There are various definitions of efficiency of transport and different methods of measurement. This makes it difficult to measure and carry out benchmarking assessment of different modes. This paper presents proposals for measuring the efficiency of transport systems, taking as criteria: travel time, energy consumption, material use, impact on environment, affordability and accessibility. Based on these criteria, a benchmarking analysis of road and air transport was carried out. A new proposal for general definition of efficiency of transport is presented.
This paper describes the methodology and results of studies carried out on mobility in European Countries by the authors in the framework of EPATS project (European Personal Air Transportation System). The objective of these studies was to analyse the main characteristics of the mobility in Europe when particularly focusing on the mobility features on the connections where personal aviation could potentially operate. Besides this general analysis of mobility in Europe we also focus on the mobility analysis in two particular countries: France and Poland. Both indeed belong to the countries with the highest traffic level in old European countries and new European countries. The mobility analysis made at a EU 15 level highlights that the long-distance journeys characteristics change according to the customer profile: business and leisure traveler do not travel the same way (difference in terms of transport mode, duration, traveler features (age, gender, etc.)). Characteristics of long-distance mobility therefore vary a lot according to the trip purpose. We identify that 15 223 connections between 28 countries can be considered as EPATS potential connections. All together these potential connections represent 24% of the total existing NUTS 2 connections in Europe. Despite the lack of detailed data on the traffic occurring on these connections the analysis manage to provide very interesting and important information on the current traffic levels and modal splits. The total traffic on the potential EPATS connections is 2400 billion passengers amongst whom 436 million travel to and from France and 93 million to and from Poland. The analysis also highlights the large market share of the road transport mode on these connections since 79% of the passengers travel by car. The air transport market share often exceeds the road one for distance over 1500 Km and reaches 100% for distances over 2000 Km. The road transport mode preponderance on the potential EPATS connections hence tend to mean that the traditional air transportation is often less competitive than the road transport mode. But could a different way of travelling by air such as the personal aviation be an alternative to the traditional air transport as well as to road transport. The answer to this question is the next step of the analysis aiming at assessing the traffic that could be potentially transferred to EPATS by 2020 as well as the EPATS aircraft fleet that would be necessary to satisfy this demand.
This paper describes the European Personal Air Transportation System (EPATS) STUDY project realized in the Sixth Framework Programme. It consists of two parts: First part includes basic information about the EPATS STUDY project: project objectives, list of partners, project structure and deliverables. Second part contains results of the project. There are presented conclusions referring to the accessibility and suitability analysis of European airports, the EPATS demand forecasting, general requirements, environmental and safety aspects, business models and recommendations. Results of the EPATS STUDY project show that it is possible to replace car trips on a distance longer than 300 km by personal air transport based on small aircraft and small local airports in Europe.
These missions requirements for EPATS aircraft have been developed taking into account the future needs of the market analysis carried out under the project EPATS. Aircraft mission requirements are derived from passenger traffic and the level of wealth of the population. A wide range of public revenue, operating costs of different types of aircraft and passengers flow rates cause the need for appropriate diversification of types of aircraft operating in the System. This paper presents the results of these analysis.
A mode choice model that generates on demand small aircraft travel forecasts between NUTS-2 regions connections of 28 EU countries based on interregional passengers mobility and value of time and vehicle performance characteristics is presented. The paper explains Small Aircraft Transport demand modeling at the EU mobility and airspace levels. The model is based on the assumption, that the passenger chooses the mode of transport, which minimizes their generalized cost of travel. The model has been developed under the project EPATS (European Personal Air Transportation System) funded by EU Commission. The model gives an instrument to evaluate the potential transfer of passenger demand to personal aviation by 2020 and the fleet of EPATS aircraft that would be needed to satisfy this demand. The estimations have been made first at European level and then at national level for domestic traffic of two European countries: France and Poland.
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Rozwój transportu lotniczego uwarunkowany jest wieloma czynnikami natury technicznej, ekonomicznej, organizacyjnej i politycznej. Sektor lotniczy zawsze był postrzegany jako nośnik postępu, innowacyjności i poprawy jakości życia ludności. Pogłębiające się procesy integracji europejskiego rynku transportowego i narastająca konkurencja na rynku globalnym stwarzają nowe wyzwania i oczekiwania w stosunku do tego sektora. W transporcie lotniczym Polski procesy dostosowywania sektora transportu lotniczego do poziomu europejskiego rozpoczęły się dużo wcześniej niż w innych sektorach. Rozwój polskiego rynku lotniczego po 2004 roku jest bardzo dynamiczny i dotyczy nie tylko ruchu lotniczego, ale i portów lotniczych, które rozszerzają siatkę połączeń i konkurują o nowych operatorów lotniczych. Ciągle jednak niski jest poziom mobilności lotniczej ludności, a także dostępność usług lotniczych mierzona zarówno wskaźnikami dostępności przestrzennej, jak i demograficznej. Na mapie lotniczej naszego kraju jest wiele regionów pozbawionych dostępu do szybkiego środka transportu. Zgodnie ze Strategią Rozwoju Transportu zawartą w Białej Księdze Komisji Europejskiej podkreśla się potrzebę godzenia celów gospodarczych i rozwojowych oraz wyrównywania różnic społecznych, które wyraźnie występują w dostępie do usług lotniczych. [...]
The paper presents model assumptions of small aircraft transportation system in Poland based upon research done within a grant of Institute of Aviation along with Warsaw School of Economics and Warsaw Institute of Technology as well as research within the EPATS (European Personal Air Transportation System) programme. The final aim of this system is to provide a fast means of transport to all Polish regions, especially the provision of business trips to/from any region in Poland within one day at the cost comparable to travelling by car. The paper describes basic assumptions of SATS in Poland, including infrastructure and aircraft requirements. Comparisons to other means of transport are presented and the lack of any close substitute is stressed. Within the research on SATS there was a series of investigation on intra-regional mobility, passenger flows estimation based on income distribution, travel time value and intra-regional mobility statistical database. By combining the results of the above with the conclusions from the studies on air transport demand elasticities the authors come to a conclusion that there is considerable potential demand for SATS services. A draft concept of SATS functioning in Poland is also provided. The system is innovative itself not only in terms of technology but also conceptwise. Similarly, organizational aspects should be considered innovative as well. Thus, SATS will be one of the factors contributing to the development of modern and innovative economy.
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