The turn of the century brought significant changes in the regional structure of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Rationale, objectives, principles and factors of development in this part of the continent underwent a fundamental reorientation. The transformation caused what previously were strengths in some countries to became a hard to overcome barriers, causing underdevelopment and lack of prospects. On the other hand, decentralization of management and freeing of initiative on the part of the populations created an important stimulus which reinforces the development dynamics. Great expectations, but also fear accompanied the process of accession to the European Community, which - accepting as its members economically backward, post-communist countries - undertook to support their development in accordance with the principle of economic, social and territorial cohesion. This task proved difficult, and controversial from the standpoint of both the "old" and "new" European Union. The analysis of statistical data indicates that the region of Central and Eastern Europe is not homogeneous. CEE countries differ not only in the size of their economies, but also in the level of economic development. This was seen especially during the economic crisis the first decade of the XXI century.
W trzech częściach zasadniczych artykułu zaprezentowano koncepcję konstytucji gospodarczej wypracowanej w pierwszej połowie XX w. przez Waltera Euckena, niemieckiego ekonomistę. Szczególny akcent położony został na filary tej koncepcji, jakimi są wolność i odpowiedzialność. W podejściu Euckena idea ordo postrzegana jest jako ład, który odpowiada istocie człowieka i rzeczy oraz zawiera w sobie potęgę wyrastającą z możliwości współistnienia miary i równowagi. Zarysowany kształt porządku konkurencyjnego gospodarki odniesiony został do elementów prawno-instytucjonalnych uwarunkowań ładu gospodarczego Polski. We wnioskach z analiz stwierdza się, że brak zabezpieczenia wolnej konkurencji, nawet przy istnieniu otwartości rynków czy własności prywatnej (a może nawet w wyniku), przyczynił się do obciążenia wyników gospodarczych Polski po 1990 r.
The three-chapter article presents the idea of economic constitution rooted in the first half of XX century research of Walter Eucken, German economist. The particular emphasis is put on the pillars of the idea that is freedom/liberty and responsibility/ accountability. The idea ordo by Eucken is perceived as the order coherent to the human nature and powered by the potential of coexistence of measure and equilibrium. The outline of the economic order introduced in the paper has been related to the legal and institutional items of conditions of economic identity in Poland. In the conclusions, it has been established that the sever deficit of free competition, even, or maybe because of, the existence of open markets and private property contributed to the distortion of the economic results in Poland after 1990.
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