Instytut Transportu Samochodowego (ITS) należy do prekursorów badań i przedsięwzięć doskonalących system transportowy Polski. Nawiązując do lat początków swej działalności, w ITS podjęto badania dotyczące doskonalenia systemu transportowego na wschodzie Polski, w regionie Południowego Podlasia, który to region jest ważnym elementem Euroregionu Bug. W latach 2015 - 2016 w Instytucie zainteresowanie badaczy zwróciło się ku Euroregionowi Bug, którego potencjał, zwłaszcza transportowy, nie jest w dniu dzisiejszym odpowiednio wykorzystywany. Celem artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie potencjału transportowego Euroregionu Bug. Będąc regionem transgranicznym, przez który przewożone są masy ładunków, euroregion ten nie wykorzystuje w pełni swego transportowego potencjału, który odpowiednio ukierunkowany mógłby zapewnić regionowi przygranicznemu szybki rozwój gospodarczy. Fakt, iż Euroregion Bug jest regionem tranzytowym wydaje się atutem, gdyż nie przez każdą krainę geograficzną przechodzą tak ważne szlaki transportowe, duże potoki ładunków, towarów i ludzi. Tranzyt to zatem szansa, ale i obawa, czy da się odpowiednio wykorzystać możliwości jakie stwarza.
Motor Transport Institute (ITS) is one of the for e-runners of research and improvements to the projects improving Polish transport system. Referring back to the years of the beginning of its activity, the ITS undertook the studies on the improvements to the transport system in the eastern Poland, in the region of Southern Podlasie, the region that is an important element of the Bug Euroregion. In the years 2015-2016 the Institute’s of researchers turned their attention to, among the others, the Bug Euroregion, whose potential, especially transport one, is not properly used today. This article aims to characterize the transport potential of the Bug Euroregion. Being a cross-border region, through which a lot of cargo is transported, this Euroregion is not fully exploiting its transport potential, which if properly focused could provide a border region a rapid economic development. The fact that the Bug Euroregion is a transit region appears to be an advantage, because not every geographical region has such important transport routes, major streams of cargo, goods and people, running through it. Transit is there fore a chance, but also anxiety, whether it will be possible to fully properly exploit the opportunities it creates.
The Association of Local Governments of the Euroregion Bug implements its statutory objectives within the scope of activities and broadly understood cross-border issues. It is an intermediary institution for EU funds operators under EU Programmes, mainly co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund. As part of EU funds, it has recruited from such programmes as the National PHARE Programme – Polish Eastern Border and the Neighbourhood Programme Poland–Belarus–Ukraine INTERREG IIIA/Tacis CBC, Poland–Belarus–Ukraine 2007–2013 Cross-Border Cooperation Programme implemented as part of the European Neighborhood Instrument and Partnerships (ENPI). The Association of Local Governments of Euroregion Bug implemented the Umbrella Project no. IPBU.03.02.00-06-828/12 entitled “Cross-border culture as a bridge for the integration of local communities in the Euroregion Bug” within 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2015. The project involved 11 micro-projects.
Stowarzyszenie Samorządów Euroregionu Bug realizuje cele statutowe w obrębie działania i szeroko pojętych zagadnień transgranicznych. To instytucja pośrednicząca dla operatorów środków unijnych w ramach programów unijnych, głównie współfinansowanych z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego. W ramach funduszy unijnych przeprowadziła nabory z takich programów jak: Narodowy Program PHARE – Polska Granica Wschodnia, Program Sąsiedztwa Polska–Białoruś–Ukraina INTERREG IIIA/Tacis CBC, Program Współpracy Transgranicznej Polska–Białoruś–Ukraina 2007–2013 realizowany w ramach Europejskiego Instrumentu Sąsiedztwa i Partnerstwa (EISP). Stowarzyszenie Samorządów Euroregionu Bug zrealizowało Projekt Parasolowy nr IPBU.03.02.00-06-828/12 pt. „Kultura pogranicza pomostem integracji społeczności lokalnych w Euroregionie Bug” w okresie 1.01.2014–31.12.2015. W ramach projektu przeprowadzono 11 mikroprojektów.
Położenie Euroregionu Bug (EB) i jego charakterystyka. Zarys koncepcji strategii długofalowego rozwoju EB we współpracy polsko-ukraińskiej. Podstawowe cele i zadania warunkujące efektywne oddziaływanie strategii na rozwój EB.
Together with the set up of Euroregion Bug in 1995 the series of exploration and idea labours reffered to this area were started. The purpose of these works, realized in the frames of research project ordered PBZ-059-01 and commissioned to the Technical University of Lublin by the Committee for Scientific Researches, was creation the basis for shaping the development in discussed euroregion. In the five research issues the works were aimed at delimitation and creation of informative base on: area, diagnosis of management and function state, idea on its spatial management, idea on future economic activity as well as conception of institution which supports the transborder region development. The strategy for euroregion development constitutes the final elaboration. In strategy the problems and the potentialities of transborder co-operation and widen the euroregion development, were taken into consideration. It is the result of numerous diagnostic works. On this base the two hypotheses of future visions were worked out. The first is based on the maximum realization and utilization of chances. The second is put in the analogous understanding on threats in co-operation and in development of this area. As well threats as also chances in crucial measure come from the outer area and specially apart from the fields of activity. They result from the economic condition of both countries creating the discussed euroregion and from the future consequences of accession Poland to the European Union. The low economic condition as well Polish as Ukrainian part of Euroregion is not a decisive factor in the future transborder co-operation. She will require the crucial support from the outside, especially out of borders of both countries. Precised hierarchically purposes are the leading element of strategy. The general purpose of strategy is creation much better conditions for economic development for euroregion. This aim will be realized through the creation of positive conditions for transborder co-operation, enlargement of supraregional function potentialities and constant shaping of economic and spatial order. In eight designated fields two leading aims and from six to ten operational purposes were formulated Among the eight fields of supporting the transborder co-operation and development of Euroregion Bug the following stood apart: preservation of environment, promotion for development of centres for transborder cooperation, development of communication systems, development of economic infrastructure, agriculture and fields accompanying to it, tourism, science with high schools and subsidiaries for research and innovative implementations. The last strategical field is the development of conditions good for transborder social contacts. Over forty worked out programmes for strategical activities were subordinated to these fields. They have a different character. Some are specially elaborated for the aid for development of transborder co-operation, others have for her the intermediate although crucial meaning.