This paper examines the eschatological themes in the series of poems, The Dance of Obedience or the Straw Carpet, written by the Benedictine nun Silja Walter (1919–2011) - Sr. Hedwig OSB from the Swiss monastery of Fahr. This series of poems is particu- larly representative for the poet’s work as it combines her monastic experience with her personal poetic reading of the Bible in the spirit of lectio divina. These two sourc- es give the analyzed poetry a particular theological quality, originally combining spiritual and dogmatic elements. Having presented the biographical and monastic context of the set in question, the authors show the form, connections and dynamism of the eschatological themes present in the discussed poetry. In conclusion, referring generally to the entirety of Walter’s work, they show the anthropological value of her approach to eschatology, which, in accordance with the title of the article, can be defined as bringing eschatological themes closer to everyday existential experience. This effect is possible thanks to the original use of poetic language.
With my article, I try to show how the Neoplatonist Hermias of Alexandria (c. 410-455 AD) elaborated on Plato’s arguments on the immortality of the human soul in order to forge a coherent psychological and ontological system which is in tune with a precise ethics of salvation. In the final Appendix, I propose that these doctrines of the soul were not just erudite theories but turned out to be an actual and effective tool for coping with the threatening moments of the everyday life (notably for coping with the loss of the beloved ones and for facing death).
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The aim of the paper is to define more closely the model of theological thinking of the current Pope Francis on the example of his interpretation and communication of the religious thought of the Russian novelist F. M. Dostoevsky. In the theological thinking of Pope Francis, this concept has a mediating role between the cultural form of religion and its meaning and role for theology. Next, the study reviews the sources and cultural influences of his approach to theology. Finally, through an analysis of his texts, it presents specific systematic insights into the nature of the interconnectedness of Russian religious thought, including implications for the content and mode of mediating salvation to people today.
The course of history, understood in the perspective of faith, requires its evaluation. The issue is associated with the problem of God’s justice, which will demonstrate itself in the parousia. The parousia is the conclusion of history conceived first of all as history of human liberty. At the same time, it means its fulfillment. During the parousia, history does not merely come to an end, but enters the stadium of fullness that is donated by the God of the end of times. Human history becomes the element of eternity and of its transformed time. One of the aspects of parousia is judgment. It demonstrates God’s justice as victorious in regard to all the threads and events of history which were in contradiction to God’s plan towards creation. Purifying justice of God is realized by Christ as a credible co-participant of history. The Lamb “put to death” becomes the sign of measure of the divine love as well as the price of redemption.
W roku 1953 badacz Nowego Testamentu Charles Harold Dodd opublikował swoje dzieło The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, książkę, która zrewolucjonizowała myślenie o chrześcijańskiej eschatologii. W swym opus vitae Dodd wskazywał, na podstawie Ewangelii według św. Jana, że apokaliptyczne rzeczywistości są już urzeczywistnione w posłudze Jezusa Chrystusa i Jego Apostołów. Na tej podstawie ukuł termin „eschatologia zrealizowana”, w której wszystkie eschatologiczne zapowiedzi o Królestwie Bożym już zostały wypełnione. Tę zrealizowaną eschatologię można dostrzec w różnych rzeczywistościach życia wspólnoty wierzących. W przypadku Hieronima ze Strydonu dostrzegał on eschatologiczną rzeczywistość w życiu mnichów. Niniejszy artykuł ma za zadanie ukazać jakie znaki eschatologiczne obecne są w opisie mniszej wspólnoty zawartej w listach św. Hieronima. Wielokrotnie bowiem w swych listach przywołuje rzeczywistości eschatologiczne jako już obecne w życiu monastycznym. Jest ono dla niego z pewnością swoistym rajem na ziemi i wypełnieniem zapowiedzi eschatologicznych Chrystusa.
In the year 1953, a New Testament scholar named Charles Harold Dodd published a book titled The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel which revolutionized the way of thinking about Christian eschatology. In his opus vitae, Charles Dodd argued based on the Gospel of John that apocalyptic realities are in fact already realised through Jesus and His Apostles’ ministry. On this premise, he coined the term “realized eschatology”, in which all announcements concerning the Kingdom of God had already been realized according to Dodd. This “realized eschatology” can be seen through various realities of everyday life of the community of believers. In the case of Saint Jerome of Stridon, he saw the eschatological reality in the monastic lifestyle. This article aims to show what eschatological signs are present in the description of the monastic community found in the letters of Saint Jerome. For in his letters many times he refers to eschatological realities already present in monastic life, which is for him a kind of paradise on earth and the fulfilment of Christ’s eschatological prophecies.
Religious and theological question about the man may come from Divine Revelation. It is impossible to truly answer the question without reff ering to the Creator since He is „creavit Deus” the truth of revelation through the faith of the wise man to the fullness of life. God, who is love and life, created man in His own image and likeness, created man and woman. In the humanity of man and woman God inscribed a particular calling to participate in the mystery of communio of God and entrusted the task of dominion over the earth, over creation. God gives grace to his goodness on the way of salvation. He is the Creator and Savior.
As Clemens Sedmak and Małgorzata Bogaczyk-Vormayr point out in their introduction to Patristik und Resilienz (Berlin 2012), human resilience must be understood as the ability to change oneself in response to a crisis, and not to return to a starting point (Einleitung, 3). After an introductory part on the different meanings and aspects of resilience, this paper discusses some texts by Cyprian of Carthage (De mortalitate, Ad Demetrianum, De bono patientiae, De dominica oratione) and Gregory of Nazianzus (Or. 26, Ep. 223, 30-36, 92) that may be of some interest for the current discussion on resilience. Indeed, starting from the same eschatological perspective, both authors seem to share a dynamic notion of resilience, which is not a mere endurance of the adversity, but the ability to transform a negative situation into an existential resource.
Come sottolineano Clemens Sedmak e Małgorzata Bogaczyk-Vormayr nella loro introduzione a Patristik und Resilienz (Berlin 2012), la resilienza umana deve essere intesa come la capacità di cambiare sé stessi in risposta a una crisi, non già di tornare a un punto di partenza (Einleitung, 3). Dopo una parte introduttiva sui diversi significati e aspetti della resilienza, questo articolo discute alcuni testi di Cipriano di Cartagine (De mortalitate, AdDemetrianum, De bono patientiae, De dominica oratione) e Gregorio di Nazianzo (Or. 26, Ep. 223, 30-36, 92) che possono essere di qualche interesse per l’attuale discussione sulla resilienza. Entrambi gli autori, infatti, partendo dalla medesima prospettiva escatologica, sembrano condividere una dinamica nozione di resilienza, che non è una mera sopportazione delle avversità, ma la capacità di trasformare una situazione negativa in unarisorsa esistenziale.
Nowe tłumaczenie Mszału Rzymskiego na język włoski Artykuł dotyczy nowego tłumaczenia Mszału Rzymskiego na język włoski. W pierwszą niedzielę adwentu 2020 r. we wszystkich wspólnotach włoskojęzycznych weszły w życie różne innowacje: oprócz aktualizacji modlitw i zwykłego porządku Mszy św., daje się zauważyć większą wrażliwość na związek między czasem a wiecznością. L'articolo parla della nuova traduzione del Messale Romano in lingua italiana. Alla prima domenica di Avvento del 2020 in tutte le comunità di lingua italiana sono entrate in vigore diverse novità: oltre ad una attualizzazione delle orazioni e dell'ordinario della Messa, si può notare una maggiore sensibilità al rapporto tempo / eternità.
This article discusses the new translation of the Roman Missal into Italian. On the first Sunday of Advent, several innovative changes were introduced for all Italian-speaking cummunities: as well as an updating of the Prayers and the Ordinary of the Holy Mass, one can also observe greater sensitivity concerning the relationship between Time and Eternity.
L'articolo parla della nuova traduzione del Messale Romano in lingua italiana. Alla prima domenica di Avvento del 2020 in tutte le comunità di lingua italiana sono entrate in vigore diverse novità: oltre ad una attualizzazione delle orazioni e dell'ordinario della Messa, si può notare una maggiore sensibilità al rapporto tempo / eternità.
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