On the 7 November 2017 the opening ceremony of Polish+ Program took place in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province of People’s Republic of China at the main Wangjiang Campus of Sichuan University. Ceremony started from opening remarks by Vice President of SCU prof. Yan Shijing and Katarzyna Wilkowiecka – Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Chengdu. Then all guests listened to a speech given by prof. Duan Feng, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures where newly opened Polish Department is located and where Polish language is thought. All speakers underlined great importance of Polish+ Program for the future of Polish – China cultural and economic relations. After official part of the ceremony Consul Wilkowiecka gave a lecture titled “Introduction to Poland” illustrated with multimedia materials. Than Vice Consul Agata Pieńkosz presented documentary film about Maria Skłodowska-Curie whose 150 birth anniversary was celebrated at the same time. After lectures Deputy Director of the International Office at Sichuan University Dr. Guang Yang introduced the first teachers of Polish language and culture employed at SCU Polish Department – Mirosław and Danuta Jelonkiewicz from Polonicum UW and Marta Ułańska Ph.D. from Łódź University. The last part of ceremony was performance given by all 14 students of Polish+ Program. They sung polish popular song “Szła dzieweczka do laseczka ….” in Polish language. Their performance was enthusiastically welcomed by the audience. After ceremony, students, their Polish teachers and main coordinator of the Polish+ Program Yu Miao Ph.D. went for traditional Sichuan dinner with typical Sichuan dish called hot-pot. Polish+ will help to introduce new Chinese foreign policy called “One Belt, one Road” into Sino-Polish relations.
The article describes the continuation of the pioneer Polish+ program launched in 2017 at the University of Sichuan in Chengdu. The author of the article is a teacher of Polish as a foreign language during two semesters of 2018/2019. She is teaching Comprehensive Polish and Polish culture during the Polish Corner, where together with the second lecturer introduces Polish music, movies, traditions and presents the realities of life in Poland. Apart from topics discussed during classes, the article describes also activities undertaken outside of them, including Christmas Eve, Leszek Możdżer's concert or a theater performance prepared entirely in Polish.
Цель статьи - оценить институциональные и правовые условия развития социальных предприятий в Китае путем анализа действующих национальных положений, косвенно касающихся этих субъектов, местных пилотных схем и действующих в них систем аккредитации социальных предприятий, а также сформулировать рекомендации лицам, принимающим решения, относительно дальнейших необходимых мер по развитию социальных предприятий. Проведенный анализ позволил сделать несколько ключевых выводов. Китай находится на ранней стадии внедрения институциональных и правовых решений, важных для развития социальных предприятий. Отсутствуют национальные законы и политика, регулирующие статус и функционирование этих организаций. Национальные положения о некоммерческом праве и законе о компаниях косвенно касаются социальных предприятий. Дополнительный набор правил необходим для учета гибридной организационной формы социальных предприятий. Кроме того, необходима всесторонняя оценка существующих институциональных и правовых механизмов, реализованных в рамках местных пилотных схем (в Чэнду, Шунде-Фошань, Шэньчжэнь, Пекин). Они обеспечивают основу для национального законодательства и политики в отношении социальных предприятий. Проблема по-прежнему заключается в недостаточном понимании концепции и важности социального предпринимательства лицами, принимающими решения на государственном уровне.
The aim of the article is to assess the institutional and legal conditions for the development of social enterprises in China by analyzing the current national provisions, indirectly relating to these entities, the local pilot schemes and the accreditation systems of social enterprises operating within them, as well as to formulate recommendations to decisionmakers concerning further necessary measures for the development of social enterprises. The analysis carried out has drawn several key conclusions. China is at an early stage in the implementation of institutional and legal solutions which are important for the development of social enterprises. There are no national laws and policies regulating the status and functioning of these entities. The national provisions on non profit law and company law relate indirectly to social enterprises. A complementary set of rules is needed to take account of the hybrid organisational form of social enterprises. In addition, a comprehensive assessment of the existing institutional and legal arrangements implemented under local pilot schemes (in Chengdu, Shunde-Foshan, Shenzhen, Beijing) is needed. They provide the basis for national legislation and policies relating to social enterprises. Insufficient understanding of the concept and the importance of social entrepreneurship by decision-makers at the government level can be considered problematic.
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