This article is a review of the pioneering work by B. Maćkowiak, A. Myszkier and B. Safader, written under the supervision of G. Trzaskowska, on the ELWRO Wrocław Electronics plant, responsible for producing the first computers in communist Poland. The authors of the article reviewed are former ELWRO employees, and their personal experience and memories are what makes up the publication. As a result, it avoids becoming a chronologically-arranged list of historical facts and instead offers a firsthand testimony regarding the leading Polish electronics manufacturer, emphasising the fact that its work was pioneering in nature and extremely innovative at the time. The reviewed article contains information on extremely important facts related to the economic history of Wrocław after 1945.
W trzy lata po II Wojnie Światowej, w wyniszczonym kraju, kilku młodych entuzjastów kończących przerwane wojną studia postawiło sobie za cel samodzielne zbudowanie matematycznej maszyny cyfrowej, podobnej do zaledwie rok wcześniej skonstruowanej w USA, największej światowej potędze nauki i techniki. Bez żadnej konkretnej wiedzy na ten temat, potrzebnych materiałów, narzędzi i pieniędzy. To może być tylko polska historia.
Three years after the end of the Second World War, in a ravaged country, a few young enthusiasts, while completing their studies interrupted by the war, decided to build a digital computing machine on their own. The machine was supposed to be similar to the one constructed just a year before in the USA, the world's leading power in the area of science and technology. With no specific knowledge of the subject, without the necessary materials, tools and money. A story like this could only be Polish.
The author presents a historical overview of company newspapers published in Wrocław and two nearby towns — Brzeg Dolny and Jelcz-Laskowice — where large industrial plants employing thousands of people living in the Lower Silesian capital were located. The article consists of two parts. In the first the author quotes the definition of company press, discusses its function and on the basis of figures from Ruch Wydawniczy w Liczbach [Polish Publishing in Figures] from 1968–1992 presents the publication frequency and geography of such publications with regard to the whole country. Part two is devoted to company newspapers published in the region referred to in the title. Drawing on an analysis of archive material kept in the State Archives in Wrocław, especially documents produced by the Regional Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party in 1971–1978, the author examines the party nature of these publications and the requirements imposed on their editorial teams. She analyses the following publications in chronological order: Pafawag (1946–1990), Ku Nowemu (1954–1990), Żeglarz Odrzański (1954–1981), Życie Załogi (1956–1981), Nasze Problemy (1969–1990), Intermoda (1972–1981), Elwro (1973–1981), Polar (1976–1981), as well as one from Brzeg Dolny (Głos Rokity, 1954–1981) and Jelcz-Laskowice (Głos Jelcza 1962–2001). She points to formal features like format, size and circulation; editorial features, especially changes in the graphic layout of the headpiece; lists members of the editorial teams and briefly describes the profile of each newspaper in question.
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