Układy zasilające prądu stałego znajdują szereg zastosowań przemysłowych, od zasilania automatyki przez napędy prądu stałego aż do siłowych obwodów galwanizerni. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę techniczną zasilaczy prądu stałego produkowanych w Elhand Transformatory.
Poniższy artykuł omawia zmiany w zasilaczach prądu stałego wywołane rozwojem przemysłu komputerowego. Analizuje zasadę działania i sprawność przetwornicy prądu stałego (PPS) Buck oraz nadchodzące techniczne wymagania rynkowe. Przedstawia ewolucję przetwornic prądu stałego od wczesnych. Rozwiązań do SoC (system on chip) oraz znaczenie sprawności przetwornic dla Farm Serwerów w odniesieniu do SUE (sprawności zużycia energii) sieci energetycznej.
The following article covers the evaluation of power supply topologies driven by demands of computer industry. Control law of Buck DC/CD converter will be covered along with power losses and challenges imposed by the market requirements. Evolution of DC/DC converter from discreet solution early stage of integration to System on Chip solution will be reviewed. The PUE (power usage effectiveness) of datacenters and impact of power grid will be reviewed.
Przedstawiono opis standardu technologii PoE (Power over Ethernet) jako sposobu zasilania napięciem stałym wybranych urządzeń w sieciach komputerowych.
PoE technology (Power over Ethernet) standard is presented as a method of dc supply of selected equipment in computer networks.
In this paper, a DC power supply is presented that, in addition to a power factor correction, is equipped with an active power filter function. This function enables compensation of both the reactive and the distortion power, generated by an external load, which is connected to the same power line node as the presented device. A tuneable inductive filter is added at the input of the power electronics controlled current source, which constitutes the main block of the power supply. This filter allows for a visible improvement in the quality of the current source control, compared to a similar device with a fixed inductive filter. This improvement depends on extending the “frequency response” of the current source, which facilitates an increase in the dynamics of changes in the input current of the power supply. The actual modification to the presented device is related to its control section, which is equipped with analogue regulators. The main purpose of this work is to present the results from a simulation model of an electrical system with a power supply, especially compared to those from a similar device but with a discrete control. The work represents a continuation of a research cycle on DC power supplies that are equipped with a power compensation function and are based on tuneable magnetic devices.
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W artykule zaprezentowano nowe rozwiązanie przemysłowego układu zasilacza prądu stałego przystosowanego do zasilania magnetronu stosowanego w procesach napylania plazmowego. Prezentowane rozwiązanie cechują następujące oryginalne rozwiązania: układ kompensacji długości przewodów zasilających magnetron czy chłodzenie urządzenia wodą z wewnętrznym obiegiem powietrza. Przyjęte rozwiązania techniczne pozwoliły uzyskać doskonałe parametry użytkowe, małe gabaryty i masę urządzenia, a także długi czas życia zasilacza w trudnych warunkach przemysłowych.
The paper presents new solution of power supplies which supply magnetron for plasma sputtering application. The presented solution has a number of such innovations as water-cooling and the CompensateLine circuit and cause the system has such advantages as small size, small weight and the possibility of the long use. Also a correct work was shown at voltage dip, and other parameters being located in a norm concerning the quality of the system work. These features of the presented power supply are essential at using in the photovoltaic industry as well as in other branches of industry, where is being used plasma sputtering.
Classical sets are used commonly to consider reliability. Because of the uncertainty in the data (which considered in the present paper) classical sets fail to describe the reliability accurately. Uncertainty leads to fluctuation in the actual situation of the structure. Fuzzy logic method attempts to test system reliability with the benefit of membership function. Within this context, specific problems of reasoning-based approaches are studied, explored and correlated with standard reliability approaches. In this paper Generalized Trapezoidal Fuzzy numbers (GTrFN) are used to assess the structure's fuzzy reliability. The reliability of each event is assigned with different level of satisfaction and some improved operations on the generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (GTrFN) are used to calculate the fuzzy boundaries for the resultant reliability of the final event along with the degree of satisfaction. Also the results are compared to demonstrate the application of the improved operations on Generalized Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers (GTrFN). The obtained results converge to more precise interval values as compare to the vague fuzzy number.
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