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The events of the Slovak-Hungarian “Little War” are closely connected to the circumstances of Hungary’s re-annexation of Sub-Carpathia in March 1939, which took place under the motto of re-establishing a common Hungarian-Polish border. Corps belonging to the Carpathian section of the Hungarian army advanced into Sub-Carpathia and then proceeded to attack Slovak territories. Hungaryʼs official explanation for its occupation of Sub-Carpathia ran as follows: since Slovakia has become an independent state and thus Czechoslovakia no longer exists as a state, the Viennese arbitration is no longer valid. Hungary has won the right to exercise its claim to Sub-Carpathia. The military conflict between Slovakia and Hungary came to an end when Germany intervened and ordered the two parties to conduct bilateral negotiations with a view to reaching an agreement. At the negotiations on March 28, 1939, the parties agreed to end hostilities and to establish a neutral zone between the two armies. They also agreed that Hungarian troops might remain at their occupied positions. On March 28 the Slovak delegation announced claims on Hungarian territory by way of compensation, but the Hungarian government rejected these claims. Germany offered no support to the Slovaks on the border issue; indeed, on April 7 Slovak troops were even required to withdraw from various settlements on the Slovak side of the demarcation line. On April 3, 1939, the German Ambassador to Budapest, Otto von Erdmannsdorff, paid a visit to the Hungarian foreign minister, István Csáky; in the course of their discussions, the two men touched upon the issue of the border established with Slovakia. The Ambassador informed Csáky that the Slovak government had turned to Germany for support, but that it had been told that under the circumstances any attempt at the full restoration of the old border, which was Slovakia’s wish, would be futile. The German Ambassador then asked Csáky whether the Hungarian government would be willing to make certain territorial concessions. Csáky responded that this would be inconceivable — “where Hungarian soldiers have trodden, they will stay”. Hungary could keep the 60-kilometre long and 20-kilometre wide strip of land that it had taken from Slovakia. The Hungarian authorities attached the area of land Sub-Carpathia, of which it remained a part until 1944. In 1945 the newly re-established Czechoslovakia was obliged to surrender the railway line between Csap and Ungvár as well as the Ung line: the Czechoslovak-Soviet border — today’s frontier between Slovakia and Ukraine — was drawn ten to fifteen kilometres further west. During its engagements with the Slovak armed forces from March 23–28, 1939, the Hungarian army suffered 25 fatal and 56 non-fatal casualties; it captured 360 Slovak and 211 Czech/Moravian soldiers.
After concluding the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Soviet Union unexpectedly became an ally of the Slovaks. Slovak political decision-makers evaluated this act as a “historic turnaround”, which then enabled the realization of mutual solidarity between Germany and Russia. Soviet diplomats characterized Slovakia in their reports as a “gate facing the Balkans” and as an “eye” into the Western half of Europe. Slovak politicians saw in their relationship with the Soviet Union the possibility to seek a counterbalance against the German influence that was encumbering the country. Slovakia’s foreign policy was hoping that the Soviet Union as a Slavic brother state would support Slovakia in the Hungarian-Slovak conflict. The rivalry between Hungary and Slovakia, when both states had been attempting to gain Hitler’s favour since 1939, eventually led to their attempting to win points to military domain. Thus, both of the states became ensnared in the war against the Soviet Union, an effort which other satellite states also joined. According to Jozef Tiso, Slovakia needed to enter the war against the Soviet Union because it could thus gain a basis from which to regain her territories that had been annexed to Hungary. The relationship between both states was important from the point of view of the Soviet Union foreign policy because the Soviet Union was thus able to gain information about Germany, or as the case may be, it was able to restrain them from declaring war. In the fall of 1939 full diplomatic relations between Hungary and the Soviet Union were renewed, in which the German-Soviet rapprochement also played a role. Soviet diplomats attempted to keep their government informed in as much detail as possible about the Slovak-Hungarian relationships.
The purpose of this study is the introduction of the mediation of János Esterházy in the bilateral relations of Slovakia and Hungary mentioning only a few examples due to limitations in length. In the second part of the study, the activity of Esterházy in the Jewish question is discussed; the reasons behind his voting against the Jewish law. János Esterházy considered it his main goal to forge the Hungarian minority in Slovakia together, and he imagined the life of the community in the form of a great family. The person of Esterházy is interpreted in different ways in the Slovak and Hungarian history writing. This study wishes to present these interpretations based on facts and to get them closer to each other.
Żywot Profesora był pracowity i pełny poświęcenia w imię publicznych ideałów oraz intelektualnych zadań. Wysokim wymaganiom, które Profesor sobie stawiał, towarzyszyła skromność potrzeb własnych. Cechowały Go dyscyplina wewnętrzna, pracowitość i prawość. Był dystyngowany, ale przystępny; nie nadużywał pochwał, ale potrafił wyrazić uznanie. Był polskim patriotą, a jednocześnie Europejczykiem, zakorzenionym w kulturze Starego Kontynentu. (fragment tekstu)
The revisions of Hungarian boarders in the years 1939–1941 caused considerable dissatisfaction among the countries which had to cede considerable territories to the government in Budapest. Therefore these states (Rumania, Slovakia and Croatia) attempted to resurrect the idea of the Little Entente which sought to prevent Hungarian revisionism in the interwar era. However Budapest had German support – therefore the efforts of the countries to form some sort of anti-Hungarian block came to nothing.
After Japan was forced to open its ports to the western powers, by the threat of western navies, it was further compelled to sign unequal treaties with the Great Powers. This triggered a sonnō jōi movement led by young samurai, who criticized the ruling Tokugawa regime for its concessions to the foreigners. They therefore sought to expel the Westerners and close the country to their trade. Their second task was to bring the downfall of the shogunate and the restoration of the Imperial rule. In order to achieve this, many radical samurai mounted murderous attacks against the foreigners. One of the most serious of these incidents occurred in September 1862, when British merchant Charles Lennox Richardson was murdered by samurai from the Satsuma domain. Apart from the previous attacks this time the culprits could be identified. British minister to Japan Colonel Neale therefore demanded the punishment of the assailants and an indemnity from the bakufu for its inability to secure lives and safety of British nationals. The Tokugawa government tried to resist and resorted to delaying tactics because of its fear of internal impact, if it yielded. It was only after the British representatives demonstrated, that they are willing to use the naval forces at their disposal, that bakufu submitted.
Content available Austria‑Hungary and E gypt (1882–1914)
The Habsburg Monarchy was quite active in Egypt at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Although it had only slight political interest in this area it maintained here several consulates and monitored local events very carefully. It was because a lot of Austro‑Hungarian trading houses established their presence in Egypt and the land on the Nile became an important economic partner of the Habsburg Monarchy. Vienna therefore tried to support this development and to promote good Austro‑Egyptian relations. The interest of citizens of Austria‑Hungary in Egypt was also demonstrated by a considerable number of Austrian residents and travellers in this country. On the other hand the Egyptians travelled to the Habsburg Monarchy (especially students) in order to learn European customs and science. The mutual relations had therefore importance for both countries.
The Young Turk revolution changed considerably the position of the Great Powers in Istanbul. The unexpected turmoil in the Ottoman Empire caused considerable anxiety in the European capitals – especially in Vienna. From the point of view of Austria-Hungary it imperiled the occupation of the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Habsburg government. The change of the regime therefore compelled the foreign minister Alois Lexa von Aehrenthal to turn away from the traditional policy of maintaining status quo on the Balkans. However the Austro-Hungarian statesman viewed this situation as an opportunity to a rapprochement with Russia. At the end of summer 1908 he therefore started negotiations with his Russian counterpart Alexander Izvolsky concerning the status of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Content available remote Precedencja stanowisk publicznych w Polsce
W opracowaniu podjęto próbę prezentacji aktualnego stanu precedencji stanowisk publicznych w Polsce. Omówiono historyczne znaczenie terminu precedencja oraz przedstawiono kształtowanie się porządku najwyższych godności w polskiej tradycji. Poddano analizie zasady współczesnej hierarchii najwyższych stanowisk państwowych w RP i na tym tle przedstawiono precedencję stanowisk administracji rządowej i samorządowej w województwie oraz stanowisk samorządowych w powiecie i gminie (mieście). Omówiono także precedencję w korpusie dyplomatycznym i Kościele katolickim. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In the article an attempt of presentation of the current state of the public posts' precedence in Poland. The historical meaning of a term "precedence" was discussed, and developing of the highest offices in Polish tradition was presented. The rules of the present hierarchy of the highest state posts in the Republic of Poland was analyses and on this background the precedence of posts of the government administration and of the local administration in the voivodeship was presented and in the county and in the district (town) as well. The precedence in the diplomatic corps and in the Catholic Church were also discussed. (original abstract)
Specyficzna kultura Francuzów od wieków ma wyjątkowy wpływ na charakter aktywności międzynarodowej V Republiki. Zrozumienie stylu francuskiej dyplomacji, szczególnie po 1945 roku wymaga wyodrębnienia głównych elementów kultury politycznej Francji. Najważniejszym z nich jest z pewnością idea "grand nation" przejawiająca się w stałym dążeniu do uzyskania bądź utrzymania pozycji mocarstwa światowego. Założenie to wynika z przeświadczenia, iż Francja reprezentuje wartości, które mają zasadnicze znaczenie dla całego świata. Stąd mocarstwowa pozycja V Republiki tłumaczona jest potrzebą swoistej "mission civilizatrice" rozumianej jako wzbogacanie innych narodów dorobkiem kulturowym Francuzów. Należy jednak przy tym zauważyć, że przekonanie o wyjątkowości V Republiki nie jest zupełne. Fatalne doświadczenia II wojny światowej i IV Republiki wpłynęły na wytworzenie się tzw. "kultury przegranych", przejawiającej się często nazbyt teatralnym sprzeciwem wobec mocarstw światowych. Kolejnym istotnym elementem jest perspektywa narodowa, która ma dwojakie konsekwencje. Z jednej strony, podkreśla ona znaczenie realizacji interesów narodowych na arenie międzynarodowej, z drugiej, może prowadzić do interpretacji polityki zagranicznej na poziomie grup narodowych. Wśród innych ważnych elementów kultury Francji należy wymienić: legicentryczność, uniwersalizm wartości oraz wyjątkowe znaczenie języka. Wszystkie te aspekty pozwalają stwierdzić, iż kultura jest jednym z kluczowych czynników wpływających na aktywność międzynarodową Francji. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The specificity of the French culture since ages has a unique influence on the nature of the French foreign policy. To understand the particular style of French diplomacy, especially after 1945 it is crucial to distinguish main elements of its political culture. The most important one is the idea of "grand nation", manifesting itself in a constant pursuit to acquire a global power status. Such goal is based on the assumption that France represents universal values. Therefore, the global power position could be explained by the need of "mission civilizatrice", understood as an enrichment of other nations with the French culture. It has to be noted however, that the French conviction about their uniqueness is not unquestionable. Tragic experiences of the World War II and the 4th Republic created so called "culture de vaincu", "the culture of the lost". Another important element of the French culture is the existence of national perspective, which underlines the importance of national interest in the international environment. Other elements of French culture are: the importance of law, universalism of values and a unique role of language. All these aspects allow to conclude that culture is one of the most important factors influencing French activity in the international environment. (original abstract)
W artykule zdefiniowano pojęcie dyplomacji gospodarczej. Opisano genezę i ukształtowanie dyplomacji gospodarczej w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Przedstawiono również wymiar instytucjonalny amerykańskiej dyplomacji gospodarczej, w ramach którego zaprezentowano administrację w Waszyngtonie oraz misje zagraniczne. Na koniec omówiono nowy, wspólny program współpracy FCS i Departamentu Stanu.
This article focus on Slovak‑Hungarian relations. The study aims to draft a more differentiate and precise picture on Hungarian and Slovak revision efforts and the bilateral relations as one may find in any professional literature till now, in particular in non‑Slavic works. The author has used new archive documents and materials. The political climate between Bratislava and Budapest in the first half of 1939 was strongly influenced by mutual territorial claims. Diplomatic relations between Slovakia and Hungary were characterised by three main problems since 1939 and in 1940: the affiliation of the territories in the Upper Hungary and national minorities living there; gaining Germany as an ally at the expense of the other party, and the principle of reciprocity. Ratification of the Slovak State was the most important goal of the Slovak foreign policy in 1939, both within the regional and European context. The Slovak policy also strived to find new and influential allies and believed that Germany and the Soviet Union could play that role. Slovak leaders wanted revision in respect to Hungary and wanted also to reach the revision of the 1st Vienna Award. In July 1939 the Slovak propaganda clearly presented the idea that Slovaks could not accept the borders of their homeland. The speeches in the Hungarian parliament called the attention of the public in both countries to the problems, especially after they published in the press. In practice, they limited the transgressions of officials and police on both sides to some extent. We can say the biggest mistake in the given period was that the governments were not able to rise above the issue of reciprocity and territories, what hindered their possible cooperation against Germans in the future.
Do najważniejszych zjawisk wpływających na kształtowanie polityki międzynarodowej należą: rosnące znaczenie organizacji narodowych i ponadnarodowych; globalizacja gospodarki; funkcjonowanie konsorcjów ponadnarodowych; tworzenie się światowego systemu rynków finansowych; zjawiska transnarodowe; rozwój środków i szybkość przekazu informacji; działalność organizacji pozarządowych. Rosnąca tendencja do łączenia się państw w koalicje przynosi ewolucję dyplomacji w kierunku rozmów wielostronnych. Zdaniem autora dyplomacja poddana nowym wyzwaniom czasu powinna skierować się ku: myśleniu długoterminowym oraz sztuce stosowania umiaru.
The most important phenomena influencing international policy are: increasing significance of national and international organisation; the globalisation of economy; the functioning of international consortiums; the establishing of global system of financial markets; transnational phenomena; the development of information canals. According to the author, if diplomacy is to face new challenges, it has to be oriented towards long-term planning and ability to act in moderation. (MN)
Przedstawiono istotę lobbyingu. Omówiono działalność lobbystyczną w Unii Europejskiej i znaczenie lobbyingu dla Polski
Presented essence of lobbying. Discussed lobbying activity in the European Union and its meaning for Poland. (MP)
The Bosnian Annexation Crisis was a major diplomatic event of the years 1908 and 1909. The decision of Austria-Hungary to annect the occupied provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina changed a status quo in the Eastern Question. While the crisis threatened the peace in Europe, the press and the European public opinion considerably followed it. The Czech lands were no exeptions – on the contrary the main periodicals brought regular news about the development in this question. They also commented the policy of Vienna government and of the other Great Powers and the Balkan states.
Polska Misja Wojskowa w Berlinie była początkowo po wojnie jedynym reprezentantem Państwa Polskiego w Niemczech. Wszystkimi sprawami konsularnymi zajmował się strukturalnie niezależny Wydział Konsularny PMW, który w związku z szerokim spektrum obowiązków, rozwinął się w największy departament Polskiej Misji Wojskowej. Zadania wydziału obejmowały między innymi: organizację i nadzór akcji repatriacyjnej z Niemiec do Polski, nadzór i opiekę nad majątkami należącymi do Polaków na terenie Niemiec, opiekę prawną i socjalną wobec Polaków w Niemczech oraz organizację polskiej edukacji w Niemczech. Wydział Konsularny był również mocno zaangażowany w utworzenie sieci polskich konsulatów i placówek terenowych na terytorium okupowanych Niemiec.
Monografia omawia działalność Departamentu Stanu USA i jego placówek w okresie od marca 1938 r. do września 1939 r. Pracę otwiera rozdział przedstawiający powstanie i strukturę Departamentu w latach 1938-1939 oraz ludzi zajmujących w nim kluczowe stanowiska. Następnie autor przybliża placówki Departamentu w Europie i ich miejsce w dyplomacji amerykańskiej. Zasadniczą część książki tworzą rozdziały, w których autor analizuje pracę merytoryczną dyplomacji USA w wyżej wspomnianym okresie i ukazuje jej reakcje na posunięcia Niemiec w stosunku do Czechosłowacji i Polski.
Zdaniem autora, zarówno analiza wystąpień N. Sarkozy'ego, najpierw jako kandydata na prezydenta, a następnie już jako głowy państwa, jak i jego dotychczasowe działania na tym stanowisku, zapowiadają istotne zmiany w polityce zagranicznej Francji. Realizacja tej polityki w najbliższej przyszłości, w warunkach permanentnej ewolucji środowiska międzynarodowego i sytuacji międzynarodowej, potwierdzi lub zaneguje te zapowiedzi. Autor twierdzi, że zmian takich oczekuje się i w samej Francji, i w wielu państwach europejskich, w tym w Europie Środkowej.
Content available The Balkans and Austria‑Hungary 1908–1912
The position of Austria–Hungary on the Balkans changed considerably due to the Bosnian crisis in 1908/1909. The effort of the Austro‑Hungarian foreign minister Alois Lexa von Aehrenthal to establish cooperation with Russia on the basis of the previous entente was ruined due to this event. The annexation also completely destroyed Vienna’s prestige in Belgrade and made the Serbs a mortal enemy of the monarchy. Austria‑Hungary therefore had to change its policy on the Balkans. Its main effort was the preservation of the status quo on the peninsula. One of its prerequisites was the maintenance of the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire. Austria‑Hungary therefore tried to cautiously cooperate with the Porte and to force it to conduct reforms. This effort was however unsuccessful. In the meantime Vienna was not able to hinder the creation of an alliance of the Balkan states, which threatened to destroy the status quo. When these countries began their long prepared war against the Ottomans the interests of the Habsburg Monarchy on the Balkans were in mortal peril.
nr nr 2
W niniejszym artykule badawczym przedstawiono definicje dyplomacji gospodarczej z podziałem na dyplomację ekonomiczną i handlową. Na podstawie źródeł wtórnych dokonano analizy jakościowej instrumentarium polskiej dyplomacji gospodarczej służącego ułatwieniu internacjonalizacji przedsiębiorstw. Cel artykułu stanowi wskazanie silnych i słabych stron stosowanych rozwiązań. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwala na stwierdzenie, iż pomimo wielości narzędzi istnieją obszary, w których działalność polskiej dyplomacji gospodarczej wymaga poprawy. Zaleca się skupienie całości kompetencji pod auspicjami jednej agencji, stworzenie jednego, szczegółowego planu działania oraz kontynuację działań zmierzających do wykreowania silnej marki narodowej. Wykorzystanie płynących z artykułu wniosków pozwoliłoby na stworzenie efektywniejszego instrumentarium pomocy przedsiębiorstwom planującym internacjonalizację, a w konsekwencji doprowadziłoby do poprawy bilansu handlowego, wzrostu PKB i dobrobytu. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The research article presents the definitions of economic and commercial diplomacy. Based on secondary sources the author has conducted a qualitative analysis of the economic diplomacy's instruments by its role in facilitating the enterprise's internationalization. The purpose of the article is to indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the implemented solutions. The analysis enables to draw a conclusion that in spite of the multitude of the instruments, there are areas of polish economic diplomacy that could benefit from certain improvement actions. A concentration of the competences within the domain of one agency, creation of one detailed plan of action and the continuation of promoting the Polish national brand has been recommended. By deploying the improvement recommendations that have been concluded from the analysis, it would enable a more effective use of the instruments that help the enterprises to internationalize and in subsequently would lead to the improvement of balance of trade, increase of GDP and welfare. (original abstract)
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