Spatial order is a component of integrated order. Shaping it refers to the context of balanced development. Objectively appearing internal and external conditions decide about the rational direction of development of a specific area in striving to achieve integral order. The article pays attention to spatial diversity of development conditions, which force an individual approach in defining the direction of development of each area. Shaping spatial order is a vital assignment of local community which is represented by self-governments of towns and communes. Formulation of individual regulations which are to be a base of rational shaping of spatial order should take place in cases of every administrating unit, and every area which is a subject to protection because of its values like for instance landscape Park "Dolina Baryczy". Proposals for establishment of spatial order regulations for this exceptional place were proposed in the article.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań geobotanicznych (119 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych, wykonanych metodą Brauna-Blanqueta), prowadzonych w latach 1998-2003 w dolinie Baryczy. Celem badań była ocena wpływu aktualnych warunków siedliskowych na skład florystyczny, walory przyrodnicze i użytkowe łąk mozgowych. Wykazano, że płaty Phalaridetum arundinaceae zajmują w tej dolinie ok. 20,0% powierzchni użytków zielonych. Najczęściej są to formy przejściowe zbliżone do zbiorowisk klasy Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, rzędu Molinietalia. Zakres przekształceń sukcesyjnych zależy od warunków geomorfologiczno-siedliskowych w dolinie, głównie - zmian w uwilgotnieniu gleby. Łąki mozgowe w dolinie Baryczy mają umiarkowane i średnio umiarkowane walory przyrodnicze (klasa waloryzacji IVB, VB) oraz mierną wartość użytkową (Lwu 5,4-6,0).
The study presents results of geobotanical investigations (119 phytosociological surveys obtained using the Braun-Blanquet method) carried out in the years 1998-2003. The objective of the long-term study was to evaluate the impact of the current site condition and floristic composition on the natural significance and fodder value of canary grass meadows. It was demonstrated that patches of Phalaridetum arundinaceae occupied up to approximately 20% of the grassland area. At present, they occur as transitional forms associated with the communities of the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea of the Molinietalia order. The extent of successional transformations depends on the geomorphological and site conditions prevailing in the valley, primarily on changes in the content of soil moisture. The canary grass meadows found in the Barycz River valley are of moderate and medium moderate natural significance and of low fodder value score (FVS from 5.4 to 6.0).
In the article attention has been paid to the identity of a place understood as sentimental attachment of the inhabitants to their dwelling place, the sense of bonds and responsibility for organization, maintenance and utilization of the place. Every place has its own distinct, specific character, and is exceptional for those users who feel good there because they create the place together and are responsible for it. Attention has also been paid to transformation of spatial management and landscape, which can bring about the loss of the identity of the place, shaped throughout decades. The valuable components of the extremely precious landscape of the Barycz valley have been pointed out, and directives of shaping new building as well as modernization of the already existing one have been formulated. The research area was constituted by localities situated within the range of "Dolina Baryczy" Landscape Park.