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tom 15
nr nr 4
Research background: The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a basic, commonly accepted and used measure of inflation. The index is a proxy for changes in the costs of household consumption and it assumes constant consumer utility. In practice, most statistical agencies use the Laspeyres price index to measure the CPI. The Laspeyres index does not take into account movements in the structure of consumption which may be consumers' response to price changes during a given time interval. As a consequence, the Laspeyres index can suffer from commodity substitution bias. The Fisher index is perceived as the best proxy for the COLI but it needs data on consumption from both the base and research period. As a consequence, there is a practical need to look for a proxy of the Fisher price index which does not use current expenditure shares as weights.Purpose of the article: The general purpose of the article is to present a hybrid price index, the idea of which is based on the Young and Lowe indices. The particular aim of the paper is to discuss the usefulness of its special case with weights based on correlations between prices and quantities.Methods: A theoretical background for the hybrid price index (and its geometric version) is constructed with the Lowe and Young price indices used as a starting point. In the empirical study, scanner data on milk, sugar, coffee and rice are utilized to show that the hybrid index can be a good proxy for the Fisher index, although it does not use the expenditures from the research period.Findings & Value added: The empirical and theoretical considerations con-firm the hybrid nature of the proposed index, i.e. in a special case it forms the convex combination of the Young and Lowe indices. This study points out the usefulness of the proposed price index in the CPI measurement, especially when the target index is the Fisher formula. The proposed general hybrid price index formula is a new one in the price index theory. The proposed system of weights, which is based on the correlations between prices and quantities, is a novel idea in the price index methodology. (original abstract)
W cytowanej literaturze najwięcej uwagi poświęca się obciążeniu CPI wynikającemu z substytucji dóbr. W opracowaniu oszacowano ten rodzaj obciążenia CPI przy zastosowaniu różnych indeksów superlatywnych, zaimplementowano alternatywną metodę pomiaru tego wskaźnika służącą redukcji jego obciążenia oraz wyznaczono optymalną wartość parametru o występującego w tej metodzie. (fragment tekstu)
The paper discusses the CPI substitution bias calculating. The bias is calculated using some known, superlative price indices for Polish data. Additionally, some price index formula are implemented that is not superlative, but it leads to the substitution bias reduction. (original abstract)
Stopa inflacji, wskaźnik cen towarów i usług konsumpcyjnych, realne zmiany cen oraz rzeczywiste koszty utrzymania są czasami postrzegane przez ludzi jako znacząco różniące się od siebie. W artykule została przeprowadzona analiza zmian cen towarów i usług w Polsce (i w województwie lubelskim) na tle wskaźnika CPI, w latach 2002-2014, oraz omówiono problemy związane z szacowaniem wielkości inflacji. Praca została oparta o dane publikowane przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny oraz Narodowy Bank Polski. Pokazano, że inflacja odczuwana przez ludzi, głównie przez pryzmat wysokości ich wydatków na dobra podstawowe, jest wyższa niż publikowany wskaźnik cen towarów i usług konsumpcyjnych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Inflation rate, Consumer Price Index, real price changes and the cost of living change perceived by people are sometimes reported to be significantly different. In this paper the analysis of these measures and goods and services price changes in Poland, in Lubelskie Voivodship in particular - in the years 2002-2014 - is conducted. The study is based on data published by Central Statistical Office of Poland and Narodowy Bank Polski . The results show a gap between officially published CPI and the inflation rate perceived by inhabitants who see inflation mainly from the angle of the prices of essential goods which they purchase every day. (original abstract)
Cel: Głównym celem tego artykułu było ocenienie wpływu cen energii elektrycznej na ogólny poziom cen w gospodarce. Metody: Metodologia badawcza została starannie zaprojektowana, aby obejmować różnorodne narzędzia analityczne. Obejmowała ona graficzną reprezentację danych, podstawowe analizy statystyczne, obliczenia współczynnika korelacji Pearsona z uwzględnieniem opóźnień czasowych oraz zastosowanie testu przyczynowości Grangera. Wyniki: Wyniki badania ujawniły znaczące niedoskonałości w mechanizmie rynkowym w kontekście przełożenia cen energii na poziom cen w gospodarce. Wbrew oczekiwaniom przewidywana korelacja między cenami energii elektrycznej a wskaźnikami inflacji (PPI i CPI) okazała się statystycznie nieistotna. Niemniej jednak, w ramach zbadanych zależności, pojawiło się silne i istotne powiązanie między cenami węgla a indeksem inflacji PPI, zwłaszcza z wyraźnym opóźnieniem dwóch miesięcy. Wnioski: Wyciągając wnioski z analizy, stało się jasne, że chociaż ceny surowców energetycznych, jak węgiel, nie przekładają się w pełni na ceny energii elektrycznej, a następnie wpływają na inflację, ceny węgla stają się istotnym predyktorem inflacji. Ta obserwacja wskazuje na niedoskonałości w pośrednim etapie cyklu produkcji, co uwydatnia zauważalne niedoskonałości funkcjonowania rynku. Znaczenie tych wyników wykracza poza wąski obszar sektora energetycznego. Zapewniają one szerszą perspektywę na relacje cenowe w gospodarce, podkreślając ograniczony wpływ rynkowej ceny energii elektrycznej na kształtowanie ogólnego poziomu cen. Ta wiedza stanowi istotny i cenny wkład w obszarze badań ekonomicznych, podkreślając wielowarstwowe dynamiki, które leżą u podstaw mechanizmów ustalania cen w złożonym systemie gospodarczym. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Aim: The main aim of this article is to evaluate the influence of electricity prices on the overall economic price level. Methods: The research methodology was carefully designed to encompass various analytical tools, including the graphical representation of data, basic statistical analyses, the computation of the Pearson correlation coefficient with consideration of time lags, and the application of the Granger causality test. Results: The outcomes of the study revealed a significant inefficiency within the market mechanism. Contrary to expectations, the anticipated correlation between electricity prices and inflation (PPI and CPI) indices was found to be statistically insignificant. However, among the examined relationships, a strong and noteworthy connection emerged between coal prices and the PPI inflation index, particularly with a distinct two-month lag in this correlation. Conclusions: Drawing conclusions from the analysis, it became evident that while energy commodity prices, such as coal, do not directly translate into electricity prices and subsequently influence inflation, coal prices do emerge as a significant predictor of inflation. This observation suggests a gap in the intermediate stage of the production cycle, shedding light on a pronounced market inefficiency. The significance of these findings extends beyond the narrow scope of the energy sector. They provide a broader perspective on pricing relationships in the economy, highlighting the limited impact of the market price of electricity on shaping the overall price level. This nuanced understanding constitutes a noteworthy and valuable contribution to the field of economic research, emphasizing the multifaceted dynamics that underlie pricing mechanisms in a complex economic system. (original abstract)
A wide variety of retailers (supermarkets, home electronics, Internet shops, etc.) provide scanner data containing information at the level of the barcode, e.g. the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). As scanner data provide complete transaction information, we may use the expenditure shares of items as weightsfor calculating price indices at the lowest (elementary) level of data aggregation. The challenge here is the choice of the index formula which should be able to reduce chain drift bias and substitution bias. Multilateral index methods seem to be the best choice due to the dynamic character of scanner data. These indices work on a wholetime window and are transitive, which is key to the elimination of the chain drift effect. Following what is called an identity test, however, it may be expected that even when only prices return to their original values, the index becomes one. Unfortunately, the commonly used multilateral indices (GEKS, CCDI, GK, TPD, TDH) do not meet the identity test. The paper discusses the proposal of two multilateral indices and their weighted versions. On the one hand, the design of the proposed indices is based on the idea of the GEKS index. On the other hand, similarly to the Geary-Khamis method, it requires quality adjusting. It is shown that the proposed indices meet the identity test and most other tests. In an empirical and simulation study, these indices are compared with the SPQ index, which is relatively new and also meets the identity test. The analytical considerations as well as empirical studies confirm the high usefulness of the proposed indices. (original abstract)
Price stability has been one of the key mandates that apex monetary authorities strive to achieve globally. While most developed economies have achieved single digit inflation rates, most developing economies, especially African countries still experience alarming double-digit inflation rates. This paper therefore examined the dynamics of inflation in sixteen African countries. We employed the fractional persistence framework with linear trend and non-linear specifications based on Chebyshev's polynomial in time. The results indicated nonlinear time trend in inflation for most of the countries. With the exception of Burkina Faso, which exhibited plausibility of naturally reverting to its mean level, the majority of the selected African countries would require stronger interventions to revert their observed inflationary levels to their mean levels. (original abstract)
Research background: There have been several studies on the degree of exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) to consumer prices, as well as macroeconomic environment with yet no clear direction. Purpose: This research work investigates exchange rate pass-through effects into consumer prices in Nigeria from 1960 to 2018. Research methodology: The methodology employed by the study for estimation is the Johansen cointegration and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) procedures. Results: The empirical results indicate an incomplete pass-through of exchange rate into consumer prices in Nigeria. The pass-through is found to be 1.6 for the model under consideration. The impulse response function results indicate that the response of the consumer prices to the exchange rate shock decreases immediately to a negative shock in the short run, and continues along the horizon to a positive shock in the long run. Also, the response of consumer prices to interest rate shock decreases immediately and continues to fluctuate to a negative shock in both the short run long run horizon. Novelty: The results support the view that exchange rate policy should be complimented with coordinated macroeconomic policy approaches in order to control inflationary level in the economy. The study therefore recommends that the Federal Government should adopt a tightening of the monetary policy as it will help reduce the impact of exchange rate depreciation on consumer prices. (original abstract)
The publication describes two ways of shopping, taking into account the CPI (Consumer Price Index) inflation rate. In the first case, changes in the sales price are made in a continuous manner in accordance with the inflation rate, and therefore it is better to make larger purchases. In the second case, it is better to carry out smaller purchases, because it is characterized by one-time adjustment of sales prices to the entire purchased a lot of goods. Both cases were verified based on the Solver tool, using non-linear, integer-based optimization. The final result was to determine the optimal purchase quantities with the minimum inventory costs. (original abstract)
Polityka monetarna wymaga wyboru odpowiedniego miernika. W literaturze przedmiotu zauważa się wiele różnic metodologicznych dotyczących konstrukcji wskaźnika inflacji. Dobór wskaźnika może wpływać na podaż pieniądza, stopy procentowe oraz nominalne PKB. Celem artykułu jest bliższe przyjrzenie się trzem najczęściej stosowanym wskaźnikom cen i poddanie ich ocenie w kontekście prowadzenia polityki monetarnej. W tym celu analizie empirycznej poddano gospodarki dwóch krajów - Japonii i USA. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Monetary policy requires the selection of a specific inflation measure. Because of serious methodological differences between competing inflation indices, the choice of a particular index may have serious consequences for money supply, interest rates and nominal GDP. This article describes the theoretical assumptions of three competing inflation measures (CPI, core inflation, and the GDP deflator) in the context of monetary policy goals. The theoretical analysis is focused on explaining the causes for the differences between competing inflation measures (especially in the context of supply-side shocks) and specifying situations when they are optimal. The empirical analysis stresses significant differences between competing inflation measures, both short and long-term. The article ends with a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of different inflation measures in the context of central banking practices. The author presents his recommendations regarding the subject and his views about the future of inflation targeting. (original abstract)
nr nr 864
Tematem artykułu jest ocena zyskowności przedsiębiorstwa przy uwzględnieniu procesów inflacji. Autorka proponuje zastosowanie wskaźnika CPI (Consumer Price Index), czyli inflacji przeciętnej przy przeliczniu danych finansowych przedsiębiorstwa. Słuszność rozważań popiera przykładami.
The article includes the outline of analysis of profitability representing fundamental profitability ratios. It takes note of necessity of taking into consideration the influence of inflation on sizes which expressed in the absolute values. The elimination of the influence of inflation is indispensable in the time of analysis of this value because the inflation obscures and deforms a picture of real course of economics actions in the value expression. The report is illustrated with examples. (original abstract)
Prognozy inflacji mają bezpośredni wpływ na prowadzenie polityki monetarnej państwa oraz odgrywają dużą rolę w uświadamianiu społeczeństwa o potrzebie wprowadzenia ewentualnych zmian w sposobie jej prowadzenia. W celu zapewnienia trafności konstruowanych prognoz stale poszukuje się zmiennych, które istotnie wpływają na inflację. Celem artykułu jest sprawdzenie, czy dane udostępniane przez serwis Google Trends mogą poprawić dokładność prognoz komponentów CPI związanych z sektorem transportowym. Dla każdego z subindeksów zbudowano modele prognostyczne uwzględniające zmienne wpływające na poziom wybranych cen, modele wzbogacone o hasła z wyszukiwarki Google i modele zawierające w swojej specyfikacji wspólne czynniki opisujące zmienność 32 wybranych haseł Google.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Inflation forecasts determine the monetary policy and can be treated as a way of raising society's awareness of the fact that it needs certain adjustments. Experts continuously seek for the adequate variables that affect the level of inflation. In this paper the author examines whether Google Trends improve forecast of three chosen CPI components related to transport. The Author created a prognostic model for each of the components. Created models include: independent variables such as oil price and rate of excise duty, chosen variables together with statistics provided by Google Trends or principal components (explaining 32 google variables' volatility) accordingly.(original abstract)
Sztuczne sieci neuronowe znajdują zastosowanie w coraz to nowych dziedzinach, w tym również w ekonomii. Celem opracowania jest prezentacja wyników badań dotyczących modelowania wskaźnika cen dóbr i usług konsumpcyjnych za pomocą tradycyjnych metod ekonometrycznych oraz sieci neuronowych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In the paper we discuss econometric models and artificial neural networks describing the customer price index in Poland. All models were estimated on the basis of monthly statistical data covering the period 1992-1996. We also evaluated forecasts of CPI for January - April 1997. (original abstract)
Content available remote The Impact of Globalisation on Economic Growth: the Case of Visegrad Countries
The process of globalisation has been accelerating over the last few decades. The majority of scholars opine that globalisation and the opening of the global economy have more benefits than drawbacks. The objective of this paper was to assess the situation for the Visegrad group of countries, based on the fact that these countries have a history of closed economies due to their past, and to analyse the relationship between economic globalisation and economic growth in those countries from 1990 to 2019. The methodology utilised is quantitative in nature, and various econometric methods were used to assess the long and short-run relationships between the two variables with economic growth as the dependent variable. Two control variables were also included in the study, namely domestic investment and consumer price index (CPI). The results from the analysis confirmed the long-run relationship between all the variables, with economic globalisation being a significant and positive predictor of economic growth, while domestic investment also drives economic growth with both variables having similar coefficients of between 0.43 to 0.79. The short-run results via Granger causality tests indicated that economic globalisation causes economic growth while investment and economic growth have a bi-directional causality. From the results, it is clear that the economies of the four countries have been substantially opened over the last three decades, which has led to relatively high levels of growth. The countries have excellent locations within the European Union and have benefitted as a result. (original abstract)
This paper investigates short-term forecasts of Polish year-on-year (y-o-y) inflation using current market data and a disaggregated month-on-month (m-o-m) consumer price index (CPI). We propose a model based on a set of multivariate exponential smoothing models (ESM in short) and a simple nonlinear switching model. To this end, the total m-o-m CPI is disaggregated to six COICOP (4-digit) components (with an approx. 25% contribution in the total CPI) and the remaining part of the CPI. To improve forecasts accuracy (in particular in nowcasting) for each COICOP we use the available current market data on electricity, gas, food and petrol prices. We investigate and test the forecasting accuracy of the models with market data against benchmark models (without market prices) in a pseudo real-time framework. Our findings suggest that for most of the m-o-m components, the models with market prices outperform the considered benchmark models that use CIOCOP data sets only. (original abstract)
Web-scraping to technika, którą można wykorzystać do automatycznego pozyskiwania danych zamieszczonych na stronach internetowych. Wraz ze wzrostem popularności zakupów on-line coraz więcej sklepów i usługodawców zainwestowało w strony WWW z ofertą cenową. Przekłada się to na możliwość automatycznego ściągania przez badaczy cen detalistów z wielu branż, odzieżowej czy spożywczej. Wykorzystanie danych scrapowanych skutkuje nie tylko znaczącym obniżeniem kosztów badania cen, ale także poprawia precyzję szacunków inflacji i daje możliwość śledzenia jej w czasie rzeczywistym. Z tego względu web-scraping jest dziś popularnym obiektem badań zarówno ośrodków statystycznych (Eurostat, brytyjski Office of National Statistics, belgijski Statbel), jak i uniwersytetów ( Billion Prices Project prowadzony w Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Zastosowanie danych scrapowanych do liczenia inflacji wiąże się jednak z wieloma wyzwaniami na poziomie ich zbierania, przetwarzania oraz agregacji. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie możliwości wykorzystania danych scrapowanych do analizy dynamiki cen zabawek, a w szczególności porównanie wyników uzyskanych za pomocą różnych formuł indeksowych. W opracowaniu przedstawiono wynik badania empirycznego na podstawie danych pochodzących z czterech sklepów (z 53 wybranych produktów sprzedawanych w Amazonie, Wallmarcie, Smarterkids oraz KBkids). (abstrakt oryginalny)
Web-scraping is a technique used to automatically extract data from websites. After the rise-up of on-lines shopping (which results in more shops posting their full price offer on their websites) it allows to acquire information about prices of goods sold by the retailers such as supermarkets or internet shops. Usage of web-scraped data allows to lower the costs, improve the measurement quality and monitor the price change in real time. Due to before mentioned reasons this method became the object of research studies from both statistical offices (Eurostat, British Office of National Statistics, Belgium Statbel) and universities (for ex. Billion Prices Project conducted on MIT). However, usage of scrapped data for the CPI calculation entails with multiple challenges with their collection, processing and aggregation. The purpose of this article is to examine the possibility of using scrapped data in toy price dynamic analysis. Especially the purpose is to compare the results from different index formulas. In this article the empirical study based on data from 4 different shops is presented (53 chosen products sold in Amazon, Wallmart, Smarterkids and KBKids). (original abstract)
Content available remote The Effect of Product Substitution and Different Types of Househlods
Jednym z kluczowych problemów związanych z indeksami cenowymi o stałych wagach jest to, że powszechnie stosowana formuła indeksu - formuła Laspeyresa - nie uwzględnia efektu substytucji. Przeszacowanie z tym związane można zmierzyć porównując wartości indeksu Laspeyresa z analogicznymi wartościami indeksu Törnqvista. Interpretując skalę rozbieżności między analogicznymi wartościami tych dwóch indeksów jako liczbową miarę efektu substytucji, możliwy staje się pomiar reakcji konsumentów na fluktuacje cenowe i ich skłonności do zmiany modelu konsumpcji. Zakładając racjonalne zachowanie konsumentów, jeśli ceny rosną, powinni oni być bardziej skłonni do zastępowania drożejących dóbr tańszymi zamiennikami. Wydaje się, że skłonność ta powinna zależeć od sytuacji finansowej danego gospodarstwa domowego, dlatego w artykule przedstawiono analizę wielkości przeszacowania wartości ogólnego wskaźnika CPI, mierzonego formułą Laspeyresa, na skutek nieuwzględnienia w jej konstrukcji efektu substytucji w podziale na różne typy gospodarstw domowych. Analizą objęto okres 2001-2010. (abstrakt oryginalny)
One of the key problems inherent in fixed-weight consumer price indices is that the most common formula for calculating the price index of consumer goods and services (the Laspeyres formula) ignores the effect of product substitution. Interpreting the scale of the discrepancy between the Laspeyres index and the Törnqvist one as numeric effect of product substitution, it is possible to measure consumers' reaction to price fluctuations and susceptibility to changing of consumption model. It seems that the consumer susceptibility to changing of consumption model is dependent on consumers' financial situation. That is why the paper provides an analysis of product substitution effect for different types of Polish households in years 2001-2010.(original abstract)
Scanner data are electronic transaction data most often from retail chains and obtained from electronic retail terminals. The identification of products takes place after scanning their characteristic barcode (e.g. EAN or GTIN), thus in the case of scanner data, we have full product information (price, sales volume, weight, description, etc.) at the most disaggregated level. In the cases of many countries, as well as Poland, this type of data is a valuable alternative source of information when estimating inflation. This paper discusses the main advantages but also the challenges of using scanner data in the CPI measurement. The main purpose of the paper, however, is to discuss the problem of selecting an optimal price index formula that would be appropriate for the highly dynamic (in terms of product rotation) scanner data. The considerations, supported by examples of empirical studies, will be demonstrated using the PriceIndices package in the R environment. (original abstract)
tom 19
nr nr 3
In Turkey, the housing market is affected by various factors, and housing prices are shaped according to current conditions. In this study, the relationship between the housing price index (HPI) and economic variables (inflation and exchange rate) in Turkey was investigated. We used a 10-year time period for this study, from January-2010 to December-2019, with monthly data frequency. For our research, we employ the Wavelet Coherence Transformation (WCT) method. The results show that there is a positive relationship between inflation and housing prices in the short and long run. In addition, a continuous rise in inflation led to an increase in housing prices all over the period from 2010 to 2019. The findings of this study can aid in achieving the goal of the research by offering evidence-based perceptions of how housing prices and different economic variables are related. Housing costs in Turkey increased as a result of the substantial likelihood that the Turkish lira would weaken. The expansion of global inflation is a further anticipated factor contributing to the rise in housing costs in Turkey. This study can also be used by investors to help them decide whether to engage in the Turkish real estate industry. (original abstract)
Jednym z celów, jakie stawiają sobie praktycy ekonomii jest przewidywanie wahań cen towarów i usług konsumpcyjnych. W artykule przedstawiono implementacje podstawowych metod ilościowych, służące wyjaśnieniu zmian w kształtowaniu się inflacji. Narzędzia te mogą być również z powodzeniem stosowane do budowy prognoz tego zjawiska w Polsce. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In the paper we present several models describing monthly CPI in Poland in the period from January 1992 to December 1999. Linear regression models and neural networks contain: nominal wages, industry output sold and unemployment rate as well as lagged CPI as explanatory variables. CPI is predicted on the basis of actual data of descriptors and forecasts of explanatory variables that are estimated by applyin: tend, Holt and moving average models. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie wpływu wybranych czynników makroekonomicznych takich jak: PKB per capita, przeciętne wynagrodzenie roczne w gospodarce, minimalne wynagrodzenie za pracę, stopa bezrobocia, indeks cen dóbr i usług konsumpcyjnych, dochody rozporządzalne gospodarstw domowych, udział wydatków w dochodzie rozporządzalnym oraz współczynnik Giniego na krajowy i zagraniczny popyt turystyczny Polaków w latach 2004-2017. Hipotezą wymagającą weryfikacji jest zagadnienie, czy rosnący standard życia obywateli Polski przyczynia się do wzrostu ruchu turystycznego oraz zwiększenia wydatków ponoszonych na podróże. Zgodnie z wytycznymi UNWTO za mierniki popytu turystycznego przyjęto: ruch turystyczny (uczestnictwo w podróżach turystycznych, liczba podróży, liczba noclegów) oraz wydatki turystyczne. Analizy dokonano odrębnie dla wyjazdów turystycznych krajowych i zagranicznych w podziale na podróże krótkoterminowe (od jednego do trzech noclegów) i podróże długoterminowe (minimum cztery noclegi). Wszystkie dane dotyczące mierników popytu turystycznego pochodzą z bazy danych Eurostatu []. (fragment tekstu)
The socio-economic development of Poland after 2004, as the actual date of entry into the European Union, is associated with transformations in various sectors of economic life. One of the most dynamically developing sectors is tourism services, and this is confirmed by macroeconomic indicators every year. Among numerous works showing the importance of the growing tourist demand and its impact on the economic development of the state, there are no such studies which would indicate in a deeper way what kind of economic factors and which of these factors play a fundamental role in this process. This work indicates such factors and verifies the hypothesis about the impact of the growing standard of living of citizens on the increase in demand for tourist services in Poland. The relationship between individual measures of tourist demand and macroeconomic indicators in the form of Pearson's linear correlation coefficient was examined. The survey results indicate that the growing standard of living of Poles in 2012-2017 contributed to the increase in domestic and foreign tourist traffic and the level of expenses incurred for long-term travel abroad. However, it was not large enough to significantly increase expenses incurred for short-term domestic and foreign trips as well as long-term domestic trips, nor did it contribute to an increase in the percentage of citizens taking part in long-term foreign travels. (original abstract)
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