Since 2008 Eritrea has been considered a pariah state, accused of supporting terrorism and destabilising the region. There are many indicators that this position may soon change. High costs of keeping the tension with Ethiopia alive, a new political and economic context in the region and a relative openness of the neighbouring countries suggest a reset in Asmara’s external relations could materialise soon. It remains unknown whether the regime itself, facing increasing pressure from within, could survive such turn.
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Jest tylko kilka miejsc w Europie i kilka na świecie, gdzie powstawały budowle w pełni zgodne z założeniami modernizmu. Zasadniczo idee tego kierunku były przetwarzane, adaptowane do lokalnych upodobań i gustów. Odrzucanie owych kosmopolitycznych, jak się wydawało, wzorców było z jednej strony wynikiem kompleksów, a z drugiej, zagubienia we współczesnym świecie. W sumie realizowana była architektura daleka od założeń nowego kierunku. Powstaje pytanie czy taką architekturę można nazywać modernizmem prowincjonalnym?
There are few places in Europe and very few in the world, one can say, there are buildings whose style totally rejects tradition and fully deserves its name modern. Mainly, like in African or Asian towns, due to strong local tradition or deep veneration for history, the search for modernity was shaped by the rule of continuity. The rejection of some elements of cosmopolitan ideology, which was a mark of a certain complex, of getting lost in the contemporary world, produced the architecture whose aesthetics and technology were a distant echo of the avant-garde forms although its ideological and social assumptions were certainly consistent with the modern trend. Their aesthetic appearance evoke a question whether one can call it an provincial modernism.
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