Coronavirus is one of the most dangerous and contagious illnesses that arise from the introduction of host organisms into the biological system. As of March 2022, this sickness had caused more harm than good, with 479 million cases and 6.12 million deaths worldwide. These illnesses are unpredictable sources of social, financial, and economic distress. The rising incidence of infections is the most concerning aspect. Human coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s using two distinct ways in the United Kingdom and the United States, while the first reports of coronavirus infection in animals occurred in the late 1920s when an acute respiratory infection of farmed hens developed in North America. Although some estimates place the common ancestor as far back as 55 million years or more, reflecting long-term co-evolution with bat and bird species, the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all coronaviruses is thought to have lived as recently as 8000 BCE. Coronaviruses have a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome that ranges in size from 26.4 to 31.7 kilobases. When the viral spike protein binds to its matching host cell receptor, infection occurs. There is no specific, effective, or 100 percent cure for coronavirus as of 2021, but supportive care, which includes treatment to relieve symptoms, fluid therapy, oxygen support, and prone positioning as needed, as well as medications or devices to support other affected vital organs, is the cornerstone of COVID-19 management.
During the first and second waves of coronavirus, with the increase in new positive cases of COVID-19, the population of Slovakia had to get used to various restrictive mobility restrictions on several occasions. Among the most significant were the restrictions which closed bars, restaurants, sports grounds, and other cultural and social spaces and events. People were forced to stay more at home and devote their time to themselves and their families. Did this condition help increase radio listening or damage it? Does the main indicator of a pandemic – the number of new cases of disease detected by PCR tests affect radio listening? The paper maps the audiences of selected and the most listened-to Slovak commercial and public radio stations based on a comparison of listening data between March 2019 and January 2020, and between March 2020 and January 2021. We will use data obtained from two surveys by MML-TGI and RADIOPROJEKT. The aim of the article is to provide the reader with a detailed analysis of the currently available radio stations Expres, Fun, Vlna, and Slovak public radio stations with regard to the effects of the corona crisis and aims to find out the impact on and possible connection with listening to selected radio stations.
Die Anfang 2020 ausgebrochene Corona-Pandemie änderte die uns bislang bekannte Welt in drastischem Maße. Der erbitterte Kampf gegen den unsichtbaren Krankheitserreger und die Experimente mit unterschiedlichsten Schutzmaßnahmen führten weltweit zu Diskussionen, die durch eine besonders heterogene Palette von Themen zwischen Angst und Verschwörung geprägt sind. Aus diesem Grund zeichnet sich der sog. Corona-Diskurs auch für die Diskurslinguistik als vielseitiger Forschungsgegenstand aus. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht, einen Einblick in die slowakische Corona-Debatte zu geben. Dabei wird einerseits auf die Akteurs- und die Argumentationsebene, andererseits auf den zugehörenden Wortschatz eingegangen. Ziel ist es, anhand einer korpusbasierten Untersuchung Auskunft über die Themen und Denkweisen zu liefern, die im Laufe des (ersten) sog. Corona-Jahres die Kommunikation über das Coronavirus in der slowakischen Öffentlichkeit bestimmt haben.
The present article is devoted to the issues of public opinion manipulation in the post-Covid era. Within the framework of the study, the author introduces the concept of “pseudo-authority” which is defined as a rhetorical strategy used by journalists with the aim of the manipulation of the Internet news reports that contain either appeals to non-experts' opinions or no indication of the authoritative source of knowledge so that the information is perceived by the audience as the truth and does not require evidence. The study is also focused on the distinction between appeals to authority and pseudo-authority, which is vital for developing skills of media literacy. Through the discourse analysis of the news stories about the Russian vaccine “Sputnik V” extracted from highly circulated British and American online newspapers, it is revealed that there are three main types of appeals to pseudo-authorities in Internet news discourse: appeals to “nominal” and “implicit” pseudo-authorities as well as appeals to “pseudo-visibility”. The study found that these appeals are used with the aim of political decision-making, enhancing or discrediting the image of the country as well as polarizing social groups in digital information warfare. The results of the research can be applied in the fields of linguistics, political and media studies.
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