Referat dotyczy implementacji europejskiej usługi opłaty elektronicznej (EETS) w Polsce. Instytut Transportu Samochodowego prowadził testy projektu pilotażowego - struktura funkcjonalna Krajowego Systemu Automatycznego Poboru Opłat (KSAPO). W skład systemu wchodzą następujące elementy: dwa inteligentne urządzenia pokładowe OBU, dwie bramki kontrolne, laboratoryjny model krajowej centrali automatycznego poboru opłat KCAPO. OBU automatycznie nalicza opłatę (myto), biorąc pod uwagę kategorię pojazdu (dmc, liczbę osi), klasę emisji spalin oraz przejechany odcinek drogi. OBU jest wyposażone w moduł GPS, GSM oraz DSRC, co zapewnia mu interoperacyjność z innymi systemami EETS w państwach członkowskich UE. Ten rodzaj systemu jest najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla Polski ze względu na unikalne możliwości.
The paper refers to some problems of European Electronic Tolling Service (EETS) implementation in Poland. Motor Transport Institute has developed and tested the pilot project - the functional structure of the National Automatic Toll Collection System (NATCS). It consists of the following elements: two intelligent OBU`s, two control gates and laboratory model of National Automatic Toll Collection Centre (NATCC). OBU automatically calculates the amount of charge due taking into account the vehicle category (admissible weight, number of axles), the emissions class and road distance. OBU is equipped with GPS, GSM and DSRC module, so it is interoperable with other EETS in member states of the European Union. This presented kind of system is the best solution for Poland because of unique capabilities.
The paper refers to some standardization and interoperability problems of European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) implementation in European Union. The EETS in the European Union member states is not interoperable due to differences in charging concepts, technology standards, classification and tariff structure, legal and institutional backgrounds. European Commission has taken bold steps to address that issue. The first one was Directive 2004/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 0/29 April 2004 on the interoperability of electronic road toll systems in the Community. The second was decision to launch Europe's own Galileo system. The third was EC decision from 6 October 2009 based on Research Charging Interoperability (RCI) and Common Electronic Fee Collection System for a Road Tolling European Service (CESARE) projects. EETS will be available within three years for all road vehicles above 3.5 tones or allowed to carry more than nine passengers, including the driver. It will be available for all other vehicles within five years. Motor Transport Institute researches in mentioned matters have been presented. With regard to future expansion and development, the satellite-based toll collection system will be a better solution, especially with regard to flexibility when it comes to extending toll collection to every road category, every category of vehicle and, what's more, in terms of cost efficiency in implementation and operation.
Motor Transport Institute has developed functional structure of the National Automatic Toll Collection System (NATCS). It consists of the following elements: two intelligent on-board units (OBUs), two control gates and laboratory model of National Automatic Toll Collection Centre (NATCC). OBU automatically calculates the amount of charge due, taking into account the vehicle category (admissible weight, number of axles), the emissions class and road distance. OBU is equipped with GPS, GSM and DSRC module, so it is interoperable with other electronic toll systems in the EU member states and meets requirements of directive 2004/52/EC and EC decision of 6 October 2009. The NATCS has recognized not only OBU Tripon - EU but also OBU from Toll Collect (Germany) and Passango from France which proved interoperability with another different types of systems in the EU. The efficacy of automatic detection of number plates was 98%, after process analysis it increases to 99.9%. For the purposes of NATCS it was assumed that value of Position Dilution of Precision.(PDOP) should be 90 percent and the value between 0.1 and 3. The tested OBU with the number of measurements were respectively 90%, of perfect values (0.1-1), and 8% excellent values. For the purposes of NATCS it was assumed that GPS receiver in OBU should track at least 5 satellites, for more accurate calculations and in the event of the loss of signal from one of them. The test results showed that the number of satellites used for the purpose of location was 99% of measurements from 5 to 11 satellites.
W referacie przedstawiono wybrane problemy dotyczące implementacji europejskiej usługi opłaty elektronicznej EETS w Polsce. Instytut Transportu Samochodowego prowadził testy projektu pilotażowego - struktura funkcjonalna Krajowego Systemu Automatycznego Poboru Opłat (KSAPO). W skład systemu wchodzą następujące elementy: dwa inteligentne urządzenia pokładowe OBU, dwie bramki kontrolne, laboratoryjny model krajowej centrali automatycznego poboru opłat KCAPO. OBU automatycznie nalicza opłatę (myto), biorąc pod uwagę kategorię pojazdu (dmc, liczbę osi), klasę emisji spalin oraz przejechany odcinek drogi. OBU jest wyposażone w moduł GPS, GSM oraz DSRC, co zapewnia mu interoperacyjność z innymi systemami EETS w państwach członkowskich UE. System spełnia wymagania dyrektywy 2004/52/EC oraz decyzji KE.
The paper presents selected issues concerning the implementation of European Electronic Tolling Service EETS in Poland. The Motor Transport Institute conducted tests of the pilot project - the functional structure of the National Automatic Toll Collection System (NATCS). The system includes the following elements: two on-board intelligent devices OBU, two control gates, laboratory model of a National Centre for Automatic Toll Collection (NATCS). OBU automatically charges a fee (toll), taking into account the category of vehicle (admissible mass, the number of axes), the category of emissions, and distance of road travelled. OBU is equipped with GPS, GSM and DSRC modules, which ensures its interoperability with other EETS systems in EU Member States. The system meets the requirements of Directive 2004/52/EC and the EC Decision.
Many of the safety related applications that can be facilitated by Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC), such as vehicle proximity warnings, automated braking (e.g. at level crossings), speed advisories, pedestrian alerts etc., rely on a robust vehicle positioning capability such as that provided by a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Vehicles in remote areas, entering tunnels, high rise areas or any high multipath/ weak signal environment will challenge the integrity of GNSS position solutions, and ultimately the safety application it underpins. To address this challenge, this paper presents an innovative application of Cooperative Positioning techniques within vehicular networks. CP refers to any method of integrating measurements from different positioning systems and sensors in order to improve the overall quality (accuracy and reliability) of the final position solution. This paper investigates the potential of the DSRC infrastructure itself to provide an intervehicular ranging signal that can be used as a measurement within the CP algorithm. In this paper, time-based techniques of ranging are introduced and bandwidth requirements are investigated and presented. The robustness of the CP algorithm to inter-vehicle connection failure as well as GNSS dropouts is also demonstrated using simulation studies. Finally, the performance of the Constrained Kalman Filter used to integrate GNSS measurements with DSRC derived range estimates within a typical VANET is described and evaluated.
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W artykule przedstawiono wybrane problemy dotyczące implementacji europejskiej usługi opłaty elektronicznej EETS. Zdaniem Komisji Europejskiej systemy elektronicznego pobierania opłat drogowych, stosowane w państwach Unii Europejskiej, nie są interoperacyjne. Komisja Europejska podjęła milowe kroki w tym zakresie. Pierwszym była dyrektywa 2004/52/EC w sprawie interoperacyjności systemów elektronicznych opłat drogowych we Wspólnocie. Drugim, decyzja Komisji Europejskiej z dnia 6 października 2009 r. w sprawie definicji europejskiej usługi opłaty elektronicznej (EETS) oraz jej elementów technicznych. Europejska usługa opłaty elektronicznej ma być dostępna za trzy lata dla wszystkich pojazdów o masie powyżej 3,5 tony lub pojazdów przewożących ponad 9 osób łącznie z kierowcą. Usługa ta będzie dostępna dla pozostałych pojazdów za pięć lat. Instytut Transportu Samochodowego prowadził testy projektu pilotażowego - struktura funkcjonalna Krajowego Systemu Automatycznego Poboru Opłat (KSAPO). W skład systemu wchodzą następujące elementy: dwa inteligentne urządzenia pokładowe OBU, dwie bramki kontrolne, laboratoryjny model krajowej centrali automatycznego poboru opłat KCAPO. OBU automatycznie nalicza opłatę (myto), biorąc pod uwagę kategorię pojazdu (dmc, liczbę osi), klasę emisji spalin oraz przejechany odcinek drogi. OBU jest wyposażone w moduł GPS, GSM oraz DSRC, co zapewnia mu intcroperacyjność z innymi systemami EETS w państwach członkowskich UE. System spełnia wymagania dyrektywy 2004/52/EC oraz decyzji KE.
The paper refers to some implementation problems of the European Electronic Tolling Service EETS. According to the European Commission, EETS in the EU is not interoperable due to differences in charging concepts, technology standards, classification and tariff structure, legal and institutional backgrounds. The European Commission has taken bold steps to address that issue. The first one was Directive 2004/52/EC on the interoperability of electronic road toll systems in the Community. The second was European Commission decision of 6 October 2009 on the definition of the European Electronic Toll Service and its technical elements. EETS will be available within three years for all road vehicles above 3.5 tones or allowed to cany more than nine passengers, including the driver. It will be available for all other vehicles within five years. Motor Transport Institute has developed and tested the pilot project - the functional structure of the National Automatic Toll Collection System (NATCS). It consists of the following elements: two intelligent OBUs, two control gates and laboratory model of National Automatic Toll Collection Centre (NATCC). OBU automatically calculates the amount of charge due taking into account the vehicle category (admissible weight, number of axles), the emissions class and road distance. OBU is equipped with GPS, GSM and DSRC module, so it is interoperable with other EETS in member states of the European Union. This pilot project has come requirements of directive 2004/52/EC and EC decision of 6 October 2009.
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