The results of research on intra-European Union (EU) food trade conducted by the Eastern EU countries were presented in 1999-2019, including exports and imports. The study applied cluster analysis: Eastern EU countries’ share of intra-EU food trade increased from 5% (in 1999) to 15% (in 2019). These countries traded mostly in beverages, cereals, fruit and vegetables. Eastern EU countries traded in food mainly among themselves, including their closest neighbours, regionally and with Germany. To increase their share of exports to other EU countries, these countries could use lower food prices and the benefits of traditional approaches to food production.
The sustainable development concept is promoted as a theoretical frame suitable to face the challenges of the air transport market. The task is to focus on the solutions for current and future air transport strategies to provide movement of people and goods in a sustainable, equal, inclusive and efficient way. This research aims to recognise sustainable development challenges and refer to the situation of Central and Eastern European countries. The challenges to the sustainable development of air transport were grouped into environmental concerns, infrastructural and labour problems, technological change, digitalisation and changing passenger behaviour. Even though Central and Eastern European countries are lagging behind Western countries in terms of the number of passengers carried by air, they face the same challenges to the sustainable development of air transport markets. Air transport companies on their path to sustainable development should search for new, innovative solutions. There is a call for institutional changes to support sustainable initiatives.
We have analyzed the monitoring of basic knowledge quality for students training in specialty “Pharmacy” in higher educational establishments of Eastern Europe. It has been emphasized that the quality of students’ training depends on a combination of knowledge, skills and abilities. Training educators for health sphere always attracted attention both in Ukraine and abroad, and received critics of professional errors pharmacists and doctors. It is arosed in the system of pharmaceutical (medical) personnel training, involved and later spread to other areas of professional education innovative teaching methods and monitoring knowledge. Integration of higher pharmaceutical education to European educational space leads the introduction of professional training of pharmacy students at all levels according to the European norms and standards in education and science, which will be based on the best national practices and experiences around the world. It is necessary for Ukraine to study the experience of Middle Eastern countries that have been for many years developing market economy, establishing forms of cooperation within the “common European home” and a mixed economy integrating into the global market. In Central and Eastern Europe a network of agencies that guarantee the higher education quality – CEE Network (the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education). The need to create a network of quality assurance agencies in higher education in Central and Eastern Europe was first discussed in Budapest, Hungary in November 2000. The establishment of the network was made October 13, 2001 in Krakow, Poland. The Monitoring of the basic knowledge quality for future professionals in Pharmacy is a part of the quality control and pharmaceutical education. Now checking the quality of higher pharmaceutical education and related monitoring studies at national level in different forms is implemented in many Eastern European countries.
Francoist Spain was not recognised by the Communist Bloc countries due to its support of the communities of political exiles. In 1969 a thaw in relations began at an economic level in search of markets for Spanish development. The timid contact would gradually increase and favour relationships away from political ideology, beneficial in economic terms, and this would prepare the basis of full future recognition, with the exchange of ambassadors in 1977.
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After almost a decade of transformation, economies of Central and Eastern European countries have stabilized. In this process a major role was and still is being played by the banking sector. In the paper an attempt has been undertaken to present - on the background of theoretical aspects of regulation and management in banking - solutions adopted in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia. The authors point out that in spite of some differences in national systems, politicians and central bankers addressed themselves to proper regulatory concepts in banking, thus confirming fulfillment of some necessary conditions of the European Union in the pre-accession period.
Po kilku latach transformacji, gospodarki w krajach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej ustabilizowały się. W procesie tym ważną rolę odegrał i nadal odgrywa sektor bankowy. W artykule podjęto próbę przedstawienia - na tle teoretycznych aspektów regulacji i zarządzania sektorem bankowym - rozwiązania przyjęte w Czechach, na Węgrzech, w Polsce i w Słowenii. Wykazano, że mimo pewnych różnic występujących w tych systemach, politycy i bankierzy centralni obrali prawidłowe koncepcje uregulowań w zakresie bankowości, potwierdzając w ten sposób spełnienie niektórych warunków wiążących sie z przystapieniem do Unii Europejskiej.
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The paper reviews the interconnection of globalization and modernization processes in developing countries. The typical features of the new stage of globalization, such as changing the direction of globalization, regionalization, formation of new global development centers, as well as other problems and contradictions in the main trends of globalization and their impact on the modernization processes in developing countries are discussed. The article analyzes the main strategies of modernization developing countries such as modernization based on the coercive, political and economic pressure of the Western world, leading to copying of socio-economic and political development models and institutions and a modernization strategy based on the convergence of global development models and national socio-economic models. The authors consider the main features of the entry into the world development of the countries of Eastern Europe on the basis of preserving state and socio-cultural integrity and defining their own specificity of entering into a single European community already formed.
Francoist Spain was not recognised by the Communist Bloc countries due to its support of the communities of political exiles. In 1969 a thaw in relations began at an economic level in search of markets for Spanish development. The timid contact would gradually increase and favour relationships away from political ideology, beneficial in economic terms, and this would prepare the basis of full future recognition, with the exchange of ambassadors in 1977.
Państwa Bloku Wschodniego nie utrzymywały stosunków z Państwem Hiszpańskim (dyktatura Francisco Franco) ze względu na wsparcie udzielane przez nie emigrantom politycznym. W 1969 r. zaczęła się odwilż w relacjach gospodarczych, związana z poszukiwaniem przez Hiszpanię nowych rynków. Nieśmiałe kontakty z czasem rozwinęły się, sprzyjając kontaktom, które, niezależnie od różnic ideologicznych, przynosiły korzyści wymiarze ekonomicznym. W ten sposób utorowano drogę do pełnego uznania i wymiany ambasadorów w 1977 r.
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