The constructivist approach is among the most popular in the international relations and particularly useful in the analysis of the European integration processes. It allows a broad analysis of participants’ preferences, motives and interests in international cooperation. States and international organizations develop collective identities within processes of communication and deliberation. Constructivism helps to understand those processes and their infl uence on making and developing international law. Constructivism is also used as a legitimizing approach, especially in the context of difficulties in the validation of the activities of international institutions at the supranational level. It offers alternative concepts to the traditionally understood democratic legitimacy
Przedmiotem publikacji jest zagadnienie „agencyfikacji” europejskiej przestrzeni administracyjnej. Problem wzrostu liczby europejskich urzędów regulacyjnych, tzw. agencji zdecentralizowanych został poddany analizie przez pryzmat ich autonomii instytucjonalnej. Z ponad trzydziestu gremiów tego typu jako przykład posłużyła Europejska Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Lotniczego, która dysponuje szerokim katalogiem uprawnień o charakterze decyzyjnym i quasi-regulacyjnym.
The paper analyzes problems connected with the processes of “agencification” identified in the European administrative space. The growing number of European regulators, especially decentralized agencies, is analyzed through the prism of their evolving institutional autonomy. From more than thirty such bodies existing in the EU, the Author chose to focus on the example of the European Aviation Safety Agency, which has a wide catalogue of decision-making and quasi-regulatory powers.
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