Coraz częściej człowiek jest uczestnikiem zaskakujących sytuacji zagrożeń. To sprawia, że należy zgłębiać wiedzę na ich temat, a w szczególności kształtować odpowiednie postawy, które umożliwią taką reakcję, aby każdy uczestnik niebezpiecznego zjawiska był w stanie podjąć odpowiednie działania, co w konsekwencji spowoduje, że będzie czuł się bezpiecznie. Artykuł dotyczy wybranych problemów edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa w kontekście zagrożeń. (abstrakt oryginalny)
More and more often people are participating in unexpected dangerous situations. As a result, we should broaden our knowledge about them and, in particular, form appropriate patterns of behaviour which will enable every single individual confronted with a dangerous situation to take appropriate action and, as a consequence, make them feel safe. This article deals with selected aspects of education for safety in the context of threats. (original abstract)
Theoretical background: The rapid development of Internet interactions and a growing number of information technology users caused by digital society development and accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic yield the significant growth of cyber-attacks and cybersecurity incidents. Members of Generation Z use information technology as a main tool for broadening their knowledge and skills. For such digital natives, proficiency in ICTs appears as an indispensable element of life. This is even more apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they are forced to use IT tools more often, both for the entertainment, education, and work. Such acceleration generates new possibilities, but also new threats. Purpose of the article: The aim of the paper is to check if members of Generation Z are aware of cybersecurity issues and whether they know basic threats and methods/tools that can improve the safety. We analyse students' behaviour in the event of cyber incident and examine whether the analysed group is willing to improve cyber knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Research methods: We explored data collected from business students (N = 182). The online questionnaire was prepared in LimeSurvey. Finally, data analysis and visualization were performed in Microsoft Excel and Tableau. Main findings: The analysis indicates that business students have rather poor knowledge in cybersecurity. The results demonstrate the need for targeted educational campaigns and trainings that address the specific cyber weaknesses to build secure ecosystem, combining both technical, organizational, and behavioural aspects.(original abstract)
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The article addresses the subject of education for security. The most important definitions are presented: education and education for safety. The focus was on the historical perspective, from the middle ages, through the creation of the Ministry of Education and the National Education Commission, up to modern times. The problem of axiology in education in the context of security was discussed and the implementation of education issues for safety at various educational levels (middle school, high school) was compared. Discussed the core curriculum and evaluation system in the XXI High School Sports School in Tarnów with Junior High Schools.(original abstract)
Artykuł traktuje o możliwości wzmocnienia bezpieczeństwa Polski przez ustanowienie systemu strategicznej odporności kraju na agresję. Omawia takie przedsięwzięcia, jak: działania nieregularne na terytorium zajętym przez przeciwnika; wsparcie wojsk operacyjnych przez obronę terytorialną; przygotowywanie rezerw mobilizacyjnych; operacyjne przygotowanie terytorium kraju i ochrona obiektów infrastruktury krytycznej; bezpieczeństwo obywateli i struktur państwa, w tym powszechna ochrona ludności; powszechna edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa, w tym obronne przygotowanie społeczeństwa. Podkreśla się rolę udziału organizacji po-zarządowych i podmiotów prywatnych w zapewnianiu strategicznej odporności kraju, wskazując na uwarunkowania prawne, finansowe, organizacyjne i historyczne.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The article deals with the possibility of strengthening Polish security by establi-shing strategic system resilience the country's aggression. Discusses the enterprise such as irregular activities in the territory occupied by enemy; support operational troops by territorial defence; preparation of mobilizing reserves; the operational preparation of the country's territory and protection of the critical infrastructure objects; security of citizens and the State structures, including the common civil protection; universal education for security, including the preparation of the defence of society. The article emphasises the role of the participation of non-governmental organisations and private entities in the provision of strategic resistance country, pointing to the legal, financial, organisational and historical circumstances.(original abstract)
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