The article concerns the early medieval settlement at Niedźwiedź/Steklin located on Lake Steklin in the Dobrzyń Land commonly identified with the castrum Steclyn mentioned in the so-called Mogilno Falsification of 1065. Although research has up to now produced relatively little information on the stronghold itself, numerous luxury items discovered on the lake bottom within the remains of the wharves, as well as a silver hoard recently found in a suburbium settlement testify to the special importance of this place on the northeastern border of the Piast state. The article discusses the origins and functions of the stronghold, as well as its role in the local supra-local settlement structure. It is also shown that its location directly on the long-distance route leading from Gniezno through Mogilno and Kujawy to Prussia enabled communication with Benedictine monks.
The article concerns an early medieval silver hoard, recently (and accidentally) discovered at a suburb settlement in Niedźwiedź in Dobrzyń region. The settlement is a part of a large complex with a stronghold and a developed lake shore, identified with the historical Steklin mentioned in the so-called Mogilno Falsification. The hoard, consisting of 28 coins and six pieces of jewelry, was deposited after 1080. The factual scope of the article includes primarily the results of numismatic analyses of one Arabic coin and the remaining Western European coins, including the prevailing group of so-called cross denarii. The discovery is interpreted in a broad socio-economic and political context
Record files are difficult material for research. However, they provide valuable historical, sociological and demographic information from the 19th century and earlier, which would not have been possible without the help of this source. This applies especially to the lower strata of Polish society, and above all the largest of them - the peasants. The data contained in the record files are not always reliable. Therefore, you should be very careful about their use. The described research source can be used both for statistical studies and as the basis for the nominative method. Statistical approach does not always help to answer all the questions. It is good to suplement (or illustrate) data obtained using the statistical method with the individual fate of specific people. This approach to the problem avoids erroneous conclusions that could result from the application of the statistical method itself.
Akta metrykalne stanowią trudny materiał do badań. Dostarczają jednak wielu cennych informacji historycznych, socjologicznych i demograficznych z wieku XIX i wcześniejszych, których uzyskanie bez pomocy tego źródła nie byłoby możliwe. Dotyczy to szczególnie niższych warstw społeczeństwa polskiego, a przede wszystkim największej z nich - chłopów. Dane zawarte w aktach metrykalnych nie zawsze są wiarygodne. Dlatego bardzo ostrożnie należy podchodzić do ich wykorzystywania. Opisywane źródło badawcze może służyć zarówno do opracowań statystycznych, jak i stanowić podstawę metody nominatywnej. Nie zawsze bowiem ujęcie statystyczne pozwala odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania. Uzyskane za pomocą metody statystycznej dane dobrze jest uzupełnić (czy też zobrazować) indywidualnymi losami konkretnych osób. Takie ujęcie zagadnienia pozwala uniknąć błędnych wniosków, jakie mogłyby wynikać z zastosowania samej metody statystycznej.
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