In the footsteps of the Second Vatican Council’s doctrine the last document of the International Theological Commission deals with sensus fidei as an important methodological aspect of Catholic theology. The article aims to present the current state of discussion concerning the sense of the faith without entering into specific details. In the first part three wrong views of the category are criticized. It should be apparent that no correct understanding of the sense of faith in the Catholic Church can have the role of religious public opinion in competition with the teaching of the Magisterium. In the second part, attention is turned to the relationship between sensus fidei and the work of theologians in positive terms. Respect for the sense of faith must be expressed inter alia by humble listening to the members of the people of God followed by critical discernment of the truth. The saints of the Church can offer a solid orientation.
The Church, accepting the paschal gift of peace, carries it onto the next generations of the faithful, at the same time dissociates itself from pacifist ideologies. Nevertheless, it does not fear to use military provenance vocabulary in the proclamation of the Gospel. Freedom that Christ brings may be the foundation of freedom for particular nations and states. Apart from philosophers’, historians’ and political scientists’ opinions, theologians’ statements regarding anthropologies founding pacifisms send out an important message that can contribute to the national and international security development.
Kościół, przyjmując paschalny dar pokoju, niesie go w kolejnych pokoleniach wierzących, jednocześnie odcinając się od ideologii pacyfistycznych. W głoszeniu Ewangelii zaś nie obawia się on posługiwać słownictwem militarnej proweniencji. Wolność, którą przynosi Chrystus, może być fundamentem dla wolności poszczególnych narodów i państw. Wypowiedzi teologów o antropologiach fundujących pacyfizmy to obok opinii filozofów, historyków i politologów ważny głos mogący się przyczynić do tworzenia bezpieczeństwa tak narodowego, jak i międzynarodowego.
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