Mieszanki kopolimeru EPM współwulkanizowane z innymi mieszankami kauczukowymi, np. SBR lub CR, nawet z użyciem klejów kauczukowych, mają niejednokrotnie małą wytrzymałość na rozwarstwianie. Do łączenia mieszanki EPM z mieszankami terpolimeru EPDM, SBR i CR jako promotora adhezji użyto liniowego alkilobenzenu (LAB), który w innych technologiach jest stosowany do produkcji surfaktantu - liniowego sulfonowanego alkilobenzenu, wykorzystywanego w syntezie detergentów, emulgatorów, środków pianotwórczych, herbicydów i wielu innych produktów.
Mixture of EPM copolymer which was co-vulcanizated with other rubber mixtures like SBR or CR is chracterized by the low resistance even using rubber cement. A linear alkylobenzene LAB as an adhesion promotor was used for mixing of EPM and EPDM, SBR and CR. However, LAB is conventionally used for sytnthesis of detergents, emulsifiers, herbicides and others.
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Two methods of modelling corrosion in aircraft lap joins are presented. The first method -equivalent pressure method (EPM) has been tested and applied. The main simplification in this method is replacing coorosion by uniform equivalent pressure. The second method - thermal volume expansion method TVEM has been developed to avoid calculating the equivalent pressure. Loads on internal surfaces of skins in lap joints caused by corrosion products were modelled using the phenomena of thermal volume change. Temperature and coefficient of thermal linear expansion are the parameters that model the level of corrosion.
W artykule przedstawiono dwie metody modelowania zjawiska pillowingu w połączeniach nitowych za pomocą MES. Pierwsza metoda - ciśnienia ekwiwalentnego - była już weryfikowana i stosowana. Głównym uproszczeniem w tej metodzie jest zastąpienie w modelu produktów korozji przez ciśnienie. W celu uniknięcia kłopotliwego wyliczania wartości ciśnienia ekwiwalentnego autor zaproponował now.ą metodę (TVEM) modelowania tego zjawiska. Obciążenie powierzchni blach połączenia symulowane jest dzięki wykorzystaniu zjawiska rozszerzalności cieplnej. Zmiana temperatury i współczynnik rozszerzalności cieplnej materiału zostały iastosowane do sterowania intensywnością korozji wewnątrz połączenia nitowego.
Soil erosion is closely related to climate changes, because changes to temperature and precipitation regimes may alter the erosivity of rainfall. The present study aimed to project future soil erosion phenomena in the Vjosa River Basin (VRB) using climate projections under the Representative Concentrations Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios. SimCLIM model was used to perform the climate projection for the years 2035 and 2050, based on historical temperature and precipitation data (2000–2015). This investigation was carried out by using Erosion Potential Method EPM to estimate the effects of climate change on soil erosion in Vjosa River Basin, Albania. Results show an increase in average min and max annual temperature for both scenarios RCP4.5 and 8.5 by the end of 2050. The evaluation of the monthly precipitations for all RCPs reveals a likely decrease in summer precipitation, and a slight positive trend of winter precipitation for all time periods up to 2050. An increase in terms of eroded material and specific eroded material was estimated from the results of RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. Thus, it can be stated that the study area has and will have a moderate erosion risk under these climate conditions.
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Soil erosion is an important factor that should be considered when planning renewable natural resource projects, effects of which can be measured by modelling techniques. Therefore, disintegration models determine soil loss intensity and support soil conservation practices. This study estimates soil loss rates by water erosion using the Erosion Potential Method (EPM) in the Kebir Rhumel Watershed located in Northeast Algeria. The area is north to south sub-humid to semi-arid, receives irregular rainfall, and has steep slopes and low vegetation cover which makes it very vulnerable to erosion. The main factors in the EPM (soil erodibility, soil protection, slope, temperature, and rainfall) were evaluated using the Geographical Information System (GIS) and data provided by remote sensing technologies. The erosion intensity coefficient Z was 0.60, which indicates medium erosion intensity. While the results showed the average annual soil erosion of 17.92 Mg∙ha-1∙y -1, maximum and minimum losses are 190.50 Mg∙ha-1∙y-1 and 0.21 Mg∙ha-1∙y-1, respectively. The EPM model shows satisfactory results compared to some studies done in the basin, where the obtained results can be used for more appropriate management of land and water resources, sustainable planning, and environmental protection.
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State-of-art in Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM) is described. The recent topic of EPM in a steel making field is introduced. The application of a high magnetic field in EPM is classified and then the two topics of 1) quantitative evaluation of phase transformation and 2) crystal orientation of ceramics are introduced, which are the recent works on EPM relating with a high magnetic field.
W artykule scharakteryzowano stan wiedzy w zakresie elektromagnetycznego przetwarzania materiałów (EPM). Omówiono wykorzystanie technologii EPM w obszarze produkcji stali. Dokonano klasyfikacji zastosowania silnych pól magnetycznych w technologiach EPM. Omówiono dwa tematy związane z jakościową oceną przekształceń fazowych i orientacji kryształów materiałów ceramicznych będące efektem najnowszych badań z zakresu EPM z wykorzystaniem silnego pola magnetycznego.
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