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Dolaryzacja to zjawisko polegające na substytucji pieniądza krajowego przez pieniądz innego kraju. W artykule przedstawiono pojęcie, rodzaje, zakres oraz przyczyny tego zjawiska, jak również konsekwencje dolaryzacji dla krajów, w których ten fenomen występuje. Problem dolaryzacji przedstawiony został na przykładzie Ekwadoru, w którym pełna dolaryzacja występuje od początku 2000 roku.
Dollarization is a phenomenon that involves the substitution of domestic currency by the currency of another country. The article presents the concept, types, scope and causes of this phenomenon, as well as the consequences of dollarization for the countries in which this phenomenon occurs. The issue of dollarization is illustrated by the example of Ecuador, where full dollarization has been observed since the beginning of the year 2000.
Health care market is one of the largest and fastest growing segments in developed countries. This article is devoted to the problem of creating a city segment of the infocommunication telemedicine system in the Republic of Ecuador, taking into account the importance of attenuation of radio waves due to territorial and climatic features in this territory.
In this study, the existence of long-term trends in ecological footprint (EF), biocapacity, GDP, population and CO2 emissions for the period of 1961–2016, and their effect on the demographic, economic and biocapacity indicators on Ecuador’s EF were identified. The long-term trend analysis was performed by means of a Mann-Kendall, nonparametric test. The development of a multiple linear regression model of the EF considers the population, GDP, biocapacity and its logarithmic transformations as returners. A backward removal method was used, in conjunction with the Akaike criterion (AIC) to validate the most suitable model in terms of adjusted-R2, NSE, BIAS and RMSE, respectively. The results show significant changes (p<0.01) of the annual EF increase (0.015 hag), total population (216.375 inhabitants), GDP ($1.2 billion) and CO2 emissions (718.6 kt). However, the biocapacity has been declining (0.086 hag) at a faster rate than the ecological footprint. In other words, in a few years, the country will be facing ecological deficits. As for the empirical model of EF, it can be observed that for every increase of inhabitant’s units, the natural logarithm of biocapacity and GDP will increase EF by 1.68x10-7, 4.84 and 0.905 gha, respectively. Moreover, EF will be decreased by 0.6 gha each time the biocapacity increases by one gha unit. Finally, this robust and easy-to-interpret model allows accurate EF predictions that can be a tool to better forecast the environmental trends, allowing the development of sustainable projects in Ecuador.
Mónica Ojeda (Guayaquil, 1988) is an Ecuadorian writer whose literature is linked to the horror in its multiple forms. Furthermore, Las Voladoras (2020), included Ojeda in a new literary genre called Andean Gothic, a category where horror and Latin American myths convey. This paper analyzes how Ojeda adapts the disposition of the narrative elements to the Andean folklore. Moreover, it studies Ojeda’s reconstruction of the female monster by introducing the figure of a woman and its double, a hybrid between witch and animal, in order to create an alter ego effect. This article addresses how this narrative maneuver links Ojeda to Franz Kafka (1883–1924) and his vision of the monster in society.
Philosophy undertakes investigation of the Ecuadorian national identity in the 40s of the twentieth century when appear the studies of P. Jaramillo Alvarado, L. Benites Vinueza. The literature takes up the idea of P. Jaramillo on the incongruity of the country's official name. This motif is metaphorized in the work of J. E. Adoum, A. Barrera Valverde, N. Estupiñan Bass determining the identity dis-course. In terms of artistic and philosophical counterweight to this question appears self-designation of the centric location of Ecuador on the globe, causing some paradi-siacal mythologems in the poetry of J. Carrera Andrade. In Bolivia, due to the national trauma of the lost sea, J. Mendoza's scientific arguments about the sea as an insepara-ble part of Bolivian geology translated into poetic imagery and philosophy of the “mystics of the earth”. The sea metaphorically becomes the basis for ideas of all kinds. Are consubstantial sea and mountains are identified with each other (in the work of O. Cerruto and P. Castrillo) and even intimate poetry uses the metaphor of the sea. So, it becomes evident how the geopoetics determines a culture that is progress-ing in its self-reflection.
La filosofía ecuatoriana emprende indagación de la identidad na-cional en los 40. del s. XX con estudios de P. Jaramillo Alvarado, L. Benites Vinueza. La literatura retoma la idea de P. Jaramillo sobre la incongruencia del nombre oficial del país. Este motivo se metaforizará en la obra de J. E. Adoum, A. Barrera Valverde, N. Estupiñan Bass determinando el discurso identitario. En función de contrapeso fi-losófico y artístico a tal cuestionamiento de la autodenominación aparece la enfatiza-ción de la ubicación “céntrica” del Ecuador en el globo, originando mitologemas pa-radisíacos en la poesía de J. Carrera Andrade. En Bolivia, su trauma nacional llevó a que la argumentación científica de J. Mendoza acerca del mar como parte inseparable de la geología boliviana se tradujera en imágenes poéticas y filosofía de los “místicos de la tierra”. El mar deviene fundamento para metaforizar ideas de toda índole. Se consustancian mar y sierra (en la obra de O. Cerruto y P. Castrillo) y hasta la poesía intimista recurre a la metáfora del mar. Así se patentiza cómo la geopoética determina una cultura que está progresando en su autorreflexión.
From an American perspective, Ecuador is a low-interest country and, thus US has developed a specific foreign policy towards it. There are two main goals driving US foreign policy towards Ecuador: democracy promotion and to encourage Ecuador in free market reforms by American economic initiatives like Andean Trade Preferences Act (ATPA). At present, US, European countries and Russia are all competing to control the keys of the Ecuadorian market.
Los EE.UU. han elaborado una política exterior específica hacia Ecuador pues, desde la perspectiva estadounidense, este es un país de poco interés. Son dos los principales objetivos que dirigen la política exterior de los EE.UU. hacia Ecuador: la promoción de la democracia y el apoyo para las reformas del libre mercado a través de las iniciativas económicas estadounidenses como la Ley de Preferencias Arancelarias Andinas (ATPA). Actualmente, los Estados Unidos, los países de Europa y Rusia compiten por controlar las llaves del mercado ecuatoriano.
Customer complaint behaviour, in response to service failures, has been shown to vary based on numerous factors, such as the nature of the service encounter, the setting, culture, gender and the presence of others. The gender-based study reported in this paper demonstrates the impact of two of these factors, i.e. the presence of others and gender, on the intent of Ecuadorian customers to voice their complaints about service failures in a restaurant setting. Employing a theoretical framework of impression management and cultural orientation, and with specific reference to Hofstede’s work on cultural differences, this study found that Ecuadorian customers were less likely to complain in the presence of other customers than when they were alone. Impression management and concern for others were shown to be more significant among women than men. Women were found to be more motivated to manage their public image and create positive impressions in other people’s minds, leading to less intent to complain in the presence of other customers than when they were alone. Male customers, on the other hand, exhibited less concern for others and did not show any significant difference in their complaint intentions, whether they were alone or in the presence of others.
Where abrupt and dangerous natural phenomena unfold in highly populated areas, they destroy buildings and infrastructure and, above all, cause death and injury among local inhabitants. In the case of the active Ecuadorean volcano Cotopaxi, eruptions have already posed considerable threats to nearby towns and cities due to activated mudslides (lahars) that flow rapidly down its slopes. Interviews conducted with inhabitants of vulnerable residential areas of the town of Latacunga have led the authors to conclude that – in danger zones associated with possible mudslides – the lack of building land, inappropriate management of the allocation of building plots and still-inadequate early warning and monitoring systems have favoured the chaotic spread of built-up areas and thus pose a threat to the lives of inhabitants should Cotopaxi erupt again.
Content available O CO CHODZI W BUEN VIVIR?
Wraz z objęciem urzędu prezydenta w 2007 roku przez Rafaela Correę, w Ekwadorze rozpoczęła się „zmiana epoki”, o której chętnie mówią przedstawiciele władzy. Procesy zachodzące w tym andyjskim kraju opierają się na zaproponowanej w Konstytucji z 2008 roku koncepcji Buen vivir, toteż w artykule próbuję wyjaśnić polskiemu czytelnikowi, czym jest Buen vivir i jakie są jego prawne i tradycyjne podwaliny. Druga część artykułu poświęcona jest organizowanej przez MSZ Ekwadoru, Szkole Letniej pod hasłem „Model rozwoju ekwadorskiego Dobrego Życia i perspektywa integracji latynoamerykańskiej”.
In Ecuador, with Rafael Correa’s successful election for a president in 2007, commenced a “change of epoch” process, willingly spoken of by the representatives of the government. Processes occurring in this Andean country are based on a concept of Buen vivir proposed in the Constitution of 2008. Therefore, the main purpose of the article is to explain to a Polish reader the concept of Buen vivir and what are its legal and traditional foundations. The second part of the article concerns the Summer School “Ecuadorian Buen vivir (Good Living) development model and Latin- American integration perspective” organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador.
Semantyczne znaczenie słowa „Ekwador”, oznaczającego „równik”, wyzwoliło w autorze refleksję na temat równości i kontrastowo – nierówności, występujących w systemie emerytalnym tego kraju. Celem badawczym autora jest prezentacja historycznych i aktualnych rozwiązań w celu odnalezienia w ekwadorskim systemie emerytalnym pomysłów, które w międzynarodowych porównaniach warto wykorzystywać. Autor stawia hipotezę o występowaniu w ekwadorskim systemie emerytalnym nierówności na kilku płaszczyznach porównawczych. Artykuł prezentowany jest w układzie: 1. Ogólna informacja o kraju, 2. Rozwój historyczny systemu emerytalnego, 3. Stan obecny systemu emerytalnego oraz 4. Wyzwania i przewidywane zmiany w systemie emerytalnym. W podsumowaniu autor stwierdza, że system emerytalny w Ekwadorze różni się od innych systemów w Ameryce Łacińskiej przede wszystkim brakiem drugiego, kapitałowego, filara emerytalnego. Ponadto w kraju tym nie tworzy się także systemowych rozwiązań dobrowolnych oszczędności emerytalnych, charakterystycznych dla trzeciego filara emerytalnego. Precedensowe w skali świata jest wykorzystywanie w Ekwadorze zasobów ewidencjonowanych na kontach rezerw emerytalnych na wypłaty dla osób jeszcze pracujących, a także przejmowanie przez IESS długów hipotecznych zaciąganych przez aktywnych uczestników schematu podstawowego w bankach komercyjnych, co można uznać za specyficzną formę pośredniego inwestowania zasobów funduszu emerytalnego w inwestycje mieszkaniowe. Postawiona na wstępie hipoteza, że w ekwadorskim systemie emerytalnym nierówności występują na kilku płaszczyznach porównawczych, uzyskała potwierdzenie. Oprócz płaszczyzny rodzaju schematu emerytalnego w Ekwadorze i płaszczyzny porównań międzynarodowych, w zakresie wysokości świadczeń emerytalnych rodowitych Ekwadorczyków i osiedleńców emerytalnych z krajów anglosaskich, dodatkowo można także zauważyć płaszczyznę nierówności w rozwoju gospodarczym w porównaniach Ekwadoru z Chile, jako konsekwencję zaniechania (w Ekwadorze) i wdrażania (w Chile) rozwiązań kapitałowych w systemie emerytalnym.r
Semantic meaning of the word "Ecuador", which means "equator", triggered the author reinflection on equalities and contrast – inequalities occurring in the pension system of the country. The aim of the research is to present past and present solutions to find in the Ecuadoran pension system ideas that the international after-equations should be used. The author hypothesizes the occurrence in the Ecuadoran pension system at several levels of inequality comparison. The article is presented in the system: 1. General information about the country, 2. The historical development of the pension system, 3. The present state of the pension system and 4. Challenges and anticipated changes in the pension system. In conclusion, the author states, the pension system in Ecuador differs from other systems in Latin America, above all, the lack of the second, fully founded, pension pillar. In addition, the country has not created a system of voluntary pension savings solutions, specific to the third pillar of the pension. The precedent in the world is the use of pension resources in Ecuador from registered accounts for the payment of provisions for those still working, and the takeover by the IESS mortgage debts incurred by the active participants in the basic scheme of commercial banks, which can be considered as a specific form of indirect investment of pension fund resources in residential investment. Placed at the beginning of the hypothesis that the inequalities of Ecuadoran pension system occur at several levels of comparison, received confirmation. Apart from the plane of the type of pension scheme in Ecuador and the one of inter-national comparison, in terms of the amount of pension of native Ecuadorians and pension settlers from English-speaking countries, you can also notice the plane of inequalities in economic development between Ecuador and Chile, as a consequence of omission (in Ecuador) and implementation (in Chile) fully founded solutions in the pension system.
The black sands found on certain Ecuadorian beaches present a high ilmenite contents up to 50%. In this work, TiO2 was obtained from the black sands of Muisne beaches – Ecuador by combining the thermal, chemical and ion exchange treatments. For the thermal treatment, the raw material was smelted at temperature of 1100 °C using a basic flux. Subsequently, the chemical treatment was initiated in the presence of Fe0 metal using chemical digestion with HCl, and the sample was purified by separating the precipitates from a series of reactions developed at different pHs with NH4OH, Na2S and HCl. The final effluent resulting from the last HCl digestion was purified by ion exchange using Amberlite IRA 400 resin of strongly anionic character. The effluent is then treated in basic medium and the resulting precipitate is calcined. The recovery yield of the TiO2 pigment was 46% with 92% purity.
The new species Practinocephalus brzeskii from Ecuador is described and illustrated. It is characterised by a medium length body, transversely striated cuticle with 30-34 longitudinal cuticular ridges, lip region conspicuous, set off by a depression but only slightly expanded, inner labial and cephalic papillae in the same circle external to the sclerotized anterior ring, odontostyle 30-34 µm long, onchia multi-pointed, cheilostomal sclerotizations heavy and complex, muscular part of pharynx starting at level of nerve ring, female reproductive apparatus didelphic, vulva longitudinal, vagina with sclerotized pieces, female tail elongate conoid to filiform. Males are also described and illustrated for the first time in the genus; they are characterised by a convex conoid tail with a filiform appendix, shorter than female tail and variable in length. A new diagnosis of the genus Practinocephalus and a key to its species are given.
Adults of two new species of biting midges in the subgenera Lepidohelea Kieffer and Metaforcipomyia Saunders of the genus Forcipomyia Meigen, F. (L.) ivani sp. nov. and F. (M.) aidae sp. nov., are described from specimens collected in Imbabura province, Ecuador at 2,320 meters above sea level. Color photographs and illustrations are provided of males and females of both new species which are compared with similar, related congeners in their respective subgenera. We also provide the first record of F. (Forcipomyia) catarinensis Marino & Spinelli from Ecuador.
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