al-Mala’ika ("Sparks and Ashes" 1949) and ʻAbd al-Wahhab al-Bayati ("Broken Pitchers" 1954), concentrating on their reflection on life and death with reference to some of the main existential ideas (eg. the absurd, the revolt) and symbols (eg. Sisyphe). The aim of this article is to demonstrate that through relating their feelings and reflections with the existential thought these poets had a powerful tool to express and describe their psychological condition in that difficult time for the Arab community.
Content available remote Otázka pravdy u Levinase
The author attempts to explore the status of truth in the works of Levinas. This analy-sis first requires a preparatory study of the status of truth in the works of Husserl and Heidegger. On the basis of these deliberations, the text then elaborates the Levinasian concept of truth with a reference to Totality and Infinity, as well as Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence.
Według G. Marcela, zagrożenie oznacza niebezpieczeństwo doprowadzające do rozpaczy, utraty nadziei, co oznacza porażkę, niepowodzenie jednostki i zagrożenie jej rozwoju. Marcel postrzega takie nastawienie w negatywnym świetle, jako umocnienie własnego "ja" w zamykaniu się w sobie. W artykule opisano postawę, która jest określona jako "nieakceptacja pozytywna" a objawia się ona cierpliwością oraz pokładaniem zaufania we własne przeznaczenie.
In a "challenge" situation, which in Marcel's philosophy assumes the form of illfortune, the individual adopts various attitudes. A "challenge" signifies danger, which provokes the temptation of despair and associated resignation. For Marcel it signals a defeat for the individual, impeding his development and leading to self-annihilation. Marcel views such an attitude in a negative light. He opposes the attitude whereby an individual accepts his tragic fate while preserving inner integrity. This acceptance is similar to stoic apathy, whereby the individual maintains a reasonable distance in relation to his fate. Marcel criticises this outlook, perceiving within it a negative moment that entails the elevation of the "I" as a result of self-deification. Instead, Marcel suggests an approach he terms "positive non-acceptance", characterised by patience and a placing of trust in one's fate. This approach allows the individual to overcome fear and "tame" ill-fortune. As a result, the individual makes the "challenge" an element of his own personal fate, leading to internal spiritual transformation. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest próba wyjaśnienia, na czym polega egzystencja, a ponadto wykazanie, jakie ma ona znaczenie dla tego, kto jest nią bezpośrednio zainteresowany.
In the philosophy of Kierkegaard (often named as one of the forerunners of existentialism) one of higly controversial issues is existence. The present article is a proposition of understanding this crucial category. (short original abstract)
Przedmiotem artykułu jest egzystencjalizm polityczny Hanny Arendt - połączenie w jej politycznej myśli filozofii egzystencjalnej z fundamentalnymi zagadnieniami współczesnej polityki. Przedstawiono rolę egzystencjalizmu w biografii intelektualno-politycznej Arendt oraz związki pomiędzy nią a Martinem Heideggerem. Omówiono ujęcie przez Arendt ludzką sytuację egzystencjalną i jej pogląd na upadek sfery politycznej w procesie rozkładu starożytności grecko-rzymskiej. Koncepcja ta, przedstawiona w "The Human Condition", stanowi jej filozoficzne kredo i najpełniej ukazuje egzystencjalny wymiar polityki. (fragment tekstu)
The purpose of this article is to explore Hannah Arendt's political existentialism. It examines the role of existentialist philosophy in her intellectual and political life, and the relation between Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger. The analysis focuses on Arendt's concept of the human condition and her views on the decline of the political sphere related to the disappearance of the ancient city-state. (original abstract)
W pracy przedstawiono wybrane, współczesne koncepcje egzystencjalne (Camus, Frankl, Heidegger, Marcel, Unamuno, Jaspers) w dwóch modelowych postaciach. Pierwsza z nich kwestionuje wartość i sens życia, druga- tragiczność istnienia czyni punktem wyjścia mozliwości pozytywnego urzeczywistnienia się człowieka.
The contemporary existential thought presents a man as the "being in a situation". The existential experience is the category which centres this thinking. It implies the feeling of the tragic nature of human life. It is rendered by such terms as: the absurd (Camus), anxiety (Heidegger), suffering (Frankl), fear (Unamuno), defeat (Jaspers). The feeling of the tragic nature of life causes despair, hopelessness, pessimism; it is accompanied by opposition and protest.(short original abstract)
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