The succession of Cladocera assemblages in the Eemian Sławoszewek palaeolake (Central Poland) and the inferred environmental parameters are presented. The Cladocera assemblages provide a rich and relatively complete record of the Cladocera succession of the Eemian Interglacial, and are similar to those from other Eemian sites in Poland. The species composition and the variability in frequency of specimens of Cladocera made it possible to distinguish five zones of their development, which correlate well with pollen data. The Sławoszewek palaeolake existed from the early Eemian to the late Eemian Interglacial; at the end of the middle Eemian, the lake dried up temporarily. The cladoceran assemblages show that the initial shallow, oligotrophic status of the lake was followed by an increase to eutrophic status, especially during the interglacial optimum. Based on cladoceran composition, changes in climatic conditions in the mid-pollen zone E1, the late pollen zone E5 and in pollen zone E7, were recognized. It appears that cladoceran development was due mainly to climate changes, but also to changes in the locally prevailing conditions within the water body. The high frequency of cladocerans and the presence of cladoceran taxa preferring warmer water in mid-pollen zone E1 show an increase in temperature. The appearance of cold-tolerant Cladocera species at the end of pollen zone E5, suggests unfavourable conditions, probably cooling. Changes in Cladocera patterns in pollen zone E7 show that warm conditions still obtained in this area.
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