Spalanie odpadów komunalnych to jedno z głównych źródeł emisji dioksyn i wynikającego stąd zagrożenia. Rozpoznanie i odpowiednie prowadzenie procesu spalania, zastosowanie współczesnych instalacji redukcyjnych dowodzi, że stężenie dioksyn w stałych i gazowych produktach spalania można istotnie ograniczyć i zachować jego poziom w zakresie wymagań prawnych.
Within the group of organochlorine, posing a positive danger the natural environment, the most interesting, controversial and objectionable for ecologist are dioxins. In professional journals the name „dioxins" is a simplification which commonly refers to a certain group of organic chemical compounds, or, to be more precise, their derivatives called polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). The latest research has confirmed the existence of yet another group of similiar character polybrominated and polyfluorinated. Though other sources of industrial dioxins emission exist their first and foremost sources are incineration processes, in particular the processes of municipal, hospital and other toxic and chemical waste incineration. The compounds mentioned above, but all their isomers tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD), tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) - are highly toxic and lack of emission control may prove highly hazardouss for health and natural environment. The paper discusses a number of issues connected with dioxin emission during incineration of solid and gaseous municipal waste. A balance of the transport of dioxins between their source (i.e. the waste), through the process of their incineration and recombination, to the final stage their presence in solid and gaseous incineration products. Following that European legislature on dioxin emission is discussed together with the presentation of state-of-the-art installations for reducing the amount of dioxins in exhausted gasses. Most of the research has been based on author's own observations and research done while taking active part in operation of selected waste incineration plants. The remaining data have been gathered from reference papers on current experiments carried out in European waste incineration plants. Summing up, the paper maintains that the incineration of municipal waste in state-of-the-art installations conforming to emission norms does not endanger the natural environment with dioxins emitted in exhaust gasses. This danger is, however, present in the solid incineration products due to high concentration of dioxins there. Operators are fully aware of this fact and attempt to counteract it. The awareness of presence of dioxins emitted in the process of waste incineration should be decisive factor while choosing technology and installation, which fitted appropriate cleanup equipment will guarantee level of dioxin emission safe for the environment and conforming to the norms of dioxin emission.
Zbadano wpływ pestycydów chloroorganicznych: naurimolu i DDT na proliferację hepatocytów, powiększenie wątroby z uwzględnieniem zmian histologicznych w organizmie szczura. Badane parametry rozpatrywane są w piśmiennictwie jako potencjalne wskaźniki rakotwórczego oddziaływania niegenotoksycznych hepatokancerogenów.
The aim of present studies was to describe the effect of two organochlorine pesticides: nuarimol and DDT on the changes in rat liver, proposed in the literature to be useful endpoints in screening of non - genotoxic hepatocarcinogens and/ or liver tumor promoters. The effects on the following endpoints: mitogenesis (DNA synthesis and mitotic activity), hepatomegaly as well as histological changes in rat liver have been investigated. Male Wistar rats received nuarimol or DDT in one, five and fourteen daily oral administration of the doses of 125 and 12 mg/kg b.w. day-1 respectively.
Omówiono polichlorowane dibenzodioksyny (PCDDs) oraz pokrewne im związki. Wskazano na główne źródła ich powstawania oraz omówiono problemy analityczne związane z identyfikacją i oznaczaniem tych związków.
Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) as well as similar compounds are described and chracterized as a group of environmental pollutants which have been arousing interest only since a short time. The toxicity of the compouds in this group of xenobiotics is compared with that of other compounds generally regarded as highly toxic. The main sources of origin of PCDDs/PCDFs are found in nearly all fields of the technological actions of man. Problems of detection and identification of these compouds extremely difficult in analysis are discussed. These problems are a challenge to even specialists laboratories.
Opisano metodę obróbki ścieków o wysokiej wartości ChZT oraz wysokiej zawartości chlorowcowanych węglowodorów, np. odcieki z wysypisk lub wody gruntowe o wysokiej zawartości wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów, które mogą być oczyszczane za pomocą samego ozonu lub kombinacji ozonu z UV, lub też w kombinacji oczyszczania biologicznego, ozonu i UV.
Sewage with high chemical reqirements for oxygen /CRO/ and high content of halogenie hydrocarbons, e. r. effluents from dumping sites of groud waters with high content of polocylic hydrocarbons can be purfied with ozone alone or in combination with ultraviolet radoation or in combination with biological processing, UV and ozone. These methods enable the effluents to be processed properly from the ecological as well as economic standpoits, and the obtained values of CRO, CRO and WWA meet the reqirements set down in regulations.
Jakość zdrowotna wody do picia pochodzącej z ujęć powierzchniowych zależy przede wszystkim od stanu czystości wody ujmowanej oraz od stosowanego procesu technologicznego i rodzaju środków dezynfekcyjnych. Zastosowane zabiegi technologiczne oraz dobór środka dezynfekcyjnego wpływały w sposób znaczący na obniżenie potencjału tworzenia trihalometanów. Potencjalna aktywność mutagenna i rakotwórcza próbek wody utrzymywała się lub też pojawiała się w wyniku działania środków dezynfekcyjnych zawierających związki chloru.
City of Wrocław is supplied with water from Oława. The main contaminations of water are high concentration of organic compounds and bacteria count. Raw and drinking water show some mutagenic and carcinogenic properties in Ames tests. To improve the quality of drinking water now technology bored on infiltrated water composed of, coagulation, filtration and desinfection was tested. The goal of investigation and was to examine mutagenic and carcinogenic properties of raw and treated water. Potential carcinogenic activity of volatile disinfection - by - products was estimated by direct analysis of THMs, while for nonvalatile halogenated organic substances Ames test was used. Carcinogenic risk based on THMs concentration could be estimate as 10-5 for chlorine and 10-6 for chlorine dioxide. Ozonation and post chlorination did not lowered the risk. Positives results of Ames test obtained for raw water no 2 with Salmonella typhimurium TA100, and for chlorinated treated water with Salmonella typhimurium TA98. The treatment of water with chlorine transforms same compounds into carcinogenic chlorinated derivatives and does not eliminate its harmful properties. Our results suggest that not all methods of treatment remove harmful to the health components from the water. Consequently in the case of the presence of such compounds in surface water it is necessery to employ appropiate methods and procedures the used Ames test allows rapid determination of the presence of carcinogenic compound in water. In Poland determination of the presence of potential carcinogens in water destined for the supply of urban areas is not obligatory and standard analyses of chemical composition do not give such information. It seems that the mentioned test could be considered for the control of the quality of raw and treated water as an indispensable measure contributing to reducing the health hazard for the population.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań pozostałości pestycydów chloroorganicznych i polichlorowanych bifenyli (PCB) w tkance tłuszczowej zwierząt, mleku i jajach pobranych z terenu całego kraju w latach 1990-1994.
During 1990-1994 samples of fat tissues from about 18000 animals (swine, cattle, horses, rabbits, poultry and game animals), about 300 pooled milk samples and over 450 eggs were taken from the all 49 districts of Poland. Levels of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) were determined by capillary gas chromatography. The highest mean concentrations of DDT were found in fat of village hens (0.56 mg/kg) and fat of intesive rearing hens (0.2 mg/kg). In swine, cattle and game animals these levels were 0.1 mg/kg and below. Other organochlorine pesticides (mainly HCH isomers and HCB) were found rather in low levels and only in some percentage of tested samples. Results of our 20 year study indicate that DDT levels in animal fat has decreased 20 times during that time. The highest mean concentrations of PCB were found in horses (0.08 mg/kg of fat) and from 0.02 mg/kg to 0.05 mg/kg in fat of other species, milk and eggs.
Przedstawiono przebieg reakcji powstawania trihalogenometanów (THM-ów), wyniki (własne i WSSE) badania zawartości lotnych chlorowanych węglowodorów w wodzie wodociągowej, a także możliwości zapobiegania powstawaniu nadmiernych ilości tych substancji w wodzie.
The reaction course in the development of trihalogenomethans /THMs/, the own results and those of Province Sanitary Epidemiological Stations obtained in the study of the content of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons in tap water, and the possibility of preventing of excessive accumulation of these substances in water are discussed. There is still in Poland the danger of THMs present in unacceptable concentrations. For reducing the concentrations of THMs in drinking water it is necessary: to prepare water sources for the population according to the accepted regulations, to check repeatedly over long time periods the levels of THMs in drinking water, to changed the technology of water purification, to accept as obligatory demanding of opinions on the technology of water purification in the aspect of elimunation of carcinogens.
Przedstawiono wyniki monitoringu środków spożywczych pochodzenia zwierzęcego i roślinnego, mleka kobiecego oraz produktów dla niemowląt i małych dzieci w zakresie chlorowanych węglowodorów aromatycznych prowadzonego przez Zakład Toksykologii Środowiskowej PZH we współpracy z laboratoriami stacji sanitarno-epidemiologicznych.
Polychlorinated hydrocarbons due to their lipophilic properties can cumulate in animal organisms by entering of various food chains. Food, especially of animal origin, is regarded as a major source of these compounds for man. For several years the Department of Environmental Toxicology of the National Institute of Hygiene jointly with sanitary epidemiological stations perform the monitoring of organochlorine compounds in food, including infant formula and breast milk. The results of this monitoring are presented in this paper. In order to assess the environmental exposure of man to organochlorine insecticides (DDT and HCH) and other contaminants i.e. PCBs and HCB were chosen. Samples were taken in 18 voivodships in Poland. The results show that the exposure to above compounds from food of plant origin is negligible, and that the food of animal origin is the predominant source of intake of these compounds. The results of biological monitoring show that infants fed with breast milk are of greatest risk.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono przegląd piśmiennictwa dotyczący metabolizmu i toksyczności bromopochodnych aromatycznych stosowanych jako środki uniepalniające (zmniejszające palność).
Flame retardants are added to plastic materials, textiles, wood, hydraulic liquids etc. for reducing their inflammability. These substances reduce the heat and carbon monoxide formation in case of fire. They are added in high amounts, even up to 30% of product mass (e. g. plastic material). The production of brominated flame retardants has been steadily rising in the last 20 years, e. g. in the 1990s the world production of polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDE) reached 40000 tons annually. Mainly polybrominated flame retardants are produced, e. g. polybromobiphenyls (PBB), PBDE, hexabromobenzene (HBB). Their toxicity is low or nil, the DL 50 values are over 1 g/kg. However, when administered in low doses over longer time periods they can cause changes leading to porphyria. The information on the toxicity of polybrominated flame retardants for humans is derived mainly from the accident in Michigan, where PBB contamination of fodder for farm animals occurred with consequent contamination of food. In consumers of contaminated food cutaneous changes and neurological and muscular symptoms were noted. Polybrominated flame retardants can be metabolized and undergo biodegradation mainly trough denomination. The data on the toxicity of debromination products point to di-and tribromobenzenes, some of which are highly hepatotoxic. In acute poisoning hepatocellular damage manifest itself as necrotic changes in experimental animals receiving 0.1-0.8 of DL 50 of di-or tribromobenzene. After repeated administration of lower doses the hepatocellular damage assumes the features of porphyrogenic injury. In the environment polybrominated flame retardants can be transformed by various factors (high temperature during fire accidents, incomplete incineration of waste) to polybrominated dibenzodioxins of dibenzofurans whose lethal doses can in extreme cases be 0.001 mg for 1 kg body weight.
W pracy omówiono ważniejsze grupy związków chloroorganicznych występujące w środowisku generalnym jako zanieczyszczenia, ich pochodzenie, losy w środowisku i organizmie oraz efekty ich toksycznego działania. Zwrócono uwagę na zmiany układowe i odległe skutki narażenia. Przedstawiono niektóre mechanizmy toksycznego działania.
Chloroorganic compounds, typified by the chlorinated aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, especially biphenyls, naphthalenes, dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofuranes and azo/xy/benzenes are, or were, manufactured as commercial products /the chlorinated biphenyls and naphtalenes/, and occur only as contaminants in commercial products /the chlorinated dibenzo- p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and azo/xy/benzenes/. They have all become widespread in the environment. The chemical stability and lipophilicity of these compounds, and their resistance to degradation results in their persistence in the environment and concentration in the food chains. Their chemical structures are similar, i.e. they are approximate isostereomers. They act by the common receptor-mediated mechanism and produce similar toxic responses, although they vary greatly in potency. All classes of chloroorganic compounds have produced incidents of intoxication of industrial workers, the general population, and farm or wild animals. Chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons elicit a numerous toxic effects which include body weight loss, thymic atrophy, immunotoxicity, hepatotoxicity and porphyria, chloracne and another dermal lesions, tissue-specific hypo- and hyperplastic responses, teratogenicity, reproductive toxicity, and carcinogenesis.
Scharakteryzowano grupy znanych syntetycznych związków halogenoorganicznych współcześnie zanieczyszczających środowisko naturalne, przenikających do żywności i nagromadzanych w organizmie człowieka.
The environmental concentrations of the persistent organohalogen compounds has been presented basing on the own results which were compared with the data published by the other authors. The predicted exposure of Polish population to PCDDs and PCDFs including combustion processes as a main potential source of the exposure has also been discussed. Analysis of the breast milk from Silesia region in Poland showed no substantial difference as compared to milk in other European countries.
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