The aim of the study was to present a method for assessing the condition of cell culture by measuring the impedance of cells cultured in the presence of nickel. For this purpose, an impedance measurement technique using nickel comb capacitors was used. The capacitor electrodes were made using a thin film magnetron sputtering. In the experimental part, the culture of cells of mouse fibroblasts on the prepared substrate was performed. The cell culture lasted 43 hours and showed that the presented technique allows it to be used to analyze the effect of nickel on cells.
Celem pracy było przedstawienie metody oceny stanu hodowli komórkowej poprzez pomiar impedancji komórek hodowanych w obecności niklu. W tym celu zastosowano technikę pomiaru impedancji z wykorzystaniem niklowych kondensatorów grzebieniowych. Cienkowarstwowe elektrody kondensatora wykonano metodą rozpylania magnetronowego. W części eksperymentalnej przeprowadzono hodowlę komórek mysich fibroblastów na przygotowanym podłożu. Hodowla komórkowa trwała 43 godziny i wykazała, że przedstawiona technika mogłaby być zastosowana do analizy wpływu niklu na komórki.
This article deals in the constantly developing branch of microelectronic devices used in various fields of medicine, i.e. diagnostics and treatment of previously incurable human diseases. A method for assessing and monitoring the vital functions of living cells by measuring cellular impedance in real-time using the ECIS® system and a commercial culture substrate is presented. The goal was to develop a substrate significantly less expensive than a commercial substrate that would be suitable for multiple uses and compatible with the ECIS® measurement station. Moreover, thanks to the use of a material with electrochemical properties other than the biocompatible material (gold or platinum) it is possible to observe the cells behavior with regard to the toxic agent. For this purpose, a culture substrate with nickel comb capacitors was used. To make the electrodes, a thin metal layer was sputtered on polycarbonate plates in the magnetron sputtering process. Prior to the next stages, technological masks were designed so as to fit in the ECIS® measuring station. Subsequently, the microelectronic processes of photolithography and etching the metal layer were performed. Finally, the wells were glued onto the culture medium with a biocompatible adhesive. The completed substrates were transferred to the Department of Human Physiology, Medical University of Lublin, for the culture test on A-375 human melanoma cells. The results of the experiment determined the usefulness of the device for monitoring cell culture vital functions by means of impedance measurement.
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Celem przeprowadzonych prac badawczych było określenie wpływu miedzi na wzrost hodowli komórek podczas badania in vitro. Dodatkowo, sprecyzowanie w jakich warunkach wykorzystanie danego materiału będzie wystarczające i pozwoli na otwarcie nowych ścieżek rozwoju. W ramach prac badawczych zaprojektowano i wykonano kondensatory grzebieniowe z miedzi na biokompatybilnych podłożach. Warstwy metalizacji osadzono metodą rozpylania magnetronowego na różnego rodzaju materiałach. Najlepsze rezultaty uzyskano na podłożach z poliwęglanu, spełniając wszystkie, wcześniej określone wymagania, biokompatybilność oraz wytrzymałość na wykorzystywane podczas prac technologicznych roztwory chemiczne. Zaprojektowaną geometrię kondensatorów grzebieniowych uzyskano w procesie fotolitografii. Wytworzone struktury testowe wykorzystano do monitorowania wzrostu hodowli komórek odzwierzęcych, za pomocą pomiarów parametrów elektrycznych. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają na ocenę możliwości wykorzystania miedzi w różnorodnych zastosowaniach biotechnologicznych.
The target point of the research work was to determine the effect of copper on the growth of cell culture during in vitro testing. In addition, specifying under which conditions the use of a given material will be more appropriate and sufficient, will allow opening new development paths. For this purpose, copper comb condensers were designed and made on biocompatible substrates. The metallization layers were deposited by magnetron sputtering on various materials. The best results were obtained on polycarbonate substrates, meeting all the previously specified requirements, including biocompatibility and durability of chemical solutions used during technological works. The designed geometry of comb capacitors was obtained in the photolithography process. The generated test structures were used to monitor the growth of zoonotic cell culture by measuring electrical parameters. The obtained results allow to evaluate the possibilities of using copper in various biotechnological applications.
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