The European Union’s development has been causing modifications in its institutional model. It refers – in the context of external activities – to the formal competences distribution on the one hand, and practice of the European institutions’ functioning on the other. Especially with regard to informal mechanisms. The aim of this contribution is the analysis of the European Council involvement in the European Union’s external actions creation. The research questions regard sources and manifestations of the European Council institutional dynamics, in the field of external actions. The answer is based on analysis of its behavior with regard to the construction of borders of the European project in cooperation with the external partners. Methodologically itemployes the analysis of the European Council Conclusions in the years 2011–2017.
Rozwój Unii Europejskiej powoduje zmiany w jej modelu instytucjonalnym. W kontekście działań zewnętrznych dotyczy to z jednej strony rozkładu kompetencji formalnych, z drugiej praktyki funkcjonowania instytucji unijnych, szczególnie w zakresie mechanizmów nieformalnych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza zaangażowania Rady Europejskiej w kreowanie działań zewnętrznych Unii Europejskiej. Pytania badawcze stawiane w analizie dotyczą źródeł i przejawów dynamiki instytucjonalnej Rady Europejskiej w zakresie działań zewnętrznych. Odpowiedź na nie udzielona została w oparciu o analizę zachowania Rady Europejskiej w odniesieniu do sposobu konstruowania granic projektu integracyjnego w kontekście relacji z partnerami zewnętrznymi. Metodologicznie tekst opiera się na analizie konkluzji posiedzeń Rady Europejskiej w latach 2011–2017.
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The debate on the second institutional reform of the European Union began towards the end of 2011. The purpose of the new reform is to complete the systemic changes of EU implemented by the Treaty of Lisbon of 13 December 2007. The first part of the article presents the standpoints of the most important states whose representatives took active part in this debate or participated in the proceedings of the Reflection Group on the Future of the European Union. The second part discusses the opinions of EU institutions, particularly the European Commission and the European Council on the proposed reform. The three reports of Herman Van Rompuy prepared in collaboration with Barroso, Draghi and Juncker, which were presented to the European Council in June, October and December 2012 led to the development of a plan of measures aimed at completing the process of constituting an Economic and Currency Union by creating an integrated financial, budget and economic framework that would eventually overcome the debt crisis in the Eurozone. In turn the report of the Reflection Group on the Future of the European Union of September 2012 contained the postulate of a second in history, complex systemic reform of the entire EU. The idea of a possible transformation of the European Union into a Political Union has been postponed for at least a few years.
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The aim of this research paper is to evaluate the position of Germany, including the federal government and the parliamentary opposition, as regards the migration crisis in the European Union in the years 2011‑2016. The first part of the article presents the course of the migration crisis in the presented time period. The second part discusses the evolution of the position of the governing coalition and the parliamentary opposition in Germany towards the first phase of the crisis in the years 2011‑2014. The third part has been dedicated to analysing the position of the federal government and the parliamentary opposition towards the second phase of the crisis in the years 2015‑2016. The fourth part presentsthe influence of the German government on the reform of the immigration and asylum policies, as well as the dynamics of the migration crisis in the European Union in the years 2015‑2016.The author formulates a research hypothesis that the federal government did not control the migration crisis in the European Union but rather acted impulsively, thereby contributing to its deepening.
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