The atelier of the Central Textile Museum in Łodź carries out — on a regular basis — the preservation of objects that are the property of the Museum. They include tapestries, gobelins, carpets, embroided silk fabrics, kontush sashes, flags, robes, fans and today’s artistic fabrics. n each individual case the most suitable technique is applied. Because of a big variety of items it is difficult to find a proper way of procedure. The biggest difficulties are encountered in case of modern fabrics made with different techniques and usually from materials of poor quality.
The aim of the article is to present the activities of the Library and Archives Department of the Central Museum of Textiles in Lodz during the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic. It attempts to answer the question of what impact the pandemic had on the work in the library. The moment of closing and the change in the way the institution works, as well as the tasks of the library and the company archive were described. Safety rules for using the library after its reopening were presented, as well as the facility’s plans for the future.
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie działalności Działu Biblioteka i Archiwum Centralnego Muzeum Włókiennictwa w Łodzi w okresie pandemii koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2. Podjęto w nim próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jaki wpływ wywarła światowa epidemia na pracę w bibliotece. Opisano zmianę sposobu pracy instytucji po decyzji o jej zamknięciu, omówiono realizację zadań biblioteki i archiwum zakładowego. Przedstawiono zasady bezpieczeństwa podczas korzystania z biblioteki po ponownym jej otwarciu oraz plany placówki na przyszłość.
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