Celem pracy była ocena biochemicznych i enzymatycznych właściwości szczepów C. amycolatum. W grupie 70 badanych szczepów wyróżniono 21 profili biochemicznych, wśród których dominował biotyp 310032S (35,7%). Prawie wszystkie szczepy fermentowały glukozę (98,6%) i maltozę (95,7%) oraz wytwarzały pyrazynamidazę (94,3%). Wszystkie wytwarzały fosfatazę alkaliczną i fosfohydrolazę, a 95,7% — fosfatazę kwaśną. Żaden szczep nie wykazywał właściwości proteolitycznych, aktywności lipazy/lecytynazy i nie hydrolizował Tweenu 80.
C. amycolatum is the most commonly isolated nonlipophilic species of Corynebacterium from clinical samples. However, the lack of good commercial identification tests in microbiology laboratories causes some difficulties in C. amycolatum diagnostics. We decided to examine biochemical and enzymatic properties of isolated strains and analize occurrence of particular biochemical profiles (biotypes). Perhaps it would let improve the identification schemes. 70 strains of C. amycolatum were analized. The estimation of biochemical properties consisted of the results of API Coryne and API ZYM tests (bioMérieux), the ability of excreting of protease, esterase, lipase and lecithinase. Analized strains had various biochemical and enzymatic properties. Almost all strains fermented glucose (98,6%) and maltose (95,7%) and producted pyrasinamidase (94,3%). All strains producted alkaline phosphatase and phosphohydrolase, and 95,7% — acid phosphatase. Biotypes of particular strains were determined on the biochemical reactions included in the API Coryne tests. In the group of 70 strains 21 profiles were distinguished among which 3100325 biotype (35,7%) was dominant. The lipolysis was defined on Tween 20, Tween 40, Tween 60, Tween 80 medium and with the API ZYM test usage. All strains producted esterase-lipase (esterase C-8), 95,7% of strains-esterase C-4, and 21,4% lipase C-14. Among analized strains 18,6% hydrolyzed Tween 20, 14,3% Tween 60, and 1,4% Tween 40. None of these strains demonstrated lipase and lecithinase activity. Difficulties in concerning C. amycolatum as pathogens justify further investigations.
Non-diphtherial corynebacteria are Gram-positive rods that cause opportunistic infections, what is supported by their ability to produce biofilm on artificial surfaces. In this study, the characteristic of the biofilm produced on vascular and urological catheters was determined using a confocal microscopy for the most frequently involved in infections diphtheroid species. They were represented by the reference strains of Corynebacterium striatum ATCC 6940 and C. amycolatum ATCC 700207. The effect of ciprofloxacin on the biofilm produced by the antibiotic-susceptible C.striatum strain was evaluated using three concentrations of the antimicrobial agent (2×, 4×, and 6× the MIC – the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration). The basis for the interpretation of results was the statistical analysis of maximum points readings from the surface comprising a total of 245 areas of the biofilm image under the confocal microscope. It was observed that ciprofloxacin at a concentration equal to 4×MIC paradoxically caused an enlargement of areas with live bacteria within the biofilm. Biofilm destruction required the application of ciprofloxacin at a concentration higher than 6×MIC. This suggests that the use of relatively low doses of antimicrobial agents may increase the number of live bacteria within the biofilm, and further facilitate their detachment from the biofilm’s structure thus leading to the spread of bacteria into the bloodstream or to the neighboring tissues. The method of biofilm analysis presented here provides the original and novel approach to the investigation of the diphtheroid biofilms and their interaction with antimicrobial agents.
Coryneform bacteria occur in different environments: soil, water, plants, organisms, humans and animals. Many of them are a part of the normal flora of human and animals while others are opportunistic bacteria. Coryneform bacteria are not new microbes, but their role in infections of humans and animals is still underestimated. The genus of Corynebacterium comprises more than 70 species, including 43 of clinical significance. Among the known Corynebacterium species are distinguished: human and animal pathogens, commensal colonizing of the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory system and genital tract, as well as plant pathogens and saprophytes living in an abiotic environment (plant debris, soil, water). Predisposing factors for Corynebacterium spp infection include: immunosuppression, long-lasting and broad-band spectrum antibiotics, steroids, an age of over 65-years-of-age, ischemic heart disease, kidney failure, respiratory failure, diabetes, cancer, multi-organ injuries, infections by HIV and CMV viruses, prematurity, tears of the skin and mucous membranes, and invasive medical procedures. The paper presents the occurrence and virulence factors of Corynebacterium spp. Infections caused by Corynebacterium spp. Their resistance to antibiotics are also described.
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