The article is devoted to the analysis of such urgent problem as the inclusive education in the institutions of secondary education in Chernivtsi region. The importance of inclusion for Ukraine and of the participation of the state in solving organizational issues of inclusive education is determined. Statistical data for the period of 2011-2019 provided by inclusive educational institutions for pupils and children of preschool age is analyzed. The importance of establishing "fundamental" secondary schools is substantiated, the dynamics of this process in Ukraine is presented. The organizational principles of inclusive resource centers' functioning as important institutions, which ensure the right for education to children aged 2 to 18 years are analyzed. The dynamics of involvement of teacher's assistants, psychologists, speech therapists, social workers, oligophrenopedagogist, defectologist is presented. In the course of survey conducted within the framework of Chernivtsi City educational seminar "Special child in regular school. Inclusive education" was determined that the attitude practitioners working in educational institutions is ambiguous and depends on their level of psychological and professional readiness. The main strategies of the effectiveness of inclusive education in Ukraine are determined.(original abstract)
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W artykule ukazano rzeczywistość inkluzji w ujęciu Papieża Franciszka, charakterystyczne jej cechy oraz wynikające z tego inspiracje dla edukacji włączającej. Tematyka nie została dotąd opisana w polskiej pedagogice, dlatego celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na nowatorski, pedagogiczny potencjał jaki zawiera nauczanie Franciszka w zakresie wychowania włączającego. Opisana problematyka jest odpowiedzią na trzy pytania: Kto jest podmiotem inkluzji w ujęciu Franciszka? Jaki jest cel inkluzji, którą żyje i głosi Franciszek i kto jest do niej wezwany? W jaki sposób kształtować w wychowankach postawę otwartości, która warunkuje inkluzję? W Zakończeniu artykułu wskazano na nowatorskie aspekty wychowania włączającego, jakie prezentuje doświadczenie i myśl pedagogiczna Papieża Franciszka. Materiał i metody: Materiały źródłowe to dokumenty oraz przemówienia papieża Franciszka. Analiza dokumentów opublikowanych w języku włoskim i polskim. Wyniki: Ukazanie inspiracji Papieża Franciszka dla wychowania inkluzyjnego. Wnioski: Wyznaczenie kierunków do badań nad pedagogią Franciszka, które mogą wnieść nową jakość do polskiej pedagogiki inkluzyjnej. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article presents the reality of inclusion as perceived by Pope Francis, its characteristic features, and the resulting inspiration for inclusive education. The subject has not yet been described in Polish pedagogy; therefore the aim of the article is to draw attention to the innovative, pedagogical potential of Francis' teaching in the field of inclusive education. The described topic provides an answer to three questions: Who is the subject of inclusion according to Francis? What is the purpose of the inclusion that Francis lives by and preaches about, and who is called to it? How to shape the attitude of openness in pupils which is a prerequisite for inclusion? At the end of the article, the innovative aspects of inclusive education presented by the experience and pedagogical thought of Pope Francis are indicated. Material and methods. Source materials include documents and speeches of Pope Francis. Analysis of documents published in Italian and Polish. Results. Showing the inspiration of Pope Francis for inclusive education. Conclusions. Setting directions for research on Francis' pedagogy, which can bring a new quality to Polish inclusive pedagogy. (original abstract)
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