Celem artykułu jest określenie skuteczności ekologicznej1 opracowanego kryterium projektowego - stopnia przydatności odpadów, klasyfikującego odpady poużytkowe w zależności od wielkości możliwego odzysku materiałowego. (fragment tekstu)
The objective of the article is determination of ecological effectiveness of the developed design criterion - waste suitability degree, classifying the post-use wastes depending on the quantity of possible material recovery. The criterion can be used independently from other methods as one of the initial analyses in the design strategy employed in eco-design of products for the purpose of improvement of their characteristics in terms of environmental impact. The analysis applies literature data, consumer survey as well as conclusions from the conducted interview. The further part of the article presents suitability and reasonability of application of the method as a preparatory means for more complex and time-consuming product life cycle analyses (e.g. LCA). Changes in the activity of enterprises necessary for introduction of the Cleaner Production principles [Nowak 2003, p. 298] often require thorough modernisation. Radical changes are too costly and difficult to accept [Pająk 2006, p. 340], thus the concept of analysis and change at the particular stages of production forming the process (value chain) arose, from the product design phase to new technologies allowing to transform the waste into raw materials and to form new consumer behaviours. It is, therefore, reasonable to search for simple methods of determination of the design frames for products, compliant both with the environmental standards and customer expectations that will allow to establish the starting criteria for the designers, adjusted to the functioning technological possibilities in terms of raw material recovery. (original abstract)
W związku z opublikowaniem w Dzienniku Urzędowym Unii Europejskiej Rozporządzeń Komisji nr 66/2014 oraz 65/2014 dotyczących klas energetycznych piekarników, płyt grzewczych i okapów nadkuchennych w Polsce firmy produkujące ten rodzaj sprzętu AGD zobowiązane są do załączania informacji o produkcje zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem od 1 stycznia 2015. Począwszy od 2015 r należy spodziewać się prowadzenia polityki stałej poprawy wydajności, z przeglądaniem minimalnych limitów, co dwa lata, i ze stopniowym eliminowaniem z rynku urządzeń mniej efektywnych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Following the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union Commission Regulations No. 66/2014 and 65/2014 on energy classes ovens, hobs and range hoods in Poland, the company producing the kind of household appliances are required to attach information about the product under the Regulation from 1 January 2015. Starting from 2015, is expected to pursue a policy of continuous improvement of performance, browsing the minimum limits every two years, and the gradual elimination from the market of devices less effective.(original abstract)
In the paper the issue of ecological-oriented product design is addressed. The definitions that concern product design are listed and the factors that make them important for the manufacturers are indicated. The method of ecological-oriented product assessment during the design process (implemented in the 3D CAD system), drawn-up by authors, is used for the analysis. The assessment of real household appliance using the method is presented and the conclusions from the evaluation are drawn. (original abstract)
Autorzy przedstawili wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w 2006 r., których celem była m.in. charakterystyka i określenie głównych kierunków i form sprzedaży grup produktowych pochodzących z gospodarstw ekologicznych. Zaprezentowali również strukturę agrarną badanych jednostek oraz wskazali na podstawowe problemy związane ze zbytem żywności ekologicznej na poziomie gospodarstw rolnych.
The elaboration presents the main forms of sell in organic farms and specific product groups originating from these farms. It also describes the agrarian structure of the investigated units. The article discusses the problems and barriers which accompany the distribution of organic food informs as well. The most popular form of sell is direct sale, which assures high prices, contact with the consumer, but dos not guarantee regular sales. In spite of necessity of bearing of transportation costs, farmers also prefer sell to the specialist shops in large cities, because they gain high prices and contracts. Agents and processors are less preferred, because they do not guarantee very high prices, but still they offer contracts. The least preferred is selling at the local marketplace, where organic products compete with much cheaper conventional food. To improve sell conditions organic farmers ought to integrate themselves into producers ' groups, which are stronger and able to assure regular supply of better quality. (original abstract)
Tylicz jest małą miejscowością przygraniczną, leżącą na południu Polski w pobliżu Krynicy. Znajduje się tam wybudowana w 1992 r. największa i najnowocześniejsza w kraju rozlewnia wód mineralnych. Ośrodek ten w niedalekiej przyszłości ma szansę zostać 45 polskim uzdrowiskiem.
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The article concerns including of environmental aspects during design phase of households appliances. The assessment criteria for this kind of products from EU regulations have been characterized. Based on them additional set of indicators have been proposed. The indicators have been implemented into agent system that supports the designer during the design phase in the product lifecycle, thus enabling the assessment of infl uence of changes in the design on its ecological properties. The structure of the agent system have been also described. (original abstract)
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