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Content available Insurance in the Light of Biblical Teaching
Polonia Sacra
tom 26
nr 1
This article deals with the contemporary topic of non-compulsory insurance, which is still controversial among Christians. Some Christians believe that using non-compulsory insurance is good, while others think it expresses a lack of belief in God or that using insurance is a sin. This study will show the reader that Biblical texts encourage prudent provision for more difficult times. The person, who does so, fulfills the obligation to perform acts of good will toward his neighbor.
tom 9
In the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, many Jews belonging to high society and undertaking freelance occupations began to assimilate with their usually Christian environment. This was often a necessary prerequisite (also legally) for their social advancement. Nevertheless, their assimilation was rarely complete. In most cases, it was only partial and concerned clothes, everyday habits and education. The change in religion did not become a mass phenomenon in either Europe or America – quite the opposite. This limited assimilation was testament to the Jewish attachment to their religion, regardless of the centuries-long life in the Diaspora. Although numerous changes had occurred in the world, many of the rules respected by Jews throughout history remained valid. For instance, in their hierarchy of importance, education remained higher than wealth
Christian feminist theory faces many stresses, some due directly to the apparent nature of Christianity and its seeming patriarchy. But feminism can also be thought inherent in Christianity. All people are made in God’s image. Christians should view women and men as equals, just as they should see people of all races as equals. The basic question discussed, within a biblical and philosophical framework, is if it possible for Christian feminist theory to hold that there is an essence to being a woman, being a man or being human all the while recognizing vast differences among women, among men and among human persons? I propose a beginning solution to this problem.
Observing the transformations taking place in the world, it is important to note the need for continuous reference in various areas of human life to Mary, whose example is always relevant. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to present Mary as a model of faith and moral life for the contemporary disciples of Christ. Mary – with her example – teaches one how to be a disciple of Christ in an authentic way, not superficial one. She is an example of understanding the Christian life as a commitment. Looking to Mary as an example, the individual learns to obey God in the path of faith and finds the values that lead him or her through the paths of the Christian moral life. Life permeated with the Marian spirit becomes an inspiration for the contemporary disciples of Christ to grow in faith, to do good and radically reject everything which is in contrary to the Christian ideal.
Using an empirical approach, this study addresses the question whether followers of different religious beliefs (Christians, Muslims, and Hindus), as well as Atheists and Agnostics manifest different senses of humour when rating a variety of jokes. The study further investigates whether one’s religious background influences the threshold of what is considered offensive. And finally, it seeks to answer whether jokes targeting religions other than one’s own are always perceived as funnier. Analysing the results of a public survey (N=783) containing a blend of religious and non-religious jokes (including irreverent ones), we found that Hindus demonstrate overall the highest humour appreciation among all the groups, while Christians were the least amused by the jokes presented on the survey. Muslims had overall robust humour responses, despite reporting the highest incidence of being offended. Atheists were the least likely to be offended, and they generally enjoyed irreverent jokes. All groups agreed that if a joke was seen as offensive, its funniness was reduced.
The first layer of Aromanian Christian terminology is common for all the Balkan Romance languages. It contains a number of inherited Latin terms and some early assimilated Greek loanwords, due to the Oriental origin of Christianity. As for the later layer, the compound of terms related to ecclesiastical organisation and liturgy or to more sophisticated doctrinal concepts, the Balkan Romance languages substantially differ. In Romanian, it was formed on the basis of Slavonic (or Greek via Slavonic), which was used in the Romanian Orthodox Church by the 17th century. The liturgical language of the Aromanians was Greek (maybe except for Moscopole) and therefore, Aromanian mainly based its religious terminology on Greek, but also on Turkish and Albanian, which can be seen in the Aromanian Missal from the second half of the 18th century. In the next centuries, Aromanian religious vocabulary was strongly influenced by Romanian. The contemporary versions of religious texts, including the Bible (e.g. Caciuperi’s translations), introduce a series of Romanian terms instead of the old ones.
Jacek Krawczyk (1966-1991), a secular Catholic who studied theology at Catholic University of Lublin perfectly realized the ideal of a Christian by living with faith, hope and love, and practicing the moral virtues that lead him to serve God and man. He received thorough religious education and through the deepened life of prayer, he discovered the path of his secular calling to holiness, which was confirmed by his heroic love in the service of the sick and the poor. The depth of faith and trust in God has been expressed above all by the courageous endure of a deadly illness in which he was fed by the sacraments, until the end he became a witness to the love of Christ crucified. Jacek is an example of a young man who, being sensitive to beauty and good and enjoying life in marriage, has consistently matured to eternity.
Jacek Krawczyk (1966-1991) świecki katolik, studiujący teologię na KUL, doskonale zrealizował ideał chrześcijanina przez życie wiarą, nadzieją i miłością oraz praktykowanie cnót moralnych prowadzących do służenia Bogu i człowiekowi. Otrzymał staranne wychowanie religijne i przez pogłębione życie modlitwy odkrywał drogę swojego świeckiego powołania do świętości, które zostało potwierdzone przez jego heroiczną miłość w służbie chorym i ubogim. Głębia wiary i zaufania wobec Boga wyraziła się nade wszystko przez mężne znoszenie śmiertelnej choroby, w której karmiony sakramentami, do końca okazał się świadkiem miłości do Chrystusa Ukrzyżowanego. Jacek jest wzorem młodego człowieka, który zachowując wrażliwość na piękno i dobro oraz ciesząc się życiem w małżeństwie, konsekwentnie dojrzewał do wieczności.
Eusociality is the most successful animal social system on earth. It is found in many social insects, a few crustacean species, and only three vertebrates: two African naked mole rats and human beings. Eusociality, so unusual for a vertebrate, is one of main factors leading to human beings becoming the most successful land vertebrate on earth by almost any measure. We are also unique in being the only land vertebrate with religions. Could the two be related? This article will present evidence, illustrated primarily with Judaism and Christianity, that these two seemingly unrelated social systems – eusociality and religion – that correlate temporally in our evolution, are possibly related. Evidence will also be presented that a (mostly) non-reproducing exemplar caste of celibate clergy was a eusocial-facilitating aspect of religion in western social evolution.
The members of the Catholic Church have both rights and responsibilities, which result from the nature of the human being, as people are called to follow their vocation in life. However, to make it possible people and their activities must be protected by the rights and duties. Code of Canon Law sets out the rights and responsibilities of those who believe. It should be emphasized that these rights and duties permeate each other. A human being, as a member of the community of the Church through baptism, has the right, but also the obligation to promote holiness in life and thus strive to achieve it, since not only does it enrich inner life, but it also affects family life making it more human and more Christian. Parents should enjoy the right to educate their children according to their own beliefs and systems of values, and the state authorities cannot infract or destroy these systems. The right to education is a part of the idea of evangelization, which should originate from the closest members of a family. At the same time members of the Church, including both parents and children, can rely on help from the clergy in achieving salvation. They have the right to form associations and the right to defend the good name.
The Christian Creeds outline the central beliefs of Christianity, providing a universal statement of faith for Christians everywhere. This is an account of one perspective on the Creeds, which begins in a narrow Christian community, moves through isolation and solitude, and ends at the edges of a new community; a journey which edges towards the human goal of self-acceptance and understanding. The doctrines are often perceived as fact, but are there grounds for a more nuanced approach? Theologically, some insiders have developed new approaches to Christianity, while traditional Church theology maintains a stubborn outward attitude of non-compromise. Others who have attempted to develop a more existential approach have been often vilified and disowned by the Church. But is there a third way? One which encompasses neither theological technicality nor angry emotional rejection, but a gradual dawning, personal realisation that we are all moving from one type of community to another, and that the answers lie in doubt rather than certainty. This paper analyses internal and external dialogues the author has experienced, when moving from the confines of a small Evangelical Christian Church community, through solitude, to the tentative edges of a new multi-vocal community. Starting with an analysis of Fowler’s methodology as a tool to evaluate the faith narrative, the author will examine the multiplicity of voices that have informed her journey. She will stop on the way to challenge and encourage the young adult who has become an outsider, to acknowledge the voices of dissenters, to accept a different form of spiritual friendship, and to encounter an evolving community which accepts new voices of gender, doubt and radical interpretation. Finally, she will visit a new creed and ask whether, in the famous words of T. S. Eliot, ‘... the end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started / And know the place for the first time’.
Chrześcijańskie Credo wylicza główne prawdy chrześcijańskiej wiary, zapewniając jej uniwersalne wyznawanie wszystkim chrześcijanom. W tekście przedstawiono stanowisko autorki, perspektywę ujmowania wiary narodzonej w wąskiej chrześcijańskiej wspólnocie, przeniesionej przez izolację i samotność na brzeg nowej wspólnoty, mającą za cel osobową samoakceptację i zrozumienie. Doktryny są zwykle postrzegane jako fakty; czy istnieje jednak miejsce na światłocienie, na bardziej zniuansowane interpretacje? W teologii niektórzy ‘wtajemniczeni’ rozwijali nowatorskie podejścia do chrześcijaństwa, podczas gdy tradycyjna kościelna teologia pozostaje zewnętrznym, upartym stanowiskiem braku kompromisu. Ci, którzy próbowali rozwijać bardziej egzystencjalne podejścia, byli często szkalowani i usuwani z Kościoła. Jednak czy istnieje trzecia droga? Taka, która zakłada nie teologiczny formalizm czy wściekły, emocjonalny bunt, ale stopniowe przebudzenie świadomości, że wszyscy wyrastamy z jednego typu wspólnoty ku innemu, a odpowiedzi leżą bardziej w wątpliwościach aniżeli w pewności. Artykuł analizuje wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne dialogi, które autorka prowadziła w okresie przechodzenia z granic małego Ewangelikalnego Kościoła, poprzez samotność, do niepewnych brzegów nowej, wielogłosowej wspólnoty. Rozpoczynając od analizy metodologii Fowlera, jako narzędzia ewaluacji religijnych narracji, autorka bada wielość głosów, które oddziaływały na jej wewnętrzną podróż. Przystanki na tej drodze wynikały z potrzeby: wsparcia i zachęty wobec młodych dorosłych „outsiderów”, umocnienia głosów „odszczepieńców”, akceptacji różnych form duchowej przyjaźni i wreszcie napotkania rozwijającej się wspólnoty, która zdolna jest pomieścić nowe głosy „gender”, wątpliwości i radykalne interpretacje. Ostatecznie przygląda się „A New Creed” i zastanawia się – słynnymi słowami T. S. Eliota – czy rzeczywiście „…pod koniec wszystkich naszych odkryć dotrzemy tam, skąd wyruszyliśmy i poznamy to miejsce po raz pierwszy”.
The author of the article presents the role of divine mercy in the Christian life. The purpose of the paper is to present the teaching of Pope Francis on this truth of faith. The author points at the importance of select aspects of mercy in the Catholic Church. The article makes reference to the recently completed Jubilee Year of Mercy. It argues that Pope Francis’ teaching on divine mercy is a continuation of the whole teaching of the Church on this element of the Catholic faith.
Imię Jahwe „Jestem, który Jestem” wyraża istotę Boga. W sensie biblijnym oznacza Boga, który „jest” ze swoim ludem. W sensie filozoficznym oznacza pełnię istnienia. W Starym Testamencie imię to zostało objawione Mojżeszowi. W Nowym Testamencie objawieniem imienia Bożego jest Jezus – Jehosua: Jahwe jest zbawieniem. Jezus używa formuły objawieniowej „Ja jestem”, identyfikując się ze swoim Ojcem i wskazując na swoje mesjańskie posłannictwo. Objawieniem imienia Bożego jest Modlitwa Pańska, w której Bóg jest określony jako Ojciec, wiąże się również z nim jedno z wezwań modlitwy będące prośbą o uświęcenie imienia Bożego. Przykazanie nakazuje szacunek dla imienia Bożego i całej rzeczywistości sakralnej. Zabrania ono używania go do błahych spraw, a tym bardziej do składania kłamliwych przysiąg lub wypowiadania przekleństw. Imię Boże powinno być wzywane z najwyższym szacunkiem, w czasie modlitwy z rozwagą i sprawiedliwością.
The name “I am who I am” expresses the essence of God. In a biblical sense, it signifies God who is with His people. In a philosophical sense, it denotes the fullness of existence. In the Old Testament the name is revealed to Moses, whereas in the New Testament, the revelation of the name of God is Jesus – Yeshua: “Yahweh is salvation”. Jesus uses the revelational formula “I am” identifying with His Father and indicating His messianic mission. God’s name is revealed in The Lord’s Prayer, in which God is described as the Father, and in which also one of the supplications is a request for the name of God to be revered. The second commandment commands respect for God’s name and for the whole sacred reality. It forbids using the name in vain, in particular by taking a false oath or by swearing. The name of God should be called on with the highest respect in prayer, with prudence and justice.
Vox Patrum
tom 90
Gregory’s Homily 12 on the Song of Songs offers one opportunity to trace the legacies of the compelling claim, in Galatians 6:17, that Paul bears “the marks of Christ” on his body. Gregory appeals to this verse to aid his exegesis of Song 5:7 (a violent passage he calls “repellant in its plain sense”) and develop his claims that “the wound”, after all, is “an admirable thing”. My paper probes social and ethical dimensions of this exegetical and cultural conceptual lineage. It surveys wounds and marks in Homily 12; suggests how other works by Gregory support “striking and wounding” as enacting spiritual healing (ἴασιν); considers contexts for violence in the name of guardianship and instruction in late antiquity; and closes by considering violence enacted in the name of Christianization and “civilization” in Canada’s residential schools. This study embeds Gregory’s treatment of Gal 6:17 in a larger attempt to raise critical questions about the persistence of benevolent understandings of trauma and violence across diverse Christian exegetical contexts and the harms such understandings may perpetuate.
One of the aims of St. Paul’s epistles is to provide his addressees with moral instruction. There is such content related to morality in the apostle’s epistles, providing a basis and justification for moral norms. This study deals with elements of Christianology in St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians. The former term “anthropology,” used in St. Paul’s vision of the Christian, has been replaced by the term called “Christianology.” Saint Paul’s material on Christianology is very rich; therefore, this study is limited to the most important aspects of following Jesus Christ based on selected Polish language commentary on St. Paul the Apostle’s Epistle to the Ephesians. This epistle contains specific guidelines on how to follow Christ.
Jednym z celów listów św. Pawła jest przekazanie adresatom treści moralnych. Znajdują się u Apostoła treści, które stanowią podstawę i uzasadnienie dla norm moralnych. Niniejsze studium traktuje o elementach chrystianologii w Liście św. Pawła do Efezjan. Dotychczasowy termin „antropologia” stosowany do Pawłowej wizji chrześcijanina został zastąpiony terminem „chrystianologia”. Pawłowy materiał chrystianologiczny jest bardzo bogaty, dlatego ograniczono niniejszą refleksję do najważniejszych aspektów dotyczących naśladowania Jezusa Chrystusa w oparciu o wybrane polskojęzyczne komentarze Listu św. Pawła Apostoła do Efezjan. W Liście znajdują się konkretne wskazówki jak naśladować Chrystusa.
The ancient Rome belongs to the most important cultural sources of Norwid’s work. The aim of this article is to analyse the significance of the motif of gladiator in the writings of Norwid. The article examines poems Spowiedź [Confession] and Spartakus [Spartacus] and also fragments from other texts in which appear paraphrases of the well-known words that according to the popular opinions were used by gladiators to greet emperor: Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant. The poet regarded bloody Roman circus games as a sign of deep depravity of the ancient Rome and a gladiator as an involuntary, heroic and lonely actor of them, who was aware of the moral degradation of the spectators. The motif of gladiator often functions in the works by Norwid as an exemplum used by him to speak about such problems of his time as: the role and status of a poet in the 19th century, Christian attitude towards apostatic civilization and the key issue of the truth. Norwid’s gladiator is often a poet, Christian and simultaneously Norwid himself.
Starożytny Rzym należy do najważniejszych kulturowych źródeł twórczości C. Norwida. Jednym z symboli antycznej, pogańskiej Romy jest gladiator, który jednak nierzadko funkcjonuje też jako jej antyteza. Celem artykułu jest analiza znaczenia motywu gladiatora w pismach Norwida. W artykule omówione zostały wiersze Spowiedź oraz Spartakus, a także fragmenty innych tekstów, w których Norwid zamieścił parafrazy słynnego okrzyku, którym - według popularnego przekonania - gladiatorowie mieli pozdrawiać cesarza: Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant. Poeta postrzegał krwawe igrzyska gladiatorskie jako wyraz głębokiego zepsucia i zła Rzymu, a gladiatora zazwyczaj jako ich mimowolnego, heroicznego, osamotnionego aktora, świadomego degradacji moralnej swoich widzów. Figura gladiatora to w pismach Norwida zazwyczaj egzemplum wykorzystywane w refleksji nad takimi, aktualnymi dla autora zagadnieniami, jak rola i status poety w rzeczywistości dziewiętnastowiecznej, postawa chrześcijańska wobec uwarunkowań apostatycznej cywilizacji, a także kluczowa dla tych nawiązań problematyka prawdy. Pod postacią Norwidowego gladiatora kryją się najczęściej poeta, chrześcijanin i siłą rzeczy też sam Norwid, łączący dwa wymienione przymioty.
The question of Christian’s identity was an imperative issue in the socio-religious realities of the fourth and fifth centuries. This topic was undertaken by St. Augustine as a priest of the community of Hippo. Taking examples from the life of the faithful people it explicates the events from the fundamental perspective, i.e. from the point of view of a Christian. This publication presents the first part of the Christian attitude with regard to others. The second part is devoted to the overriding respect for the world in which people live as Christians. The third part presents the Christian as a citizen of the Roman Empire. Numerous moralistic indications create a somewhat handbook for Christians and present the concrete postulates for Christian formation.
Kwestia tożsamości chrześcijańskiej stanowiła ważne zagadnienie w religijno-społecznych realiach IV/V w. Stała się tematem, który podejmował, św. Augustyn jako duszpasterz gminy hippońskiej. Czerpiąc przykłady z życia wiernych, interpretuje wydarzające się sytuacje na podstawie fundamentalnej opcji, jaką jest bycie chrześcijaninem. Prezentowana publikacja w części pierwszej ukazuje postawy chrześcijanina w odniesieniu do bliźnich. W myśl biskupa Hippony relacje interpersonalne pomiędzy mieszkańcami Hippony bez względu na wyznanie czy pochodzenie mają być budowane na wzajemnym szacunku i braterskiej miłości. Druga część poświęcona jest zasadniczemu odniesieniu w stosunku do świata, w którym żyje chrześcijanin. Wierzący w Chrystusa ma traktować życie ziemskie jako wędrówkę ku wieczności i nie może zapominać o zmienności i przemijającym charakterze rzeczywistości świata. Część trzecia ukazuje chrześcijanina jako obywatela Cesarstwa Rzymskiego, który jest zobowiązany do rzetelnej i sumiennej służby państwowej, pozostając wiernym Bożym prawom. Liczne wskazania parenetyczne tworzą swoiste vademecum dla chrześcijan, są konkretnymi postulatami w formacji chrześcijańskiej.
Данная статья посвящена первому покровителю христианского Востока, ушедшему во славу Божию со своей верой и исповеданием истины. Этот текст призван представить профили избранных божественных заступников восточного мира, часто забываемых современным обществом во времена чумы. Однако эта тема слишком обширна для одной статьи, так что это лишь введение в агиографию святых Востока.
The article is dedicated to the first patron of the Christian Orient, who passed away in God’s glory with faith and professing the truth. It aims to present the profiles of selected divine intercessors of the oriental world, often forgotten patrons for the time of the pandemic in today’s society. However, this topic is too extensive for one article, so it is only an introduction to the hagiography of the saints of the Orient.
From close to its inception, St. Augustine’s misunderstanding of the nature of ancient Greek philosophy, “Christian philosophy,” and the way the human soul essentially relates to human body caused formal Christian education to be (a) born in a somewhat unhealthy condition, (b) founded upon a devastating mistake of organizational self-misunderstanding, which essentially prevented it from comprehending how human reason could function both abstractly as a contemplative (or speculative) scientific intellect and concretely as a command and control prudential reason. This flaw in Augustinian psychology of the human person and Augustine’s misunderstanding of the nature of ancient Greek philosophy continued to influence Christian education from the start of the Christian West until the Christian and secular universities of today. For contemporary Christian education to preserve its identity in an increasingly fragmented world, a psychology of the human person adequate to explain the essential connection between the human soul and body and the nature of philosophy must replace this flawed Augustinian psychology that continues to plague the contemporary world.
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