Financial integration has been proven to benefit European economies. However, it may obstruct diversification attempts, and so attracts the attention of investors and researchers. The aim of this paper is to analyze changes in spillovers between European markets, the European Index, and the World Index, over a period of two decades (2000–2021), with regard to the level of development. Mature markets have higher spillovers than emerging and frontier ones. The main finding is that non-developed markets’ spillover levels in tranquil periods did not substantially increase in the last two decades, despite ongoing integration with developed European markets. However, spillover rises in time of global or regional crisis (e.g. Great Financial Crisis, Eurozone Debt Crisis, COVID-19 pandemic) for all markets, regardless of economic development, which can undermine diversification attempts just when they are most needed. Afterwards, the transmission of shocks falls back to the pre-crisis level, with the exception of the spillover between Eurozone markets and European Index, which remained very high even after the end of the particular crisis.
Financial integration has been proven to benefit European economies. However, it may obstruct diversification attempts, and so attracts the attention of investors and researchers. The aim of this paper is to analyze changes in spillovers between European markets, the European Index, and the World Index, over a period of two decades (2000–2021), with regard to the level of development. Mature markets have higher spillovers than emerging and frontier ones. The main finding is that non-developed markets’ spillover levels in tranquil periods did not substantially increase in the last two decades, despite ongoing integration with developed European markets. However, spillover rises in time of global or regional crisis (e.g. Great Financial Crisis, Eurozone Debt Crisis, COVID-19 pandemic) for all markets, regardless of economic development, which can undermine diversification attempts just when they are most needed. Afterwards, the transmission of shocks falls back to the pre-crisis level, with the exception of the spillover between Eurozone markets and European Index, which remained very high even after the end of the particular crisis.
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W artykule dokonano przeglądu funkcjonowania funduszy typu venture capital na rynkach finansowych Europy i Unii Europejskiej. Krótki przegląd powstania i historii funduszy porównano z ich pojawieniem się na rynkach Europy, szczególnie w najważniejszych krajach obecnej Unii Europejskiej. Ukazano także obecność funduszy tego typu w finansach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Przedstawiono dynamikę rozwoju funduszy na wybranych rynkach europejskich (w tym rynku polskim) w porównaniu z rozwojem na rynku USA. Wykazano, że na rynkach europejskich przybywa funduszy venture capital i ich miejsce jest coraz bardziej znaczące. Jest to ważne z dwóch powodów; wkrótce polski rynek finansowy będzie częścią jednolitego rynku finansowego Europy i dostęp do tego typu funduszy może mieć pozytywny wpływ na rozwój małej innowacyjnej przedsiębiorczości w Polsce. Z drugiej strony fakt ten pokazuje kierunek ewolucji rynku finansowego Unii Europejskiej. Tradycyjnie był to rynek bankowo-kredytowy. Natomiast powstanie jednolitego rynku unijnego w kierunku anglo-amerykańskiego systemu typu giełdowego ma istotne znaczenie dla integracji i spójności rynków finansowych w skali globalnego rynku finansowego.
The articIe presents a survey of venture capital funds in the financial markets of the European Union. These funds are funds of a special type, They undertake the financing of innovative projects, which as such, are burdened with high risk. By financing projects of this kind these funds considerably stimulate the development and growth of small and medium companies, which have Iimited access to traditional bank or capital-market sources of financing. The articIe analyses the market of "venture" funds in the European Union markets. The results of the analysis indicate that venture funds are present in the European markets and they play an important role in financing smalI and medium companies. Ihis is important for two reasons: the Polish market wilI soon be part of the uniform financial market of the European Union and access to funds of this kind may have a favourable influence on the development of smalI innovative enterprises in the Polish market. At the same time this fact shows the direction of the evolution of the European Union financial market. TraditionalIy it was a bank-capitaI market. The creation of a uniform European Union market will cause slow evolution towards the Anglo-American stock exchange type pf market. This is the kind of market where modern venture funds came into being and where developed the most dynamically.
The main fiding which derives from the research is that fiancial literacy of customers on European market is far from the required level. The fiancial literacy level has been found to be affected by fiancial situation, education level, and workplace activity of customers. A signifiant difference in the level of fiancial literacy has been also observed with respect to respondents’ gender, education level and work activity. Financial literacy has signifiantly affected rationality of fiancial decisions of customers. It necessary to underline that the lowest level of fiancial literacy is observed in countries where the fiancial crisis had the strongest influence on economy.
Podstawowym wnioskiem z badań jest to, że wiedza finansowa europejskich konsumentów jest znacznie niższa niż jej pożądany poziom. Okazało się, że na poziom wiedzy finansowej miały wpływ: sytuacja finansowa, poziom edukacji, wykonywany zawód i różne aktywności konsumentów. Znacząca różnica w poziomie wiedzy finansowej została również zaobserwowana w odniesieniu do płci konsumentów, wykształcenia i charakteru ich pracy. Wiedza finansowa znacząco wpływa także na racjonalność decyzji finansowych klientów. Należy podkreślić, że najniższy poziom wiedzy finansowej konsumentów zaobserwowano w krajach, gdzie kryzys finansowy miał najsilniejszy wpływ na gospodarkę.
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